Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 225: : Mendel's Battlefield

"I'm not a defective product! Kira Yamato-"

On the other hand, Kanad drove the Hyperion like a madman to keep pounding the Freedom Gundam.

Because of the "Umbrella of Artemis", Canard completely abandoned his shield, clenched the beam dagger in his right hand, and held a gun in his left. He completely abandoned his defense and once suppressed the Freedom Gundam with his death-like fighting style.

Bending and abandoning the defense, even in the face of death, the fighting style of giving the opponent a knife made Kira a little bit tied for a while.

Because Kira is very clear that he can't have any accidents here, and there are still his companions waiting outside.


However, the more timid you are, the more embarrassing the situation of freedom becomes.


Thinking back to the comrades fighting outside, recalling her own will to fight and Lux's words——

It sounded as if something had exploded in his mind, his pupils contracted when his mind was clear, and the original passive defense of Freedom Gundam suddenly reversed the body to avoid the beam.

At the same time, the plasma beam cannon hanging on the back pops up——


The beam shot, hitting the oncoming Hyperion.


However, Kanad had expected it when he set up the plasma beam cannon in the Freedom Gundam. His left hand was placed horizontally, and the light shield was activated.

As the body froze, Hyperion rushed up against the fire of the beam explosion, waved his right hand beam saber and swept it in the fire.


However, when the smoke dissipated, Canard couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and saw that Freedom Gundam had set up the two railguns on his waist at some point.



Two golden beams lit up on the muzzle of the rail, and Hyperion took two shots against his face. In a hurry, Hyperion Gundam's arm exploded, and the huge recoil sent Canard directly flying back.

In the face of Hyperion who was knocked away by himself, Freedom Gundam did not pursue him.

Instead, he turned his direction and charged towards Hunter Gundam and Gates Gundam who were fighting in the distance.

He needs to resolve the battle here for the Eternal and the Archangel as soon as possible.

"Di Di-"

"finally come--"

As soon as the alarm sounded, Cruze hurriedly turned to look.

Facing the rapidly approaching Freedom Gundam, Gates Gundam slowly raised the beam rifle and placed the shield in front of the cockpit at the same time.


The three beams failed, and the Free Gundam rotated to bully close.

Gates's hands were chopped off when the red light flashed when the two planes met.

In the explosion of the arm, Gates fell to the ground dragging the smoke.

However, because only his hands were chopped off, Gates did not explode. Soon, the cockpit door opened, and Cruzer in white clothes jumped out with a pistol.

He left Gates without looking back.

"Want to run! Give me—"

"Di Di!"


Neo looked at Cruzer who was about to escape and raised his gun without hesitation.

However, there was a sudden alarm sound.

A blue and white machine shadow flew straight towards him.



Neo's heart tensed when he saw this, and he quickly changed into S-shape and raised his shield to block the free beam saber.

click -

Kira's beam saber was blocked, and he directly activated the plasma beam cannon on the back of the Freedom Gundam. The muzzle turned and aimed at the head of Hunting Gundam.


Neo's pupils shrank sharply, only to see the beam cannon lit up, and two beams shot out.

Even though Neo has tried his best to make Hunting Gundam tilt his head, but facing the face-to-face beam cannon, his evasion is particularly fragile.

As the screen goes black, Hunting Gundam is headshot by Freedom Gundam in the face.


Looking at the downed Hunting Gundam, Kanad was furious, driving Hyperion, who had only one arm, to charge up.

Facing the rapidly approaching Hyperion, Kira activated the full cannon deployment system with indifferent eyes.


Without any hesitation, Kanad hurriedly activated the beam shield surrounding his body.

"Boom boom-"

The muzzles rang in unison, and the beams were vertical and horizontal.

The powerful explosion impact knocked Hyperion straight back.

However, it is only a kilometer away from the battlefield here.

Itzhak and Diaka each got off the body and stood opposite each other.

Facing Yitzhak who was aiming his gun at him, Diaka asked bitterly, "Itzhak... Am I your enemy?"

When he asked this, Yitzhak's hand holding the gun shook, and a struggle flashed in his eyes as his teeth clenched.

Is it the enemy? The answer is obvious - no.

Diaka has been by his side since the military academy, sometimes advising himself when he is impulsive, or coming forward to smooth things out for him...

But it's such a guy, and he has to point a gun at him.

"It was you who became the enemy first, it was you!"

Itzhak roared angrily.

Sadness, unwillingness, regret... All kinds of emotions are entangled in Yitzhak's heart.

That's all! Each one is like this-

Aslan, Diaka, Lux, Rusty, Michelle, Nichol...

The few close friends that I only have either died on the battlefield, or lay on the hospital bed, or... left me and betrayed my compatriots!

In the end, only Noel and himself are still holding on to their beliefs!

"I don't remember that I became your enemy!"

"Damn it! You are a traitor!"

Itzhak thought that the other party was trying to blur the focus, so he clenched the pistol again.

Facing Yitzhak's questioning, Diaka just looked at the trembling muzzle and continued without moving: "I never intended to betray pnt!"

"Heh—you all..."

"I just don't want to silently obey the order of the army, to obey the order to fight only to destroy all natural people!"

Itzhak smiled and prepared to say something.

However, there was a sharp look in Diaka's eyes that had never been seen before.

——Destroy all natural persons...?

This sentence made Yitzhak's heart tighten, and he couldn't help lowering his muzzle slightly.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he also unknowingly doubted the original intention.

He had always thought that the eradication of all natural persons was just a slogan—

But after the Battle of Alaska, the Battle of Panama, the Battle of Low Orbit... After such a long war, Yitzhak suddenly felt that Speaker Sarah's slogan was not a simple statement.

He seems to be really doing it—

And the naive words of the remedial soldier not long ago - two or three strokes can drive those natural people out of the universe...  

All kinds of things make Yitzhak begin to doubt.

Is it really our desire to wipe out all natural persons...

Is it really worth our desire to sacrifice our lives for this...

Diaka, who saw Yitzhak's hesitation in his heart, smiled lightly and said, "Actually, I have been fighting for so long, and I haven't thought about it too much... After all, the war is that you kill me and I kill you. It's nothing surprising."

"But when I became a prisoner of war, I thought about a lot when I had nothing to do..."

This is how Diaka began to talk about his surrender and being imprisoned by the Archangel.

Speaking of nearly dying from a young girl—

"The girl's tears are the same tears you shed for Nigel..."

"The blood of a natural person is also red-war, this thing, really should stop."

"So you decided not to kill natural people, but to kill us instead?"


In the face of Yitzhak's questioning, Diaka answered quietly, showing a calm attitude that was not there before.

"We just want to stop this kind of killing each other."

" Aslan, Kira, Andrew... Everyone thinks the same."

"To borrow Lux's words, the hatred of war has gradually obscured people's sight, so before the massacre started on both sides, everyone wanted to do their best to stop it, so they gathered here like this..."

Itzhak was shocked when he heard Diaka's sincere words.

He knew very well who Diaka was, so he also knew very well that what Diaka said was from the heart.

But it also made him regret knowing all this.

If Diaka and the others are just despicable conspiracy and treason, shameless to help the enemy - then even if you don't want to, you can pull the trigger happily...

But Diaka in front of him had a maturity and enthusiasm that he had never seen before.

In this world of either mine or the enemy, I chose the third way.

Even though Yitzhak had too much unwillingness in his heart, he clearly knew that Diaka's original intention was right. In the face of such Diaka, what could he use to refute him?

He could pull the trigger on those natural persons, but what if it was his comrades who decided to fight alongside that person—

Aslan, Diaka, Andrew, Lux...

Yitzhak hesitated in his heart, and the values ​​of the military urged Yitzhak to act.

But the shaken heart made him unable to pull the trigger——

"Itzhak! It's time for us to retreat!"

However, at this moment, Cruze with a pistol jumped out from not far away and ran to Itzhak quickly.

"Captain? How did you—"

Itzhak looked at Cruze who was running fast and felt that the whole person was stunned, what about the body! ?

------off topic-----

I don't feel anything...

It's a bit of a stretch to write~~~

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