Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 533: : Rebirth Falls, Warriors Rise

"Damn you!"

Ash Grey's eyes were bloodshot with anger.

There are four hooks on the back of the body in the roar, and each hook has a beam dagger on it.

He believes that his strength is strong enough to defeat all enemies head-on.

It was a shame for him to use the mirage particle sneak attack.

The stigma was exacerbated by the failure to injure the covenant.

And there is only one way to remove this shame - kill the covenant!

The front crimson forbidden back muzzle also lit up again at this moment.

He doesn't care what teammates are not teammates.

Seeing this, the Sword Suit Calamity pushed his arms vigorously, and took advantage of the retreat to release the suppression on the left side of the covenant.

Orr has often behaved irrationally since his genetic expansion.


At the same time when the pressure on the left side was relieved, the Rebirth Gundam activated its limbs with beam daggers like spider legs.

Like a **** mouth, it shrouded Covenant Gundam down.

"Are you joking with this little trick!"

Noel's eyes were slightly cold, and Covenant's right hand was bent, and the engine was fully opened and accelerated to the right.


Before the beam dagger fell, Covenant Gundam's elbow hit the front of the Rebirth Gundam cockpit.

While hitting the rebirth.

Taking advantage of this brief gap, Covenant turned and moved halfway to the right side with the power of the engine.

Succeeded in evading the two golden magnetic railguns.

However, the magnetic railgun dodged, and the twisted beam also circled from a distance to the front of the covenant.

A blinding light illuminates the void in front of the cockpit.


The flames and smoke produced by the energy explosion spread noisily in mid-air.

"You're trying to kill me, you bastard!"

In the cockpit of the Rebirth Gundam, which was affected by the explosion, Ash Gray held his body to reveal a frosty face, and looked coldly at Crimson Forbidden.

If Covenant didn't knock him away just now, or if he insisted on chasing Covenant.

The two magnetic railguns had to hit him.

Unlike Covenant Gundam's slenderness, Rebirth Gundam is a horizontally developed MS.

Even just now, he also managed to dodge the magnetic railgun in a dangerous and dangerous way.

"Watch your attitude, bereaved dog!"

Not to be outdone, Al Nida returned angrily.

As a second-generation expander, Al Nida doesn't have much of a companion concept in mind.

The only people who can be called companions are Stella and Sting, who came out of the same research institute.

"You two—"


Sting was just about to say something to stop the two.

Two golden magnetic railguns flew out of the smoke and hit the two, interrupting their quarrel.


With two explosions, Crimson Forbidden and Rebirth Gundam were both repelled.

The smoke shrouded around the Covenant Gundam also dissipated with the wind.


Stella, who had been waiting for a long time, saw this without hesitation, waving the ship-killing knife to speed up the sweep towards the Covenant Gundam.

She has always been preparing, preparing for the follow-up attack.

This is based on the recognition of the covenant's strength. The attack just now may be fatal to ordinary pilots, but the covenant—

Therefore, at the moment when the Covenant Gundam appeared, the Sword Suit Calamity appeared beside the Covenant.


The timing of the sword-mounted disaster was extremely precise, and the ship-cutting sword collided with the covenant shield attack.

All of a sudden sparks flew.


The covenant engine roared and roared, and the left hand holding the broken ship-killing knife pushed the sword-equipped disaster hard, and at the same time, the broken ship-killing knife flew away towards the sword-loaded disaster.

And the right hand of the covenant ship-cutting knife also swept towards the waist of the sword suit Calamity at this moment.


The sword-mounted Calamity twisted the ship-cutting knife, and flew the broken ship-cutting knife.

However, it was in this gap that Covenant Gundam's ship-cutting knife, which was intact in his right hand, came to the sword suit Calamity's chest.

Stella's pupils gradually narrowed, and she stepped back desperately and fell.

stab -

The tip of the ship-killing knife sparked, and the cockpit of the sword-equipped disaster fell into the void.


Noel can't help frowning when he sees the action of the sword suit disaster.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the reaction of these guys was faster than last time.

Normally, even if this knife can't directly kill the sword suit disaster, it is enough for her to drink a pot.

But now, he didn't even break the armor.

Could it be that your reflexes have slowed down?

beep —

He didn't wait for Noel to react from his thoughts.

The crimson forbidden adjustment body below shot the beam cannon and magnetic rail cannon again.

Rebirth Gundam also disappeared at this moment.

Noel's sight was scattered, and he drove the Covenant shield and retreated back.


The Crimson Forbidden Twisted Beam missed, but the two magnetic railguns landed exactly on the shield of Covenant's left arm.

The shockwave and smoke from the explosion sent Covenant Gundam back.

beep —

It was also at this moment that a giant beam saber swept through the smoke from the rear of the covenant, and appeared with a broad shadow that gradually activated the armor.

Rebirth Gundam's huge body with claws and claws, waving a giant beam saber into the smoke and sweeping towards the cockpit of Covenant Gundam.

"Have you fallen too—"

Nuoer murmured, driving the Covenant Gundam and turning around and swinging the knife.

Rebirth Gundam never chooses this attack method.

The guy who used to believe in frontal slaughter also started to play this kind of trick-


The ship-cutting knife turned sideways to block the giant beam saber.

The two bodies faced each other again, and the firelight shot by the particles scattered and jumped between the two bodies, and the fierce firelight filled the space in front of the cockpit.

"Have you also begun to fall? Does this little trick of sneak attack make you happy?"

Noel sneered.

However, in the face of Noel's question, Ashley Gray did not answer, but the coldness in his eyes became more intense.


Seeing that the attack was blocked, Rebirth Gundam quickly moved.

The four branches on the back like spiders, with four beam daggers, all grabbed towards the Covenant Gundam.

In an instant, Rebirth Gundam's attack almost completely wrapped the covenant.

This is Ash Grey's true intention. At least in the battle instinct, Ash Grey is good enough.

The beam dagger radiated a suffocating light and gradually approached the Covenant Gundam.

Looking at the almost dead-end attack, Nuoer's eyes flickered, and a slow world gradually took shape in his mind.

As his thoughts flickered, the image of Covenant Gundam being dismembered by a beam dagger came into his mind.

However, it was also in this messy picture that a perfect covenant flashed through my mind.

It was also at this moment that the world returned to normal, and the beam dagger of Rebirth Gundam was about to touch the armor.

"Kill me! You're still a long way off!"


The engines of Noel and Covenant Gundam roared together.

While pushing forward with the right hand, the body fell backwards.

Two beam daggers shot out from the toes.

The engine installed on the legs also roared at this moment.

stab -

With an accelerated spin like a backflip.

The Rebirth Gundam beam dagger slid across the armor on both sides of the Covenant Gundam and missed.

At the same time that Covenant's upper body fell backwards, Covenant Gundam's legs approached the Rebirth Gundam with the help of the engine acceleration.

"You can't escape!"

A sharp look suddenly flashed in Ash's eyes as he watched the beam daggers approaching below.

During the roar, he accelerated towards the direction where the Covenant Gundam fell.

Even if you die, you will also die with the covenant.

He had had enough of a world that couldn't transcend the covenant.

The feeling of suffocation that was always suppressed by him and could never be surpassed made him almost crazy.

Ashe Gray, who had completely abandoned everything, adjusted the giant beam saber in his hand, and the Covenant Gundam cockpit, which fell forward and backward as the tip of the blade flipped, accelerated and stabbed.

You can die, but only if you die with your covenant!

"That's the dumbest choice—"


However, at this moment, Covenant Gundam's back engine suddenly exerted force, and Covenant Gundam's left-hand shield attack, which should have fallen backwards, was placed in front of his chest and stopped flipping.

The full power of the engine even lowered the energy icon, which has remained on the green safety line, to the red line.

But it also turned Covenant Gundam from a backwards-down position into a sit-up-like position.

"Give me the past—"

In the cockpit of Rebirth Gundam, Ash Gray looked at the shield in Covenant's hand, his eyes gradually congested, and he manipulated Rebirth Gundam to try his best to deflect the whereabouts of the giant beam saber.

As long as it can pass through, even if the cockpit cannot be directly penetrated, the characteristics of the beam saber are enough to kill the inner driver.

However, as Ash Grey's expression gradually changed, Covenant Gundam's shield seemed to have an attractive effect with his own beam saber.


The fire from the collision of beam particles filled the small space in front of the two MS cockpits.

Covenant Gundam's shield appeared and blocked the giant beam saber.

Covenant's right-hand ship-cutting knife also stood up slowly at this moment.

"It's over—um..."

A pink face suddenly flashed in Noel's mind.


Ash Gray looked at the screen completely filled with beam particles, roaring and increasing his arm strength again.

The four steel branches are also thinking about grabbing ahead at this moment.

The light of the ship-chopping knife has gradually appeared in the screen filled with beam particles.

The best outcome now is to retreat, and only then will there be a chance of survival, but—

Everything was slow, but it only lasted five seconds from the appearance of the rebirth to the end.

stab -

Accompanied by the dazzling sparks of particle diffusion, the two bodies staggered past.

Sitting in the cockpit that was flashing red, Ash Gray tilted his head, looking at the red body that crossed him with a complicated expression.


The explosion of fire waves spread in mid-air, and the rebirth Gundam, dragging thick smoke, fell from mid-air to the forest.


Ashley Gray was lying in the cockpit covered with red light, staring blankly at the Covenant Gundam floating in the sky.

The mountain that seemed to be insurmountable forever caused a desperate anger in Ash Grey's heart.

beep beep —

Radar-locked sirens sounded in the Covenant Gundam cockpit.

bang bang —

Two consecutive twisted beams flew over the radar's siren.

"Tsk tsk, I really don't give you any time to rest."

Noel was speechless, driving the Covenant Gundam left and right back, avoiding the beam.


It was also at this moment that the black-painted sword suit Calamity rushed to the front of the covenant again.

The ship-cutting knife waved again.

"Two against one? Are you sure you can continue?"

Nuoer murmured, driving the Covenant Gundam to greet him.

rear battlefield.

The fall of the Rebirth Gundam silenced the soldiers who were watching all this.

Noyce looked at the giant Gundam lying in the forest, and his mind couldn't help but flashed through his mind when he met Noel. The young face made Noyce feel a little complicated.

the other side.

Unlike Noel's strength.

Hunter Gundam is losing ground in the battle with Warrior Gundam.

The four-door wired-induction pods make Mu la Flag miserable.

The sharp artillery fire and the attack without dead ends gave Mu La Flage a sense of sight of Cruze's rebirth.

beep beep —

bang bang bang —

The radar is wrinkled, and four golden missiles will hunt Gundam up to a blockade around it.

"damn it!"

While Mu La Flag cursed, Hunting Gundam transformed into ma mode and charged towards the sky.

beep —

However, with the flash of a shadow, Warrior Gundam appeared directly in front of Hunter Gundam.


The trigger was pulled, and three beams came staggered.

As Mu La Flage's eyes flickered, hunting Gundam Ma was spinning and climbing like a bird.

While dodging the beam, rubbing the front of the Warrior Gundam into the sky.

"Hmph, I can—"

beep —


Before Mu La Flage was happy, two beams suddenly shot from both sides of the body.


In a burst of explosions, Mu La Flag had to change the body back to MS.

beep —

However, the alarm sounded again like a bone-in-the-bone body.


The light of the beam saber flashed through the air.

Hunting Gundam broken arm.

In the cockpit of the Warrior Gundam, after tilting his head to look at the Hunting Gundam who lost his arm, a trace of doubt appeared in Preya's eyes.

However, the movements in his hands did not stop at all.

With the adjustment of the body posture, the Warrior Gundam raised the shield attack system with his left hand and aimed at Hunting Gundam.

"I want dignity too!"

Hunting Gundam, Mu La Flage looked at the warrior Gundam that was drawn towards him in midair, and only felt a hard chest in his chest.

During the roar, he raised his hand and threw the crushing ball up.

Although he is not used to this thing, but it is not good if he is not used to it.

Seeing this, Puglia's expression did not fluctuate at all.

The beam saber popped out from the front of the shield attack and accelerated towards the direction of the crushing ball.



The Wrecking Ball was broken through and exploded behind the Warrior Gundam.

"What a deadly guy!"

In the cockpit of Hunter Gundam, who threw the crushing ball and turned around and ran away, Mu La Flage couldn't help but be a little suspicious: "But what the **** is going on!?"

The fighting style and pilot of the Warrior Gundam give him an eerie familiarity.

The last time he felt this way was Lou Rue Cruze.

But wasn't that guy killed by Noel Cassia in the South American battlefield, now why—

Isn't it dead?

beep beep —

However, as the radar-locked alarm sounded, this guess and thought was forcibly pushed back by him.

If it goes on like this, he doesn't know if Cruze is dead or not, but it is really possible that he will die here.

I finally found a wife, and if I died like this, wouldn't it be a big loss.

bang bang bang —


Preia had no intention of holding back.

The beam, the rail gun, and the two weapons were brought into full play by him.

It is an indescribable pleasure.

It was as if he suddenly became enlightened, UU reading Yes, he suddenly became enlightened.

Before the gene expansion, Preya also used these two weapons, but it was definitely not as handy as it is now.

At the same time, he always felt that some changes were taking place in his heart.

The most obvious is the feeling of killing and pulling the trigger.

In the past, he would always hesitate when pulling the trigger, or subconsciously trace other parts, but now—

His fingers were faster than his thoughts.

His sight and crosshairs would always involuntarily draw towards each other's cockpit, and even his feelings for his companions became much weaker.

Just like now.

He can spread his thoughts while carrying out Ling Lie's attack without any hesitation.

This was absolutely impossible before.

And all because of the recent genetic expansion.

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