Hardcore crisis

Chapter 14 The devil comes out of the cage (Part 1)

"Hey kid, you don't admit it?"

The leader looked at Eddie carefully and saw that he was wearing a valuable suit and a high-end BlackBerry used only by business people. He stopped his companion who was about to take action: "Wait a minute...what's your name?"

"You...you listen to me, you don't even realize what you are doing."

Eddie was covered in cold sweat, not because he was afraid of what these people would do to him, but because he was afraid of the devil.

"We don't know what we're doing?"

The leader turned back, "He said we don't know what we're doing?"


Everyone was laughing, thinking the poor guy was scared silly.

"I'm not lying to you, listen to me... you'd better leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

After seeing the power displayed by the demon before, Eddie no longer doubted that it was the demon, the real demon. Especially the "Are you ready?" message that appeared on the phone made Eddie even more frightened, and he always felt that there was an unknown premonition lingering in his heart.

Unfortunately, his words were completely ridiculous in the eyes of these people. The leader approached Eddie: "Let's make it clear, man, I don't think you are dressed like one of Mork's men...but you have to You know, this is our territory, outsiders cannot break in at will, so you have to pay some price."

"Fifty thousand dollars, take out fifty thousand dollars and you can leave intact."

The leader reached out and took out Eddie's wallet from his clothes: "Let me see how much money there is. Well, all I can imagine is only three hundred dollars."

Americans who are used to swiping cards for consumption do not have a lot of cash in their wallets. It is normal. The leader threw the change to the woman aside and took out a few cards in the wallet: "Fifty thousand dollars to buy your leg is worth it, right? I advise you. Please agree quickly, my patience is not very good, if I change my mind, you will have to pay twice the price."

"You'd better leave quickly, I'm not kidding you."

The ominous feeling in Eddie's heart became stronger and stronger, so much so that his heart began to beat violently.

"This guy needs to suffer a little bit."

Smiling ferociously, looking at the leader's acquiescence, the men on the side took out daggers and walked into Eddie, staring at his fingers maliciously: "Look, losing a finger won't actually affect your life." .”

Verifying this idea was cheered by everyone present. The man grabbed Eddie's right hand and made a few gestures. Seeing that Eddie's sweat was soaked in the white shirt inside, he was about to chop it off with a knife.


The man looked at his wrist in disbelief. He was supposed to chop it off with a knife, but when the blade was a few centimeters away from Eddie's finger, his wrist suddenly changed direction.

To be precise, it was a 360-degree turn, and the wrist was twisted into a twist at an incredible angle. Just looking at it was enough to make one's scalp tingle.

Pain, extremely severe pain suddenly broke out, and the man let out the most painful scream in his life. The dagger fell to the ground with a "snap", and he knelt down on the ground, covering his right wrist that had been twisted 360 degrees.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly, he saw his companion covering his hands in agony, and the people present had not yet reacted.

"My hand, my hand!"

With snot and tears streaming down his face, the man screamed for help. The two people who were close to him surrounded him and were shocked when they saw the miserable state of his companion's right hand that was being covered.

"Oh my God, Hans's hands, his hands..."

"What happened?"

The leader pushed the two of them away and walked up to take a look. He was immediately surprised: "**Hans, what are you doing?"

"My hand, hurry up, take me to the hospital, it hurts me to death."

It was not a fracture, but the wrist was forcibly twisted several times. The bones of the wrist were probably broken into pieces. You could see the broken bones sticking out of the skin, and the bloody appearance was very scary.

But this is not the end.

Just when everyone was confused and shocked, the unlucky guy who was called Hans, the pain had not subsided, and a look of fear and terror appeared on his face again. The left hand covering his right hand seemed to be forcibly strangled by something invisible. He slowly took it away from his right hand without resistance. Even if Hans wanted to resist in fear, he could only watch his left hand being strangled and left.



As if the wrist of his left hand had the right to move freely, under the stunned eyes of everyone, it slowly, slowly, rotated clockwise with absolute momentum.

The wrist can rotate 360 ​​degrees, but the prerequisite is that the palm of the hand is spread out instead of the back of the hand facing upward. With the back of the hand facing upward, the wrist rotates another 360 degrees, and the sound of the bones cracking is so long. It sounded in everyone's ears, cruel and extremely familiar.

Breaking other people's bones is definitely a very interesting thing, and they do it often, but if this kind of thing can't happen to themselves, it won't be very interesting.

"Hans, you're crazy!"

Thinking that Hans was hurting himself, his companions exclaimed as a matter of course.

But only the devil knows, Hans swore that the pain was so painful that all he could do was scream. The scream that could pierce the ceiling really took all of his energy to feed.

"Quick, tie him up!"

"Is he having epilepsy?"

Lifting Hans from the ground, the two tried hard to restrain his shaking body, but before they could tie him up as instructed, they threw Hans to the ground screaming.

"Hand, hand..."

The same tragic situation as Hans's happened to these two people at the same time. Their wrists rotated at a terrible angle, large areas of bone fragments pierced out of the skin, and blood surged out.


If one person has epilepsy, it's impossible for two others to have epilepsy, right?

Everyone finally felt that something was wrong, and quickly took a few steps back from the three people who fell to the ground, not daring to get too close.

"**,what happened?"

Grabbing the neck of the person next to him, the leader was so angry that his blood burst into tears.

"I-I don't know."

"Zhengzheng..." A harsh sound sounded from behind.

Everyone looked back and were shocked to find that the door of the factory was gradually closing. There was only a "bang" sound and the door was firmly closed.


Some people couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Was it an illusion just now? Has the iron door become an automatic door? Can I turn it off remotely?

"What the hell? Get up!"

The leader pushed away the blocking men, rushed forward and kicked the three people who were lying on the ground, "Get up, you bastards, are you still pretending to be dead?"

"Help, Boss Lao En, help!"

Hans hugged the leader's legs tightly and screamed for help. No matter how audacious the leader Raun was, he took countless lives. He watched Hans' legs start to rotate clockwise out of thin air, and the bones burst and stabbed from the muscles. When he came out, his eyes widened and his breathing almost stopped.

Are you kidding me?

How could this happen?

No matter how crazy and self-harming he is, such an action is impossible.


Hans was not the only one. The other two people who fell to the ground also screamed in fear. Their legs were twisted and bent, and the bones burst out and stabbed out from the thighs. The scene was so tragic that it was comparable to the most terrifying horror. Filmed.

"Oh my God, oh my God."

Even the most idiotic person knew something was wrong. Everyone looked at Lao En, waiting for him to speak.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

Lawn took a few deep breaths, suppressed the fear in his heart, kicked Hans away from him, ignored the screams of the three people on the ground, turned around, got on his motorcycle and rushed towards the door.

The rest of the people didn't have much sympathy, and they didn't care about their companions on the ground. Seeing that the boss was gone like this, they didn't care to stay in this damned place and drove towards the door.

However, the door was closed, and the few people who came down couldn't open the locked door even with great efforts.

"What the hell is going on?"

Seeing that the door could not be opened, as if the pulley was stuck, everyone looked at each other and looked back at their companions who were still screaming on the ground. The screams were getting quieter and quieter. I don't know if they were almost unconscious from the pain, or... about to die?

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