Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 229: : The desire and obsession for life is the reason why I fight

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The beam shot, and the Freedom Gundam dipped his head to avoid the attack.

"Aslan, leave it to me, you and the Archangel go first!"

Kira said that her pupils were chaotic when she looked up, and she swept the knife directly towards the covenant.


Almost at the same time as he freely swung the sword, Covenant Gundam erected his shield to block the beam saber.

"Do you really think you can kill me!"

While Noel roared, the engine on his back started, and the beam dagger popped out from under his feet. At the same time, he pushed his arm hard, and raised his leg and swept across it.

The best attack position of the Freedom Gundam just now was the cockpit, but this guy actually chopped at his head. This is taking care of himself as a little minion!



The beam saber fell, and Covenant Gundam's leg was broken.


Nuoer frowned and smacked his lips, and quickly retreated with the help of the light gap created by the explosion.

At the same time, the dragoon ejection starts.


The beams criss-cross, shrouding Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam.

At the same time, fighting with Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam close-quarters, courting death is not like this.

However, this guy Aslan really doesn't talk about martial arts. He said don't fight, stop fighting, but the result was a knife, and he directly cut off the leg of the covenant.

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"Noel, we have no reason to fight!"

Because Aslan only had one hand, he directly abandoned the shield when attacking the covenant, and at this time he could only walk to avoid it.

"I say there is!"

Noel raised his hands as he spoke, and the beam rifle built into the shield attack system fired.

Speaking of which, the reason why the Covenant Gundam was a little late this time was due to the addition of the MA-MV05A attack and shield system that belongs to it, and the two plasma beam cannons installed on the back.

In fact, Noel's original plan was to let the Covenant Gundam continue to install the Dragoon Floating Cannon.

After all, if this thing is used properly, it is really against the sky.

But because of God's Will Gundam and the quest to kill Lux, there was simply not enough time.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Noel found that the maximum number of dragoons he could use at a time was four.

It's not that he really can't use it when the number of dragoons is too large, but it's just that he can't use it so well, it always feels a little weird.

At the same time, because the covenant backpack and the freedom backpack are somewhat similar.

At the cost of abandoning three pairs of wings, Covenant Gundam has expedited the modification of two plasma beam cannons of the same model as Liberty.

However, even with the modification, Covenant Gundam still cannot suppress freedom and justice, let alone suppress two machines at the same time.

As the Freedom Gundam inverts the body, the plasma beam stop cannon on the back is activated——

Two beams shot out from the muzzle.

"I have this stuff too!"

Noel climbed the body, flipped the muzzle on the back, and responded with two free shots.

However, just like Covenant's easy avoidance, Freedom Gundam also avoided two beams.

But he was also greeted by four dragoon beams and the beam rifle in Noel's hand.

"Give me--"


Taking care of one thing and another, because of the reasons for suppressing freedom with all his strength, Aslan found an opportunity to rush to the covenant.

Along with Aslan's roar, Justice Gundam charged straight with the second beam saber.


"Aslan! Are you serious!?"

Noel's dangerous and dangerous shield blocked the beam saber.


The answer to Noel was the beam dagger and high-lifting legs that popped out from the feet of Justice Gundam.

Because he was not equipped with a shield, Noel had to let Covenant Gundam sideways to avoid it.

The beam daggers under Aslan's feet climbed past the front of the cockpit.

Seeing that the attack failed, Aslan didn't hesitate to fight, and the engine started to pull back directly to widen the distance.

Noel immediately raised his shield to aim.

beep beep-

How could Liberty watch Covenant attack justice? With two urgent alarms, Liberty Gundam shot down a dragoon and activated the railgun on his waist.


Two groups of energy ejected from the muzzle and flew towards the Covenant Gundam.

"Special code!"

Noel cursed in a low voice, retracting the shield and deflecting the body to avoid the attack.

Then he pulled out his beam saber and slashed to the left—



With the flash of the explosion, the beam boomerang thrown by the Justice Gundam was split in two.


Almost at the moment when Noel cut off the beam boomerang, Justice Gundam rushed to the front of the covenant again, and the second beam saber and shield burst into countless flames.


Three beams fell, and the three Dragoons were destroyed.

"Aslan, I'll help you!"

The free body flipped, holding the beam saber and dashed straight towards the covenant that was fighting the Justice Gundam.

"Go back to me!"

Listening to the urgent alarm from the covenant, Noel pushed hard while roaring, and the muzzle on his back flipped and activated.

bang bang-

Two high-energy beams hit the Freedom Gundam in an attempt to contain the Freedom Gundam.

However, as Freedom deflected sideways, Freedom Gundam brushed two beams and rushed to the front of the covenant.


The beam saber swiped across Covenant Gundam's head, and the plasma beam cannon that had not been retracted from Covenant Gundam's back was cut into two pieces.

In less than three minutes, the Covenant Gundam Plasma Beam Cannon was destroyed, the Dragoon was destroyed, and the left leg was chopped off——

"Noel, stop."

Aslan drove the Justice Gundam and stood in front of the Covenant Gundam with the second beam saber.

He really didn't want to fight Noel.

Among the students in the same period, except for Nigall, he has the best relationship with Noel.

So he really didn't want to fight Noel.

"Noel, we really have no reason to fight each other."

Kira stood behind Noel in the Freedom Gundam with a sword and a shield in the other.

When he was on the Archangel, only Noel, the adjuster, could understand each other with him, and Noel's existence also gave him great spiritual comfort.

So even if he learned later that Noel was Zaft's spy, he didn't have much resentment, but secretly felt happy that Noel was away from the Archangel.

In addition, the Orb Guard War and the Eternal Escape War are added.

Noel has given him a lot of help, so he has never regarded Noel as an enemy.

The two bodies blocked the Covenant Gundam in the middle, and there was an Archangel ready to break through on the side.


Noel listened to the words of the two, and the hands that clenched the steering lever creaked because of the force.

"There's no reason to fight? Ha - do you think I'm you?"

Noel felt a burst of anger in his heart for some reason.

Desire and obsession with life - that's why you fight!


A familiar scene flashed in Nuoer's mind, and a seed fell to the lake, turned into light and scattered.

The originally angry brain was suddenly When I looked up, my eyes were chaotic and dull, and the pupils were locked like the tip of a needle.


Covenant Gundam pulled out the beam saber on his waist, and at the same time a giant beam saber popped out of the shield.

Noel revealed his answer with practical actions.

With the roar of the back engine of the Covenant Gundam, Noel rushed towards the Justice Gundam with both knives in hand.

"Noel! You're sober!"

Aslan was also furious when he looked at Noel, who had been persuaded repeatedly, and a pair of chaotic pupils appeared between his head.

Trying to stop Covenant Gundam's attack.


However, in the face of Aslan's attack, Noel seemed to have foreseen it in advance. At the same time Aslan swung the knife, Covenant Gundam turned sideways in advance.

Aslan's beam saber rubbed Covenant Gundam's back in the air.

At the same time, Covenant Gundam has raised the beam saber.


Just as Covenant turned around and slashed at Justice, several beams almost wiped the sides of Justice Gundam and hit Covenant.


Noel's eyes narrowed, and he withdrew his attacking arm, waving a saber in each hand alternately in front of him.

As several beams scattered, the beams of Freedom Gundam were cut off by the covenant.

However, after the beam disappeared, Nuoer did not continue to pursue justice, but retracted the beam saber of the shield attack system, and quickly retreated when the shield was on guard.

The Justice Gundam driven by Aslan also climbed the body at the same time.

bang bang bang-

Justice retreated to reveal the Liberty Gundam with the full cannon opening behind him.

With the light from the muzzle, the artillery fire roared between the Free Gundam beams, and countless beams slammed towards the Covenant Gundam.

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