Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 534: : Who said that only the Earth United will cooperate?



"You move me!"

In the cockpit of the Rebirth Gundam, Ash Grey roared angrily.

He slapped the instrument panel with both hands, trying to get the Reborn Gundam, which had lost its dynamic response, to stand again.

However, no matter how he slapped and manipulated, the Rebirth Gundam remained unresponsive, only the flashing red light kept reminding him of the fact that he had been shot down again.

"Oh, you're not dead? This is an unexpected development."

Just as Ash Gray was groaning, the disgusting voice suddenly came from the internal communication of the cockpit: "But it sounds like you are very angry."

"Are you here to humiliate me, Mattis!"

If you want to say who Ash Grey hates the most, Noel Cassia of Covenant Gundam is one, followed by Matisse.

The reason to hate Noel Cassia is simple.

The reason why he hates Matisse is a bit strange, and his heart is extremely resistant to Matisse.

Or that when he saw Matisse for the first time, he felt that he didn't like her.

"Shame on you? I have no interest in humiliating my subordinates."

Mattis laughed.

"So you're here to talk nonsense with me?"

Ashley Gray asked rhetorically.

"Do you want to redeem this gaffe in front of you?"

Mattis glanced at the time, and was no longer in the mood to continue chatting with Ashley Gray.

"What's the meaning?"

Ashley Gray asked rhetorically.

"It's just the literal meaning, Covenant Gundam, don't you find it annoying?"

After Mattis finished speaking, without waiting for Ashley Gray to speak, he continued: "If you want, you can have the same strength as him, or even surpass his strength."

"What do you want to do?"

Although Ashley Gray has experienced brainwashing, it does not mean that he does not even have the most basic IQ.

"You seem to have made a mistake. The key now is not what I want to do, but whether you want the strength to destroy the Covenant Gundam."

Naturally, it was impossible for Mattis to tell Ashley Gray his plans.

Ashley Gray fell into silence. If he wanted to, the answer was of course, he wanted to dream, but Matisse was not a good person, there must be gains and losses—

However, watching Covenant Gundam, who was fighting fiercely in mid-air, recalled what had happened recently.

A look of coldness and determination flashed across Ash Gray's eyes.


[Eleven to twenty ballistic loading anti-beam thunderstorms—]

[Main battery charging starts—]

[No. 1 to No. 10 ballistic loading of anti-air warheads in the atmosphere—]

[missile approaching—]

[Avoid - turn left rudder 15! 】

【The automatic attack system starts! 】

[ms is close, the number is five! 】

[Atmospheric anti-air warhead - launch! 】

[Anti-beam thunderstorm - launch! 】


The interior of the Archangel gradually became noisy.

As the Archangel moved closer to the core of the battlefield, the Atlantic Federation's attack became more and more intense.

Freedom Gundam was besieged by Dark Assault, Dark Thunder, Azure Duel, and Emerald Storm.

Covenant Gundam was banned by Crimson, hunted by Chu Huang and contained by the dark sword disaster.

The two sword suits of Calamity that Sosis drove were restrained by Sword Calamity and Thunderbolt Gundam.

Hunting Gundam was chased and beaten by Warrior Gundam.

Although Freedom Gundam and Covenant Gundam are strong enough, there are too many elites in the Atlantic Federation.

With the fall of the Rebirth Gundam and the Archangel joining the battlefield, the entire battlefield situation still maintains a delicate balance.

[The missile is approaching - the number is thirteen! 】



[The port splint was shot! 】

[Anti-beam thunderstorm - launch! 】

As the battleship swayed, Ma Su continued to issue battle orders with a solemn expression.

In fact, the current members of the Archangel are not really all online. For some reasons, many soldiers have resigned after the war.

"Looks like I have to go out."

Looking at the thick smoke billowing out of the window, Andrew, who had lost one eye, stood up from his seat and smiled at Lux and Captain Maru.

The battleship enters the attack range of MS, which is very dangerous when there is no friendly MS to contain the enemy.

After all, compared to MS, the body of the battleship is always too large.

Sufficient firepower, but not enough flexibility.

"Please pay attention to safety and try to maintain a supportable range."

Lux nodded instructed.

Andrew Bartfield's strength is there for all to see.

As the commander of the ground forces of the "Desert Tiger", he has deep insight.

Commanding ability and driving ability are first-class.

It is a pity that he was seriously injured in the battle with the Strike Gundam driven by Kira and lost one leg and one arm.


Andrew smiled when he heard the words, turned around and walked into the elevator.


In the middle of the battlefield, Kira, who was treated with a covenant, discovered the plight of the Archangel.

Drop drop —

"What are you looking around!"

However, before Kira could react, the radar alert first turned on the red light.

The Azure Duel accelerated to the front of the Freedom Gundam, and the beam saber swept towards the Freedom Gundam cockpit.

Facing the sudden approach of the Azure Duel, while the Freedom Gundam raised the beam rifle, the back wing flipped and quickly retreated towards the rear.


While dodging the beam saber, four consecutive beams shot from the muzzle of the Freedom Gundam.

"Cut, disgusting guy!"


Miudi raised his shield to block the beam, and when he saw the free Gundam who had pulled away again, he suddenly felt a powerful sense of nowhere to go.

Unlike Covenant Gundam's melee contact, Freedom Gundam rarely engages with her hand to hand.

Even if she does find an opportunity to pass by, the other party will find an opportunity to escape in a very short period of time and use various long-range attacks to forcibly suppress herself.

Drop drop —

In the cockpit of the Freedom Gundam, at the moment when the radar alert appeared, Kira controlled the Freedom Gundam to turn around and drift, and accelerated into the air.


The waist muzzle flips and charges.

Aiming at the Thunder Gundam, which gradually became pitch black.

bang bang —

Two golden magnetic orbital shells flew off.

Then move to the left without looking back.


The high-energy beam nearly wiped the edge of the Freedom Gundam into the sky.

"This guy-"

Sams couldn't help feeling the same as Maudie when he saw the attack that was completely unsuccessful.

Freedom Gundam is really free.

Can't hit at all.


Before Samus could fire again, the back muzzle of the Freedom Gundam volley flipped onto the Emerald Storm Gundam.

Faced with the lock on freedom, Sams had to contain the weapon and retreat back to avoid it.

The high-energy beam arrived in an instant, wiping the emerald green storm and falling into the forest, rumbling and banging, and the stumps of trees flying all over the sky.

However, this scene did not appear in Kira's sight.


The jet-black Assault Gundam's anti-ship sword and the Freedom Gundam's shield collided together, and the beam particles flying all over the sky almost covered the screen inside the cockpit.

Through the sparks of the beam particles, the figure of the jet-black attack was close to Chichi.

Feeling the pressure of the shield's feedback, Kira's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

The Azure Duel and the Emerald Storm are actually not a big threat to Kira, or the two machines are just foils.

The real threat is the jet-black thunderbolt, and the jet-black strike in front of him.

The timing of the attack of the jet-black attack was extremely uncomfortable, and the attack method was methodical, and the stability made Kira feel like he was fighting against Aslan.

The black thunder is haunted, and the attack method is lingering.

Just as Kira was trying to break free from the dark storm, the radar alerted again.

Looking down, Emerald Storm raised a high-energy beam rifle.



The high-energy beam penetrated the sky and flew straight towards the Freedom Gundam.

It was also at this moment that the jet-black Assault pushed hard, and while leaving the attack range, he threw out the rocket anchor launcher in his hand.

Kira didn't have time for hesitation or thinking at all at this time, and when she stepped back, she quickly raised her shield to block the front.

Boom - blah blah -

The high-energy beam particles and the shield collided violently, and the red light in the cockpit flickered.

Finally, with the feeling of the shield holding arm, the energy of the high-energy beam disappeared.


However, just as Kira was about to evacuate backwards, a radar siren sounded from behind again.

Turning around, the dark thunder and the blue duel killed together.


Just as Freedom Gundam was about to turn around to face the enemy, a huge force suddenly came from the front.

Kira's eyes were stunned, and he found that a small chain was wrapped around Freedom Gundam's wrist at some point.

"Caught you!"


With the roars of Maudie and Canard, the figures of the two bodies gradually enlarged on the screen of the Freedom Gundam.


At the critical moment, Kira did not hesitate to fight against the blue duel.

Facing the head-on beam of Freedom Gundam, Maudie turned sideways and blocked all the beams with a shield, but it also delayed her approaching freedom.

After four shots from the beam rifle, Liberty dropped the beam rifle directly, and instead touched the beam saber on his waist.

stab -

The beam saber swept out of the body.

With the fall of the shield-holding arm, the Freedom Gundam turned around and used the flexibility brought by the five pairs of wings on the back, forcibly raised his leg and swept it sideways.

Looking at Chi Chi's cockpit and thighs, Canard swung down the beam saber with flickering eyes.

huh - boom -

With the sound of an explosion, Freedom Gundam, who had lost his right leg and left arm, took off his shackles with a beam saber and rose into the sky.

Swen glanced at the steel cable cut by the beam saber and the shield that fell from mid-air, slowly released the rocket anchor in his hand, and chased after the Freedom Gundam while holding the anti-ship knife.

This result is not bad.

"I want to see how many legs you have left!"

Kanad recalled the scene just now, and the Mirage system was activated again in the curse room.

This pitiful mirage system is easy to use, but it also has many disadvantages. If the beam weapon can't be used, it's a shit.

Otherwise, he just used the beam rifle directly to turn the Freedom Gundam into a sieve.

If it weren't for the jet black thunderbolt with a beam saber that does not need power from the body, there is no way to cause fatal injuries to the Freedom Gundam by relying on physical weapons alone.


On the other hand, the battle of Covenant Gundam continued to be hot.

However, unlike Freedom Gundam, which was completely suppressed, Covenant Gundam's situation is relatively better, but it is also limited.

And as time went by, Noel found that the cooperation of these three guys became more and more smooth, and the threat of attack became stronger and stronger.

"It's not the way to go on like this—"

Noel took time to look at the freedom Gundam being chased and beaten, and his eyes flickered with a decision.

The shortcomings between him and Kira are too obvious. The gap between melee and long-range makes them easy to target.


Thinking of this, Noel opened the communication and called to Kira.


Kira was stunned.

"Come closer to me, you are responsible for long-range containment, and melee combat is handed over to me!"

After Noel finished speaking, he lifted his leg and swept away the sword suit disaster in front of him, turned and flew in the direction of freedom.

Who said that only the Earth United will cooperate.

I just don't know how well I work with Kira.

"I see."

Kira instantly understood when he heard the words, and the four gun muzzles were activated at the same time, and flew in the direction of the covenant.

bang bang bang —

The four muzzles activated at the same time, forcibly pushing back the pitch-black assault and the azure duel.


It was also at this moment that a radar warning came from the rear again.


Kanad reappeared with a beam saber while roaring.

Beam Cannons and Magnetic Railguns will need to be recharged once fired and interrupted once unless they are used directly and continuously.

Although due to the characteristics of the Freedom Gundam's body, the charging time is much faster than ordinary MS, but this time is enough for him to do a lot of things.

Like opening the **** cockpit!

Drop drop —


bang bang —

However, before the black thunderbolt was close to freedom, the alarm sound of the black thunderbolt sounded first.

When looking up, two golden cannonballs flew out from the muzzle of the covenant's waist.

It was also at this moment that the Freedom Gundam passed sideways through the middle of the magnetic rail cannonball.



Along with Kanad's cry of pain, the shock wave generated by the explosion forced the jet-black Thunder Gundam back.

Drop drop —

However, the crisis of the Freedom Gundam was lifted, and the Covenant Gundam was banned by Crimson and hunted by Chu Huang because of the pause in the launch of the magnetic railgun.

At the same time, the calamity in the sword suit also caught up with the sword at this time.

"Go to hell—"


Drop drop —

It's a pity that before Orr and Sting pulled the trigger, the four beams in front rubbed the covenant Gundam flying forward and appeared left and right.



The sudden attack interrupted the attack of Crimson Ban and Chu Huang Hunt.

The two airframes had to accommodate the muzzle and drive the airframe to evade the attack.


In the cockpit of the calamity in the sword suit, Stella swept her knife towards the covenant in a roaring manner. Even if she lost the restraint of Crimson Forbidden and Chu Huang's hunting, she still had enough courage to engage in close combat with the Covenant Gundam.


However, after a setback, UU Reading Ship Chopping Knife could no longer move forward, only dazzling particle sparks flickered.

Drop drop —

Combat assistance systems provide simultaneous early warning with radar warnings.

stab -

The light of the ship-cutting knife flashed from top to bottom.

"Interesting, this can actually be avoided—"

Noel was a little surprised when he saw the sword suit Calamity who had lost half of his arm, who was quickly retreating.

At the same time, I also confirmed my guess. The strength of these guys has indeed become much stronger, and there are people who can evade their own attacks in this situation.

But definitely not them.

But this surprise was only for a moment.

As the sword suit calamity retreated, Nuoer turned around and the magnetic railgun flipped and pulled, and the two golden cannonballs swayed and flew towards the blue duel that was about to approach freedom.

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