Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 242: : Allegiance of Qiao Rui

Into the night

Ye Yun and Yetong sat on the top of the starship of the Yinhe Star Hunting Group, and they looked up at the starry sky.

Ye Tong said: "So the earth is gone in the end."

Ye Yun said: "No, sorry, I failed to protect her."

Ye Tong smiled bitterly: "You have tried your best, that is not something we can resist, but I think this thing must not be simple."

Ye Yun nodded, he also had this idea.

Yetong asked him about the battle of the earth, Ye Yun told him truthfully.

Ohra cannot come to this universe for no reason, nor can he destroy the earth or even his own destiny as soon as it appears ...

Ye Tong said: "Okay, I was going to have a hard time on the earth, but I didn't expect it to end so fast, so that it almost became my regret. I'm relieved to hear that."

Ye Yun wondered: "What are you worried about?"

Yetong smiled and said, "Even if you are a strong man, you can't save the earth. What good will I do if I go."

"Amount ···"

Ye Yun knew that Yetong might have guessed some possibilities and laughed: "I will find a way to recover her."

"I dare to think, but I support you, it is right to give you that armor."

"Relax, our scientific and technical personnel are very powerful."

"I heard that even the power of the black hole has come out, maybe I can really crack the secret of that set of armor."

Ye Yun smiled, Ye Tong looked at the starry sky for a moment and said, "Speak, what shall we do?"

Ye Yun pondered for a while: "You can help me inquire about the news, in fact, I can't help you much."

"··· Hey, please don't say that, okay, our Yinhe Star Hunting Regiment is officially recognized."

Ye Yun said in a daze: "Are you trying to help us get the news from the Federation?"

"I didn't say that, but if you don't ask us to do anything, we will leave and go to the nearest planet of peace to submit a mission."

Ye Yun smiled. Ye Tong's remark made it clear that they would help inquiring about the news. He nodded inexplicably.

The two looked at each other and smiled


Next day

Pentagon submitted a scientific and technical document to Maru Sung, which was a design drawing about a flying saucer fighter.

Pentagon said: "Although your fighters are very strong, but I also see that they have not been transformed to the limit, I hope this information is useful to you."

Maru Star said: "Thank you very much."

Yetong is also saying goodbye to Ye Yun, Ye Yun said: "The armor will be returned to you as soon as possible, waiting for the encrypted communication on my interstellar network."

"Okay, you have been careful yourself. Now the forces coming here are like the crucian carp."

Ye Yun said with a smile: "All come to send money, welcome."

Ye Tong's mouth twitched, and he said: It's really possible.

They have seen the power of the Ohra Star Pirates Group. Needless to say, the ability of star wars. With that kind of horrible weapons, the star wars have shown the power of terror. I am afraid that no one force can please.

Yinhe Star Hunter's arrow starship took off, Ye Yun waved at them, and the starship quickly disappeared into the atmosphere.

Ding 18 said with a curse: "You played so hard, the wolf race was seriously injured, just let them go?"

Ye Yun turned to smile and said, "What's the use of keeping them, they can't beat an avatar of Maru Star."

Ding 18 said: "It's possible to mine, those two big men should have great strength."


Linger smiled and said: "Someone will mine us, Captain, and detected that another force has entered the Z Busting Solar System."

Ye Yun asked: "Is this time a powerful person?"

"It is another star hunting group, which is much worse than the Yinhe star hunting group, suitable for mining."


Ye Yun is full of black lines. Since Ling'er said that, it must not be strong. He asked Chaoshen and others to pass them on, and if they didn't know him, they would be wiped out.

He came to the Suspended Island Lab, where Octopus and Ikonato, as well as Maru Star, were analyzing this armor.

Seeing Ye Yun coming in, Maru said: "There are too many techniques in this armor. We need half a month to thoroughly analyze him, and it will take longer to master."

Ye Yun stunned: "Does it even take you so long?"

Eight claws said: "It is very difficult to master a brand-new science and technology, this is already very fast."

Eknaido said bluntly: "If you don't need you, don't come to join in the fun, and you will get results as soon as possible."

Ye Yun's mouth twitched, and left with interest.

At this time Linger informed Ye Yun that a human leader of the rebels wanted to see him.

"Human leader?"

Linger said: "Yes, his name is Qiao Rui, and he brought eleven humans to meet."

Ye Yun asked: "Did they say what to do?"

Ling'er said: "Qiao Rui said he wanted to beg you for one thing. He wanted to kill the government leader with his own hands."

Ye Yun frowned, "Why? He wants to be king?"

Ling'er said: "No, the news shows that Qiao Rui's family should have been killed by Bahe, he was in revenge."

"So it turns out, okay, anyway, it's idle, I'll see him."

"it is good"

Ye Yun flew up, Linger pointed him to a coordinate, he saw Qiao Rui and a group of 12 people at high altitude.

Qiao Rui also saw Ye Yun flying in the air ~ ~ He couldn't believe it with his mouth wide open.

Because he saw that Ye Yun didn't use any flying machines, it seemed that he was flying with the body.

Ye Yun fell in front of him and asked, "I heard that you are looking for me and want Bahe?"

Qiao Rui nodded and said, "Yes, I entreat you to give Bahe to me, he killed my family, and I want to personally take revenge!"

Ye Yun looked at him for a while and said, "Is your purpose more than that?"

Qiao Rui was shocked, and immediately said: "Dare not conceal the lord, kill eighth he can stand up, can unite more resistance, so that we can strengthen the resistance of the resistance."

Ye Yundao said: "Then? Continue to attack other countries? Have you been fighting to unify the whole planet?"

"Here, even if we unified the planet, we must only be loyal to adults!"

Said Qiao Rui even knelt down with the subordinate behind him.

Ye Yun glanced at the group of people, and she had some thoughts in her heart, saying lightly: "People can give you, but not now, and how can I believe you?"

Qiao Rui was taken aback, and then said: "A strength like an adult, it is easy to kill us ordinary people, we don't need us to guarantee anything at all, because our lives are in your hands."

Ye Yun nodded and said, "You are smart, but we have too many enemies to face. There are currently more than 3,000 forces. Nearly one million starships are killing us. So you still want to be loyal. me?"


Qiao Rui raised his head and looked at Ye Yun in shock, as did everyone behind him.

Ye Yundao said: "Don't believe it, yesterday's battle should have been heard. It was just one of the forces, and only five people came."


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