Hardcore crisis

Chapter 3 Extraordinary changes

How can people distinguish what is different from before?

This is not easy. Human change is a gradual process. If you want to distinguish yourself from the original change, it will take a long time to compare.

This shows that human change is a long-term process, not a transient one.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as suddenly going bankrupt and becoming irritable, etc.

But Lu Yuan was different. His change was not a mutation in his personality, but a change at the genetic level. To be precise, it was an instant evolution.

He raised his head and looked around. In a medium-sized room, there were randomly thrown clothes and slippers, leftover snacks, overflowing trash cans, smelly clothes, and messy plugboards with wires... …

Lu Yuan is very calm, calmer than ever before. This is not easy. Compared to his previous self, calmness is just an adjective. Anyone who wants to be true and right! To truly and completely calm down is a very difficult thing to do.

But he did it easily, like instinct.

People know how to eat and drink water, it is their own instinct, so he is like this now, calmness is his instinct.

Lu Yuan stood up, grabbed the cables with both hands and straightened them out. By the way, a rubber band could easily solve the complicated cables. Then he bent down and grabbed the trash can, took out a plastic bag from the kitchen, wrapped the garbage in it, and threw it at the door. outside.

This is not his home.

As if possessed by a washer who had been washing dishes for decades, Lu Yuan had never felt that washing dishes was such a happy thing. Every bowl turned into a cheerful elf dancing in his hands, and the clear water turned into flowing clothes. , accompanying every dance of the elf in his hand.

It was just a dozen dishes and chopsticks, and I finished it easily without feeling the passage of time.

Clothes, dirty clothes need to be thrown into the washing machine.

Dry clothes need to be neatly packed away.

The littered rubbish is all sorted neatly, and the unfinished books are put into boxes in an aligned manner.

Then came the mopping... It had been a few weeks since the floor had been mopped, so the mess on the floor was obvious. Lu Yuan was very surprised, why didn't he realize it before?

Why can you tolerate such a dirty and messy environment?

After half an hour to get everything done, Lu Yuan took a shower, changed into clean and fresh clothes, shaved his beard again, and stood in front of the mirror, his ink-like eyes reflected the light of the light, and his whole person's mental temperament was completely different. Same.

Why am I so stupid? If you dress like that to meet your girlfriend's parents, your success rate will naturally be very low.

Various memories were reviewed in his mind, and he realized that when he met the other person's parents, he saw him inadvertently frowning, being unhappy with his wrinkled clothes, the dissatisfied tone of his stuttering answers, and even the wrinkles on the other person's parents' faces. The flakes of skin on his forehead, and even the reaction of his girlfriend next to him, all came to mind clearly.

"So that's it..."

Countless flashback scenes flashed through his mind, and Lu Yuan grasped the key point in an instant.

The reason for the low success rate is not only this, but there is another most important reason. Of course, it is not important now.

A smile slowly formed on his lips, he put on clean clothes and walked out of the door, heading towards the street.

It's different, everything is different.

In front of Lu Yuan's eyes, the whole world was transformed from black and white pictures into vivid 3D color paintings. Everyone walking on the street was in sharp contrast to before. This does not mean that they have changed, but that Lu Yuan looks at them differently from before.

"Ah, Lao Wang, let me tell you, don't talk about the money. What is our relationship..."

On the opposite street, a middle-aged balding man clinked wine glasses with the people next to him, talking loudly with a blushing face.


On the barbecue rack, the fat dripping from the cooked chicken wings collided with the charcoal fire, making a chirping and explosive sound.


The hot wind in the summer night blew the flags on the roof of the building, making a loud sound.


Several stray dogs shuttled back and forth under the tables of night stall customers, looking for food scraps discarded by people.

His senses were strengthened more than ten times, and the speed of brain calculation was more than a hundred times faster. All the sounds on the street penetrated through his ears, and together with the images reflected by his eyes, they painted a vivid picture that was so huge that it was difficult to measure. The amount of data is easily processed by the brain.

It's not too difficult to get a result as long as you think about it.

Walking on the street, Lu Yuan's back was straight, his eyes were sharp, his steps were neither fast nor slow, but he looked strong and strong. He was dressed in a slim and formal suit, and his whole body seemed to be exuding a dazzling brilliance.

It was obviously just simple casual clothes, but it matched the extraordinary appearance of its owner, but it could give off the illusion of a big-name star. In just a few hundred meters away from Lu Yuan, there were four or five young girls passing by, and they couldn't help but be attracted to him. , it is not his handsomeness, but the strong and confident aura of his biomagnetic field that gives Lu Yuan his unique appeal.

What does strong self-confidence come from?

The answer is simple, it comes from mastering yourself!

There is no fear, no fear, no shyness. All the things I have learned, seen and read before, that is to say, everything, no omission is placed on the bookshelf of the brain, well organized and waiting to be called at any time.

This feeling is wonderful and comfortable. The rope that previously bound him has been broken off, and a new world is unfolding in front of him. What is there to be dissatisfied about?

Even if it’s just a bowl of noodles.

This bowl of noodles is also different from before.

The four tastes of sour, spicy, salty and numb seemed to rekindle a certain mechanism deep in the body, allowing Lu Yuan to elevate this taste experience to the extreme. He instantly understood what condiments the boss used in this bowl of noodles, and From this, we can understand how harmful these condiments are to the human body.

Therefore, it is better to eat less food from outside.

"Lu, Lu Yuan?"

Walked in from outside the store, sat down next to him, glanced at him, and seemed to recognize him with uncertainty.

Without raising his head, the moment this sound entered his ears, Chen Jiu's memories seemed to be recalled from the hard drive and played back at a speed that did not conform to the laws of human imagination. Lu Yuan understood who this was.

A high school classmate whom I haven’t seen in nearly eight years.

Turning around, it was true that the person in my memory had matured a lot in eight years, but the familiarity between his eyebrows remained unchanged.

If a person's appearance undergoes some changes, then the overall image will undergo great changes, especially for women. A high school classmate whom they haven't seen for eight years is now a mature and beautiful professional woman. People can't help but look back on the good times in the past. .

First of all, let me make it clear that the only one looking back was Lu Yuan, who took less than 0.1 seconds to do it.

As for the lady, she was still in the state of astonishment.

Just as a person cannot blame a pig for its stupidity, Lu Yuan has no reason to blame this compatriot who is physically a human but whose intelligence is quite different.

"Xiaohan, is this your friend?"

Next to this astonished lady stood a woman whose appearance, height, voice, and abilities were inferior to those of her peers. Lu Yuan would describe her as Ms. A.

"Yes, it's me."

Lu Yuan smiled slightly and stood up: "Jiang Zihan, I didn't expect you to become so beautiful after not seeing me for eight years."

"Ah, Lu Yuan, it's really you."

Jiang Zihan looked Lu Yuan up and down, and was pleasantly surprised: "You have changed a lot too."

"Come on, Ah Yue, let me introduce you. This is Lu Yuan, my classmate in high school. Lu Yuan, this is Ah Yue, my roommate."

Ms. A named Ah Yue frowned and glanced at Lu Yuan, saying dissatisfiedly: "Okay, Xiaohan, I haven't seen your high school classmate for eight years. Do you still want to talk about your old relationship with him tonight?"

"Hey, Ah Yue, don't say that."

Such a ruthless approach made Jiang Zihan extremely embarrassed, and he hurriedly said to Lu Yuan: "Lu Yuan, I'm sorry, Ah Yue has always been so outspoken. In fact, she didn't mean any harm."

No, no, no, no matter whether she has any malicious intentions or not, she is just a Ms. A, just like an NPC, why should she be angry?

Lu Yuan smiled: "Come on, there's no room left, so just sit here first."

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