Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 241: : Unfathomable Maru Star

Maru Star's humanoid body was suddenly covered with a layer of white thoughts. This thought has turned into a solid form, indicating that the concentration is extremely high!

Maki did not look carefully in the roar, and Maru Star also fired the dark particle cannon in his hand, which is the dark matter energy cannon!

The two waves of energy hedged and a violent shock wave occurred in the collision area.

One second after the impact, the hedging point was pushed towards Muji, indicating that Muji lost in energy.

But Ye Yun looked carefully with the star beast's eyes, an invisible energy rushed towards Maru Star, but it was resisted by the Nian Li shield.

Ye Yun heart said: Sure enough it is a soul attack, so dangerous!

He knew that Maru Star should have a soul, unlike other mechanical families, or that they did not understand the mechanical family.

There are actually many kinds of mechanical families. The first generation is artificial intelligence, also known as the wisdom brain. The second generation is a super-mechanical body with self-emotional emotions. Special bodies like Maru Star, they have the soul of creatures!

Therefore, Maru Star should be afraid of soul attacks, or that soul attacks have an effect on him, and I am afraid that it is the most prominent way of attack.

Maki had already foreseen the future at the moment of launching energy. His attack did not work, and the energy node was pushed back a little bit.

He desperately gathered the energy in his body, and his whole body burst, but it still didn't help.

When he felt that he had reached the limit, something suddenly broke in his brain.

The energy node was pushed down in front of him, but Maru Star's energy output had also stopped, and the inertial energy blasted Makichi to the ground, causing a huge crater.

Yetong and Shishan Tu immediately rushed towards him, and Maru Star did not mean to attack again.

Turning his head, Ye Yun gave him a thumbs up. Maru Star smiled and said in the newsletter: "This guy is a very good opponent. He even has the means to attack the soul. It really scared me. "

Ye Yun asked: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I dare not try to eat this attack, although I don't know if the soul attack has any effect on me."

Ye Yundao said: "It is right not to eat, I think it should be effective."

Maru Star said: "I think so too, I feel dangerous, so I made a defense."

"Well, well, since the Lion Mountain Tu has come, then the wolf race has lost."

Ye Yun watched the battle too seriously before, but now I think of it.

Linger replied: "Yes, it has been handed over to Tambo. He seems very unwilling to cry in the medical cabin."

Ye Yun said: "I will find a way to make him stronger, ask Zhao Lao if there is any other way."


Two wins and one defeat, the other two battlefields are still deadlocked.

Ye Yun looked at it and thought he would win in the end.

He knew Crewe, and he should have grasped the enemy's weaknesses.

As for Super Flash, the guy is almost invincible against an opponent who is not a speed type.

Under the situation that the opponent is not as fast as he is, he can complete the abuse of the enemy, but this pentagonal defense is really excellent.

Muji was beaten back to the form of the Gonada, and was carried out of the pit by Yetong and Shishan Tu.

Muji had a hard time looking up at the pill star and coughed up a blue blood and asked, "Which planet are you a mechanical tribe?"

Ye Yun looked at Maru Star, Maru Star raised his hand to Muji's side, and the three Yetong were startled, thinking he would attack again.

As a result, Maru Star opened a capsule and transformed into a metal body exactly like himself.

Then another hand pressed a capsule. This time it turned out to be a different body, which was a metal shell in the shape of a dragon.

Maru Star said lightly: "If you can beat my body, I will tell you."


Maki Yoshiki bowed his head abruptly, didn't he even force half of his opponent's strength? !

Ye Tong also had a glimpse of Shishan Tumen, which was too strong.

But to say that the mechanical clan is really abnormal, they can control a lot of bodies, if there are several such strong bodies, they are not enough to play together.

Ye Yun was also shocked, when Maru Star made these shells, and each one looked very strong.

Maru Star smiled at Ye Yun: "Captain, I used some star core metal, don't mind."

Ye Yun waved his hand and said: "Do not mind, your safety is definitely the most important."

"I knew the captain would say that, hey, unfortunately it wasn't created by Phantom A Gold."

"··· Er, you think too much, that thing is not here."

"Oh, guessed it."

Ye Yun smiled and turned to Ye Tong: "Ye Tong, the other two battlefields haven't decided the outcome yet. Go and see?"

Yetong hesitated for a moment, but then Shishan slaughtered: "I don't think so, the guy Fari will definitely lose. He is almost exhausting energy, and the poisoning is very deep. This guy is still desperately attacking ~ www ~ really stupid. "

Yetong asked: "He lost?"

"Lose it, but it can't be more than five minutes."

Ye Tong sighed: "Hey, well, we admit defeat, let them stop."

Said that Yetong also dialed up his companion's communicator, as did Ye Yun.

Both sides shouted to stop. The fighting conditions discussed before were the last one. Both he and Muji lost, and the two of them were the strongest of the five-man team. They did not even have the full strength of their opponents. Forced out, it is futile to think that other people will fight again.

Kruh and Farley stopped fighting, but Farley also realized that he was poisoned. He still had an antidote to use. He planned to delay it again, secretly inject another counterattack, but now he does n’t fight. That makes no sense.

Krui turned back into human form, and used the gasification to form a digital text: Let me help you get rid of toxins. My poison is not so easily neutralized.

Fali was surprised for a moment, then smiled and said: "Thank you, you are very strong."

Toxic gas digital text: You are also very powerful

Fali smiled bitterly. He knew that he was not the opponent of this slime man, and even the opponent did not exert force. Just passive defense and poisoning made him helpless.

He is not afraid of opponents who are facing the first battle, and he is most afraid of such strange opponents. Such opponents should be handed over to the pentagon.

The pentagonal side is also in secret. If this person is handed over to Fali to fight, it is estimated that he can win.

But if that's the case, Super Flash will let Farley know what is Rookang and speed is king!

At the end of the five battles, the Yinhexing Hunting Group was defeated. The only face was picked up by Shishan Tu, but in fact he was lucky, and picked the weakest opponent. If it was replaced by Meow or Akne Duo's words ...

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