Hardcore crisis

Chapter 15 The devil comes out of the cage (Part 2)

No matter which one it is, it is frightening.

"Who is it? Who is causing trouble here?"

A group of people stood in front of the door. Some were still trying their best to pry open the door, while others took out the steel rods on the motorcycle. As the boss, Lawn even took out a pistol from his arms and waved his hand. , followed a few people and strode back to the original place.

The three companions, whose legs were broken and their wrists were broken, were already dying and unconscious. They had lost a lot of blood. If they did not receive treatment in time, they would not be able to survive for long. However, what Lao En and others are concerned about at this moment is not their companions, but who is causing trouble here.

"Tell me, are you, you bastard, up to something?"

The gun was pointed at Eddie's head. Frightened and angry by the strange scene, Lawn stared angrily. Losing his composure, he had the urge to shoot immediately.

"Don't shoot, calm down, I'm serious... I've told you to leave."

"You bastard."

Lawn was by no means a good and patient person. It was common to break other people's leg bones if he disagreed. At this time, he was completely irritated by Eddie's appearance, and he was about to pull the trigger at the first move of his finger.



Lawn looked down and confirmed that the gun he had just held in his hand had disappeared.

What the hell, what's going on?

Lao En, who was completely stunned by this scene, screamed in pain again, as if his chest had been hit by something heavy. He felt his head buzzing, and he fell down when he was caught off guard.

In the eyes of the two people nearby, first the gun in Raun's hand suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then Raun's entire face became distorted, and then he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"NO, NO..."

Seeing that Lao En didn't understand why, he fell to the ground. The two of them and the people behind them were even more nervous and frightened. They had always threatened to kidnap others. When had they ever had fear, but now fear took over for the first time in their lives. Their chests were so full that many people lost their minds, yelling and kicking the iron door, trying to open it.

But the thick iron door of the factory cannot be broken open easily with just human power.


Fiery fire appeared from the sky again, and everyone turned around and just glanced at it, their whole bodies became weak with fear, and a large amount of adrenaline was secreted. What a terrifying sight it was. Driven by some mysterious force, the blazing fire gathered together in the air to form a human shape? No, there are double helix horns on the forehead, and wings made of blazing fire are growing on the back. No matter how you look at it, it looks no different from the image of a demon in hell.

This is not a bluff from a Hollywood factory. A living reality scene appears in front of your eyes. The strong suffocating despair and fear stimulate everyone's psychological emotions to collapse.

"Bang bang bang..."

Under extreme fear, some people were on the verge of collapse. They took out their guns while cursing and shouting, pointed at the flame demon and started shooting, trying to use the power of the gun to drive away the demon.

However, how can a flame without substance be hit by a bullet?

The shuttle warheads shuttled feebly, and modern thermal weapons that could not even make waves were too weak and fragile for this "hell demon" composed of high-temperature flames.

Collapse, complete collapse.

Just because humans can cruelly bully their own kind does not mean that they have a similarly strong psychology before facing supernatural phenomena. On the contrary, no matter how brave a person is, when they encounter an unknown thing that cannot be understood, their performance will not be any better than that of the villains present. A dozen members of the New York Motorcycle Gang ran away from both sides of the gate like crazy, not caring about the motorcycles they cherished in the past. At this time, the farther they could get away from the flame demon, the better. How could they think so much.

Raising his right hand slightly, the flame demon showed no expression, no words, and no emotion. He aimed at one of the big white men from a distance, but no movement was seen. A bunch of flames suddenly shot out, forming a line of fire in the air, and quickly He quickly hit the big man's black leather coat.

The flames fueled by gasoline, as soon as they touched the leather clothes, burned violently in an instant. The man rolled on the ground miserably, trying to extinguish the flames on his back, but it was in vain, and he could only emit light in the rapidly spreading flames. Scream.

What happened to the companions made the others feel terrified. The factory was so big, where else could they escape except through the sealed door?

One after another, no one could escape the sea of ​​fire. Those who used to torture their enemies with such cruel methods could never imagine that they would have such a miserable end today. When the last member fell under the flames, the screams from the factory finally came to an end. It is a state of calm that has been restored.

The factory building in a calm state is the state it should have been in most of the time since the factory was built, if the stench of burning in the air is eliminated.

Eddie wanted to vomit. This thought was not transferred to him consciously, but quickly reflected in his body. Just hanging on the cross, he happily vomited the filth all over the floor.

Terrible, terrible. Is this the power that the devil has?

This is not a power that should exist in the human world at all, but an existence that should be sealed in hell. Why does it appear in reality? If you had to show up, why did you show up in New York? Still by his side, this shouldn't be the case!


The iron chain holding him was suddenly untied, and Eddie, who almost fell on his own vomit, quickly rolled to avoid it, but he was next to the burnt corpse. He suddenly felt nauseated and felt like he just wanted to eat these days. He vomited out all the food. It was obvious that his stomach was already empty after vomiting, and it was impossible to vomit anything.

"Jingle Bell……"

After being discarded, the BlackBerry phone that survived the disaster once again started to ring. Needless to say, it must have been the devil urging him.

Eddie, who was almost exhausted, reluctantly stood up. He walked over and picked up the phone and looked at it. There was a line of words quickly typed on it: "Leave immediately!"

Nonsense, who dares to stay here in this hellish place? He must hurry up and leave here without the urging of this devil.

Try not to use your eyes to examine the corpses on the ground, and at the same time avoid the traces left behind. After a lot of effort, you walked to the door. The door that the villains could not open with all their efforts before slowly and automatically slid to both sides. Don't bother with Eddie. In a way, this demon attached to him seems to know a little bit about service.

In a panic, Eddie did not go out through the front door. He followed the instructions and found a corner to climb out. Then he quickly left the scene until he found a taxi a few streets away. After twists and turns, the taxi stopped far away from his residence. After getting off the bus, he continued to walk several different routes before carefully returning to the rental house.

As soon as he returned to the rental house, what he experienced today was too bizarre. It was beyond the scope of common sense and could not be easily accepted by ordinary people. After all the troubles, Eddie, who was tired and thirsty, could no longer continue to do things and fell into a deep sleep on the bed. Go, even if you put a gun to his head, don't wake him up from his sleep.

The surrounding environment gradually dimmed, until suddenly the light completely disappeared, and everything returned to silence and cessation.

In the real world, Lu Yuan let go of the mouse to close the player, and casually reached out to play with the gold jewelry he had taken out. He felt that the test was quite successful.

Not only did he successfully get the gold, but he also tested his attack capabilities in the movie world. Although there was a slight mistake in the middle... He killed more than a dozen people, but it was strange that this kind of killing happened across the screen. It is difficult to bring a moral and physical stimulation in this way, just like killing a few NPCs while playing a game.

It is true that the world opposite is very real, but through the screen, it is difficult to have a reality that can be observed with the naked eye. It is even more illusory, and it still cannot give Lu Yuan a complete sense of immersion.

But this is sensory. Reason tells him that he can influence the world over there and can talk to people. Various signs indicate that it seems to be a real world! rather than illusory code.

Then why did he take action without hesitation?


Lu Yuan's expression changed slightly.

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