Hardcore crisis

Chapter 2 NZT-48

Fast forward to when the protagonist digs out the medicine from his brother-in-law's house, then leaves the police station and returns home. At this time, after counting the money, the protagonist is supposed to take out the medicine and take it, but the protagonist in the player is looking around in shock. The plastic bag placed aside was inexplicably missing.

"Fuck, fuck, where did it go? Where did it go?"

Unable to find the medicine, the protagonist went crazy and made a mess in the room, but still couldn't find the plastic bag.

"Uh...man, this thing doesn't belong to you, does it?"

Lu Yuan looked down at the plastic bag in his hand, then looked up at the irrational protagonist in the player, and suddenly felt something was wrong with his brain. Was this scene in the original plot of the movie?


Nonsense, of course there is no such thing.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yuan made up his mind, hurriedly picked up the key and walked towards the door. Halfway there, he hesitantly returned to the computer desk, grabbed the plastic bag and hid it under the bed, then hurriedly went out and walked towards the street outside. .

There were seven or eight Internet cafes on this street. Lu Yuan chose one at random, put in his ID card, pressed money, and then found a spare computer and started it. Before the computer could fully enter the desktop, Lu Yuan clicked the mouse impatiently. He was so anxious that he wanted to smash the computer.

After finally entering the desktop in a matter of seconds, Lu Yuan quickly went online to find a movie website and chose to watch "Never Ending" online.

It's the same as before. When the movie progresses to the point where the protagonist leaves the police station and returns home, counting money and taking medicine is exactly the same as the plot of the movie in Lu Yuan's memory, without any changes.


Are you spoiled for choice at home?

Lu Yuan, who was extremely confused, suppressed the strong confusion in his heart and read the plot several times. After confirming that it was correct, he pulled the progress bar to the end. After finding that the plot was still the same, he exited the browser and walked to the bar to check out.

"what happened?"

After hurriedly returning home, Lu Yuan turned on the player and once again witnessed the changed plot.


It’s impossible for the director to make two “Nevermore” movies, right?

Lu Yuan was speechless, staring at the paused screen of the player, completely confused by the thoughts in his mind. How can ordinary people easily accept such a supernatural event that is beyond ordinary people's understanding when it actually happens in front of them?


The sound of violent breathing resounded in the room. Lu Yuan's eyes were red, as if he hadn't slept for several nights. Excited emotions were piling up in his chest, and they might explode at any time.

This is an opportunity!

Yes, it’s a great opportunity!

A once in a lifetime opportunity! No matter what the reason for this was, this opportunity was right in front of him.

The pills in that plastic bag are most likely NZT-48! In the movie, anyone who takes this drug can greatly develop the use of human brain potential in one minute, thereby achieving a super improvement in intellectual learning ability.

With this kind of medicine, wealth, power, and everything else people pursue in this world are at your fingertips. Not to say it's easy, but it's easy... However, the side effects of this medicine are also obvious. Once you stop taking the medicine, or take it for a long time, If drugs are used, the consequences will be a significant loss of energy, inability to concentrate, splitting headaches, and even death.

Is there any solution?

Yes, the protagonist solved the side effects of NZT at the end of the movie and reached the pinnacle of life.

The question now lies in two points. First, is this really NZT?

Second, are you capable of solving the side effects?

Lu Yuan took out the plastic bag from under the bed and stared at the pills inside. Lu Yuan fell into deep thought and psychological struggle. Should he give up? Or try taking one?

The inner struggle lasted for less than half a minute before Lu Yuan gave up. When such a magical medicine was placed in front of him, no one had any reason to give up.

So we face the first question, is this poison? Or is it really NZT?

The best way is to give the pill to a third party. Even if it is poisonous, Lu Yuan is not afraid. But if this was really NZT, Lu Yuan would not dare to give the pills to a third party. People who took this kind of drug would have extremely terrible brain reasoning abilities and facial senses. He did not feel confident that he could do it without any trace. If a third party reacts and comes to him while the medicine is taking effect, it will definitely be a problem.

So, give it a try on animals?

NZT is a drug for humans and may not be effective on animals, but it is still a good way to test whether it is toxic.

Lu Yuan immediately took out a grain of NZT, crushed it into water, mixed some bread with the water, and walked downstairs carrying the plate. In front of the teahouse downstairs, Aunt Liu kept a dog and often squatted in front of the teahouse to sleep. Lu Yuan was going to use it to test it.

First he looked at the teahouse to see if anyone was paying attention, then Lu Yuan knelt down and shouted: "Mi Chong, come here, let me give you something to eat."

The puppy also knew Lu Yuan and was not afraid of animals. When he saw something to eat, he ran over and started eating. A large plate of bread was devoured in no time.

"No more, go back quickly."

After kicking the clingy puppy away, Lu Yuan felt a little apologetic. If the pills were poisonous, wouldn't he have harmed this innocent puppy? Thinking of this, he felt that he was not thoughtful again.

Fortunately, he squatted aside and pretended to play with his mobile phone and observed for half an hour. The puppy was full of energy and showed no abnormalities, so he returned home with peace of mind.

"It seems that this thing is not poisonous..."

When the interruption continued and his heart was still in confusion, Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment and threw the pills into his mouth as if resigned to his fate: "I bet, if I die, I will die... At worst, there will be another one twenty years later... Ah, it is still the same as expected... It’s better not to die.”

No normal person would want to die. No matter how bad life is, it is still a good thing to be alive.

Swallowing the pills down his throat, Lu Yuan mentally prayed that he would not die. Although the chance was small, it would be fine if the dog took it... Wait, what if the symptoms appeared a few hours later?

Such a possibility suddenly occurred to him, and Lu Yuan felt regretful in his gut. He was still too young and too impulsive.


This feeling……

Lu Yuan clearly heard the beating of his heart getting stronger and stronger, and the blood flowing faster and faster. His vision blurred for a while, and then it seemed as if a ray of fire burst out in the darkness, and the whole world became brighter.

Just like a blind man seeing the light again, the oscillating sounds in the air were compiled into sound waves of countless frequencies, rippling in the air round after round, and penetrated into Lu Yuan's mind.

Lu Yuan heard the sound, yes, heard the sound.

Sound is a very common thing. Every normal person will hear all kinds of sounds in his life, from conversations, cars, airplanes, computers, etc. There is no pure silence in this world. Wherever there are people, human beings are surrounded by sounds every moment.

Humans will selectively ignore most sounds. This is the right thing to do. There is no need to waste energy focusing on sounds that are not important to them.

Therefore, humans also ignore most sounds.

The hot air at night pours in through the windows, bringing with it the noise of people outside the street, the honking of cars, and the aroma of barbecues from various restaurants.

It comes to mind very clearly, clearly, and obviously.

Lu Yuan tilted his head, feeling very strange. He was wondering why he had ignored so many interesting sources of sounds before.

The uneasiness that had just emerged in his heart dissipated instantly, and Lu Yuan understood that he was different.

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