Hardcore crisis

Chapter 31 Misstep

They chose a Western restaurant and went in, randomly choosing a black pepper steak. Jiang Zihan and A Yue sat in a row, while Lu Yuan sat alone across from them.

"Handsome guy, I didn't ask for your phone number last time. What's your phone number? Where are your WeChat and QQ numbers?"

As soon as they sat down, Ah Yue began to ask with interest. The chattering look was very different from the impression he had on Lu Yuan during the last meeting.

It's just that this time is different from the past. Lu Yuan didn't have much interest in communicating with him. He just muttered a few words casually and let Ah Yue see it.

"Handsome boy, are you worried about something? You look like you're covered in mud. Didn't you just get into a fight with someone?"

"Haha, you're overthinking it. It's just that you fell down outside. It's not that big of a deal... Speaking of which, Jiang Zihan, why do you look so unhappy?"

Lu Yuan changed the topic to Jiang Zihan. The previous kidnapping incident, especially the one committed by her boyfriend, was a huge blow to a woman. It is estimated that she has not recovered yet, and it will leave a heavy burden for the rest of her life. The psychological shadow is certain.

"Zihan...hey, it's better not to mention this matter."

Sure enough, Ah Yue's attention was diverted immediately, but when it came to Jiang Zihan, she naturally would not take the initiative to talk about it.

"I'm fine, don't worry Ayue."

Jiang Zihan forced a smile.

"So I want you to be more open-minded. I've known for a long time that that man is not a good thing. Fortunately, you broke up in time, otherwise who knows what will happen in the future."

Speaking of that man, Ah Yue was full of anger.

One woman is like a duck, and two women are like a group of ducks. Especially after two women immediately became interested in a chicken, their fighting ability skyrocketed.

While eating dinner, Lu Yuan had no choice but to deal with the curiosity and questions of the two women. He secretly regretted going in with these two women for dinner. This was definitely a huge mistake.


Lu Yuan, who had been paying attention to the scene outside the restaurant, immediately spotted the T1000 coming from the opposite side, and hurriedly knelt down and lay under the table.

"Hey, Lu Yuan, what are you doing?"

The two women were startled by Lu Yuan's sudden behavior.

"Oh, something fell down, let me look for it."

This so-called search lasted for more than ten seconds. Guessing that T1000 should have passed by, Lu Yuan carefully raised his head and looked out with a sneaky look.


It was so fucking thrilling. If this happened a few more times, he would have a heart attack.

This is great. The T1000 is really searching for his traces inside. If he goes out now, he will most likely be noticed.

"I found something... uh, is there something dirty on my face?"

Turning around, the two young ladies stared at him with strange expressions, as if there was something on Lu Yuan's face that deserved keen attention.

"Does it take you so long to find something?"

Ah Yue said angrily: "Is it comfortable to watch down there?"

Lu Yuan's emotional intelligence was not low, and he immediately realized what Ah Yue meant. He was dumbfounded and wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start. Fortunately, both women were wearing dresses, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it clearly... Wait, look at Ah Yue's contemptuous expression, she doesn't think she is looking at their feet, right?

"I want to say that I am really picking up things. Do you believe it?"

Lu Yuan was extremely sincere.

"..." The two women shook their heads.

"Then I have no choice but to tell the truth."

Lu Yuan sighed and looked solemn: "Actually, I am being hunted by someone. The person who is chasing me is very dangerous, so for the safety of the two of us, we cannot stay together for a long time."

Ah Yue: "..."

Jiang Zihan: "..."

This remark is simply despicable to the extreme. Even if it is used as a joke, it is like a cold joke. People cannot laugh and can only feel speechless. After eating for a while, Lu Yuan felt that a long time had passed without any accidents. He raised his wrist and pretended to look at his watch.

"Well, it's almost time. I have something to do. Let's have more fun next time we meet."

Without giving the two a chance to talk, Lu Yuan stood up to pay the bill, walked out of the restaurant cautiously, and looked around to see if the middle-aged man T1000 had transformed into was nearby.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no middle-aged men around. Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his swollen temples with both hands. His thinking had become dull due to the side effects of the medicine, and he was beaten a lot, and his body felt exhausted. .

"Hey, handsome guy, why are you running so fast?"

Later Ah Yue and Jiang Zihan also hurriedly caught up. Ah Yue was very dissatisfied: "Why are you so anxious? Can't you accompany us to watch a movie?"

Facing such a bold invitation from a girl, as a man, there is simply no reason to refuse. If so, it must be because the girl opposite her is not pretty. Yes, if Ah Yue was alone, many men might reject her, but if there wasn't Jiang Zihan next to her, she would be irresistible.

But Lu Yuan still refused. He was not in the mood to be flirtatious at this time. He shook his head and said, "It's really something. Let's wait for another day."

After saying that, Lu Yuan hurriedly blended into the crowd. Ah Yue behind him was so angry that he stamped his feet angrily to no avail.

Instead of going down the escalator or sightseeing elevator, Lu Yuan chose the emergency stair passage at the back. Going out from there would be safer than the escalator.

When traveling through the crowd, the crowd is the best cover, but it cannot last too long. Even if the computing power is weak due to the characteristics of liquid metal, the facial recognition ability is not comparable to that of humans. If he thought that staying like this among the crowd was the safest thing to do, Lu Yuan was not that naive.

But... I always feel like I'm missing something.

After walking for more than ten meters among the crowd, Lu Yuan felt a little restless. Suddenly he paused and looked at someone in front of him who was looking directly at him.

He was a young man, wearing the most common T-shirt, and his appearance was not unusual. He was the kind of person who wouldn't notice him at a glance.

But this young man's eyes... were very cold and indifferent, without the emotions that ordinary people should have, as if they were a machine without emotions...



I finally realized where I had gone wrong. I was too careless. The liquid metal robot was a guy that could change its appearance and body shape at will. My mind had always fixed it on the middle-aged man. It was definitely a huge mistake.

It came over, just as Lu Yuan quickly recognized it. In front of the T1000 with facial recognition capabilities, Lu Yuan naturally couldn't escape its eyes.

So...he really didn't want to encounter such a situation.

Turn around and run away?

With so many passers-by blocking him, his chances of escaping were slim.

Come forward and fight?

That is purely seeking death.

Then there is only...

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, instead of retreating, he rushed forward. Of course, this charging forward was not a desperate fight, but a sudden push on the escalator, and the whole person jumped directly sideways.

This place is four stories high. Jumping down like this is undoubtedly courting death, and it is courting death in a miserable way. But the sightseeing elevator next to him was slowly descending from the fourth floor. Lu Yuan's jump was so bold that he aimed at the top of the sightseeing elevator. He jumped over a distance of more than two meters, and in an instant his body landed on the sightseeing elevator. the top of.

It is conceivable that such a big living person hit the sightseeing elevator, which immediately caused the sightseeing elevator to shake slightly. However, the height of the jump was not too high, and people in the elevator could not see the top, so it was not possible at all. I didn't expect someone to be so bold.

The people in the elevator couldn't see it, but it didn't mean that the people around him couldn't notice it. Lu Yuan's movements were extremely fast, and he suddenly jumped out. Several women next to him thought he had committed suicide by jumping off the building, and they screamed in fright, but they couldn't think of anything else. In the blink of an eye, the person jumped directly to the top of the elevator.

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