Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 286: : Covenant Encirclement and Suppression (4)

"This guy--"

Elsa, who was ready to meet the impact, suddenly found that the beam saber of Covenant's left arm shield suddenly disappeared, replaced by Covenant's horizontal whip leg and the beam dagger at the toe.

Thanks to the performance of the Covenant Gundam and the installed multiple engines, the melee action envisioned by Noel was realized.

"How is this possible--"

In Elsa's terrified and stunned eyes, Covenant's thighs were close to the body, and he kicked directly on the edge of the ship-killing knife that he was standing upright.

Without her exerting any force, Covenant Gundam's ankle was chopped in two by the ship-cutting knife that he erected.

But that's not what she wanted--

Or maybe she couldn't bear it.

While tilting her head, Elsa saw a beam dagger break through the side of the cockpit and rush into the cockpit.

"Dante - I'm still too weak, I'm sorry, I can't help you get revenge..."

boom -

The Sword Suit Calamity exploded with the soles of Covenant Gundam's disappearing feet.


Kanad stared at the bursting flames in front of him and couldn't help but froze in place.

In the end what happened?

It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?

Rebirth Gundam, Blue Heresy and Sword Suit Calamity Destruction, Elsa Body MIA——

It all happened so fast that he couldn't accept it.

beep beep-

"You dare to be distracted by fighting with me?"

The rush of sirens and the diabolical whispers from Noel brought Kanad back to reality.

When he looked up, a dark red body appeared in front of him.

Karnard's pupils shrank and activated the beam shield.


The violent impact made Canard extremely painful. When he looked up, he was surprised to find that Covenant Gundam did not use a beam weapon, but hit him directly with his broken arm.

bang bang bang-

The violent impact continued, and the Covenant Gundam shook the beam shield with its broken arm like a madman.

Like a lunatic.

"Kill kill kill—"

During this period, Nuoer muttered with murderous intent.

Every word was accompanied by a distance impact. The dark red body that filled the screen and the body that kept shaking made Canard's limbs as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

He really wanted to fight back, but under such a close-range terrifying impact, his limbs were cold and he even lost the will to resist, and he could only hold the control lever with both hands to maintain the beam shield.


Suddenly, the Covenant Arm exploded, the inevitable situation of a reckless attack.

Kanad was as surprised as if he saw the dawn, but with the appearance of a beam saber that emerged from the fire, Kanad's surprised eyes gradually turned into horror.

Because Hyperion, who has been fighting for a long time, has lost the energy to continue to maintain the beam shield.


Only slightly blocked, Covenant Gundam's beam saber directly pierced the beam shield and charged straight towards the cockpit.


Perhaps it was the will to survive in the shadow of death that inspired Kanad to have far more fighting skills than usual.

Almost at the moment when the beam saber froze, Canard roared and moved Hyperion's chest.



The beam saber stabbed in the air, and this result made Nuo Ergao glance at the driver.


Kanad, who recovered his life from the brink of death, was sweating coldly on his forehead, and looked at Covenant Gundam not far away with lingering fears.

If it weren't for the final breakthrough, and the last blessing,

Canard couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his hands clenching the operating lever even trembled a little, the suffocation of death was just too terrifying.

"Captain Noel - so strong?"

Shiwa, Heine and the others who came to support them couldn't help asking.

One person alone fought six aircrafts and destroyed three, shot down one, and forced one back...

Didn't Captain Yitzhak say that Noel had a 4-6 with him?

And when I was in school, I used to blow up Noel, but now—


In the MS hangar of the frontline headquarters, Yitzhak sneezed for no reason, rubbed his nose and scolded: "What are you looking at, hurry up to repair it! I'm still going out!"

"Huh? Are you still going out?"

Diaka, who was on the side, seemed to have heard something incredible, and even the drink in his mouth was not fragrant.

Yitzhak is going out, doesn't that mean I'm going out too?

"Nonsense, didn't you see that there are so many enemies on Yakinduwei's side!"

Yitzhak ignored the shocked Diaka, grabbed the other party's drink and drank it, saying: "I tell you, don't think you helped me and I'll forgive you, you guy is still A traitor!"


Diaka was speechless for a moment, when will this guy's arrogant disease be cured?


In the Yakinduwei command room, Patrick Sara stared at the Eternal and Kusanagi on the screen, and shouted angrily:

"It's just a battleship between a little girl and a natural person, let's beat them down soon!"

Having said that, the soldiers looked at each other, and some looked confused.

In fact, strictly speaking, when the Eternal and the Pheasant enter the range, the defensive artillery fire of the Genesis can also hit them.

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Almost all of Nai He's soldiers avoided them for some reason.

At this moment, Patrick Sara seemed to have discovered something, got up and roared and asked, "Why didn't anyone notify me that the replacement of the Genesis mirror was completed!?"

Patrick Sara had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield just now, so he subconsciously ignored the issue of the replacement of the Genesis mirror.

Or that he never thought that the replacement of the Genesis mirror would also be concealed and not reported!


The soldiers who were hesitant at first were stunned. Most of them thought that Speaker Sarah was simply using it as a deterrent weapon.

but now--

"Enter the aiming coordinates now! Target, the east coast of North America!"

Patrick Sarah growled to order.

He has no mood or time to pursue these trivial matters now, he just wants to quickly end this ****! "

Yuuki panicked—could it be...he really wanted to launch Genesis to Earth?

Even the few men who were not far away panicked, and they all saw the determination in the other's eyes.

The operators below also started to panic.

They always thought that the replacement of the mirror was just to keep Genesis threatening, and they didn't think it would actually launch it to Earth, so they calmly followed the Speaker's instructions.

But now-

"Enter coordinates! Target Earth - Atlantic Federation Capital, Washington!"

Despite his unease, the soldier entered the coordinates tremblingly.

They still believe that this is just deterrence and that the Speaker should not give the final order.

"What are you waiting for? Launch!"

However, almost at the moment when the coordinates were established, I heard Patrick shout, "Quick! Only in this way can everything end!"

Yuuki suddenly realized, but it felt like someone had thrown cold water on him.

- The Speaker is serious.

This is not a threat at all, he wanted to destroy the earth from the beginning——

Yes, the destruction of the earth is indeed over.

The war will indeed end after the natural man has been eliminated and all the enemies have been eliminated.

But will they have an end after the end?

What will end after this blow is not just war, but everything!


Yuuki stepped forward without hesitation and persuaded Patrick Sara: "We have already won this war! This blow will destroy more than half of the creatures on the earth!"

At the same time, not far away, several men in soldier uniforms slowly got up and reached out to touch their waists.

Although they looked a little uneasy, they knew that this was necessary, and that some things had to be stopped by someone.

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