Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 287: : The Hate of Patrick Sara

"No amount of sacrifices have been made—"

Yuuki couldn't finish his sentence, and as Patrick Sara turned around speechlessly, he raised his hand and fired a shot at him.


The gunshot exploded, Yuuki's eyes widened in disbelief, he felt a strong shock to his abdomen, and the searing pain ripped through his body.

But Patrick Sara's expression never changed, he just looked at him indifferently.

Only then did Yuuki realize that the other party has long since listened to any advice——

The few people who were not far away who were about to step forward instantly stiffened, and their hands trembled as they groped towards their waists.

"Those guys - those enemies are still there... You actually told me not to attack?"

"—We must attack! Before being attacked by the opponent!"

Patrick roared vaguely, and rushed to the console connected to the launch system in Yuuki's stunned eyes: "The enemy must be wiped out! How come you don't even understand this simple truth!?"

"Yi, Speaker! There are still our troops in the range!"

"We are fighting to win! Everyone should be aware of it!"

It had to be stopped... This man lost in hatred—

Seeing that Sarah had started to operate, the three soldiers not far away gritted their teeth and stretched out to their waists, took out their pistols, and could not delay—

bang bang bang-

However, as soon as they took out the pistol, they heard a gunshot.

I saw Yuuki, who was not far away, took out the gun from the holster at some point and hit Sarah in the chest three times in a row.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

As soon as the elevator door to the command room opened, Aslan heard gunshots.

He thought for a while that the gunshot was aimed at them, and immediately hid outside the door to snoop.

Until he caught a glimpse of a figure swaying in front of him, Aslan froze in place, and his gun-carrying arm couldn't help drooping.


Patrick Sala was shot through the chest.

It was followed by two loud gunshots, and more blood spattered from his body.

The soldier who fired the shot was also badly wounded, with a large amount of blood clots floating around him.

In the corner where no one noticed, the three soldiers silently put the firearms back to their waists while looking at each other, and each started their own actions.

No one noticed their strangeness, perhaps saying that they no longer had the energy to observe others.

Patrick Sara's body floated off the ground with inertia, and the blood floated dazzlingly in a state of zero gravity.

All the people present looked at this scene in amazement.

In the command room where you could barely hear breathing, only the call from the control unit rang abruptly.

After an unknown amount of time, the frozen time seemed to begin to flow.

Someone suddenly stood up from their seats, and the commotion spread immediately;

Panic, doubts, and whispers were suddenly vented.

"Ah... the Speaker was...?"

"Captain Yuuki——!"

"Stay at your post! It's still fighting now—!"

Blame is meaningless.

As a figure flew towards the exit, the soldiers also scrambled to squeeze up.

In this wave of people flocking to the elevator, Aslan's footsteps were vain.

He looked at the soldier who shot his father, and that man was actually Rei Yuki, who was the one he greeted when he returned from Earth.

At the same time, he is also his father's right-hand man...

But now he has died of anger, and the last three shots are like his last mission in this world.

But why does it become like this...

Aslan moved to his father who was floating in the air with a dull expression, and put his hand on him blankly.

He had thought about confronting his father in the end, and even had to force him to stop the atrocities, but he never thought it would turn out like this.

Cagalli brought several soldiers to Aslan's side, and looked at Aslan's profile sadly.

I can't help but think of my parting from my father--

Perhaps it was the hatred and obsession with natural people that kept Patrick Sarah alive.

He raised his hands tremblingly and grabbed Aslan's shoulders tightly.


A hoarse gasp escaped from Speaker Sarah's throat.

Patrick Sara's face was facing his son, but his eyes were as deep as he was looking into the distance.

"...taken away...our world...must take revenge...revenge"

On and off, as the word revenge fell.

Blood spilled from the corner of Speaker Sarah's mouth, blocking his next words.

The blood-covered body twitched for a while and then stopped moving.


Aslan finally couldn't help crying.

At the moment of dying, the only thing in my father's mind is to attack the enemy with that terrifying weapon.

Junius 7 - The nuclear explosion that took his wife was like a yoke trapping him.

Let Sarah be unable to escape its shackles in her life.

When the world he had worked so hard to build was disillusioned, he only wanted to defeat those destroyers ever since——

The fury of vengeance set him on fire.

Until the end, he still didn't see his son in his eyes...

Just staring at revenge—


"Only you! Can't let it go!"

Outside of Yakinduwei, Kira roared and rushed towards the Goddess Gundam.

Through Mu La Flage's dialogue and explanation, Kira and others knew Cruze's real purpose, and roughly guessed that he was one of the masters of all this.

Although it is absurd, the person in front of him is indeed one of the main people responsible for bringing the world to this point.

"It's too late for you to shout!"

Cruze sneered back.

The time has come, I am afraid that Genesis has entered the final stage, and the final winner is myself!

"This is destiny, it is the road that you must move forward bravely even if you know it is impossible!"


Kira swung at him with a lightsaber, but Cruze blocked the arm holding the sword.

"Justice and and evasion, don't know but don't listen, just self-believe what one knows - all this is the end of human arrogance and self!"

"The owner does not understand the mood of the owner, the owner is jealous of the owner... There is nothing to stop the future brought by all kinds of things! Destruction is the destination, and people are the existence that should be destroyed!"

Kira was speechless for a moment.

Think of people leading their respective camps, upholding the justice they believe in.

All this is acquiesced out of fanaticism, neglect, indifference, or self-conceit.

Or only know what to do, obey orders, but never question - or like yourself who doesn't want to understand reality.

Avert your eyes, cover your ears, wishful thinking that those things have nothing to do with you, and refuse to look deeply into this world that goes with the flow.

Why didn't everyone stop the situation before it got here?

Ignorance is sin, and punishment is not forgiven for ignorance.

To die from ignorance is to turn a deaf ear to what should be known.

When you pretend to be ignorant, and then put the blame on others, how can you save the lost life and everything that has been tragically destroyed?

Because those who yearn for destruction secretly lead, but those who don’t want nothing have no intention of preventing them, but choose to follow the crowd, thinking that everything has nothing to do with them.

So, the world went down the road of destruction.

That's right, Cruzer and others who have done something are indeed guilty.

But were Kira and the others who did nothing before the situation deteriorated to this point, were they equally guilty?

In this death battle that has swept the entire human civilization, can those who follow the crowd be said to be innocent?

The real reason for the collapse of the world is not because of who is leading the push, but because of the indifference and indifference of everyone and it gradually evolves.

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