Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 43 The second person in the Gu world who can make pills

"Chen Bo... Elder... Hello..." Gu Yue Jin Zhu met Chen Bo on the street and greeted him awkwardly.

Chen Bo smiled and nodded, "Jin Zhu, not bad, not bad, you have already passed the second transfer, work hard, the future is yours."

Jin Zhu smiled awkwardly and stood there, at a loss. She wanted to leave, but Chen Bo did not speak, so she could not leave.

In the past, she and Chen Bo were classmates, but now, one is a senior member of the family, and the other is... barely a middle-level member.

"You go and get busy, Jin Zhu." Chen Bo saw the other party's embarrassment and said.

Jin Zhu felt relieved and said goodbye quickly.

Chen Bo continued to walk on the street.

Now that he is an elder, he no longer needs to go hunting wild wolves like before, but his contribution is still there.

That belongs to the Gu Yue Chen Bo team, but now that the others are dead, the contribution is at his disposal.

Chen Bo is using this contribution at this moment.

He came to the Internal Affairs Hall.

There are not only Gu Yue clan's logistics Gu Masters here, but also two other mountain strongholds have sent one person to temporarily station here.

The three strongholds met, and most of the resources of each family were shared.

Chen Bo had exchanged for Bear Power Gu before, and swallowed it after using it up, and used it to refine Bear Power Pill.

Looking at the contribution of the second on the list, Chen Bo nodded.

Chen Wei and Hu Lai did not sacrifice in vain, at least they helped him accumulate considerable contributions, enough for him to exchange for three second-level Gu worms.

There are no third-level Gu worms on the exchange list. In Qingmao Mountain, third-level Gu worms are the top configuration.

Chen Bo browsed the supplies on the exchange list.

Black pig Gu, white pig Gu, bear power Gu, wine worm...

There are two of each of these rare Gu worms, and there is a description behind the two, which means that the exchanger can recycle them after use and return half of the contribution.

White jade Gu, stone skin Gu, electric discharge Gu, copper skin Gu, electric current Gu...

Primitive stone, moon orchid petals, white jade, copper, wild boar teeth, wolf bones, high-quality rice, green bamboo wine, bear bile wine, white grain liquid...

Not only Gu worms, but also Gu materials, Gu worm food, and materials needed for human life can be exchanged.

Chen Bo does not need Gu materials. He does not plan to refine Gu, nor does he plan to refine word pills or Gu pills.

Now that he has reached the third level of cultivation, his true essence is enough to support him to use his previously created killer move many times - the divine text "fire"!

The word "fire" is composed of the big fire Gu and the word Gu as the core, and the walking fire Gu, the wandering word Gu, the ink Gu, and the writing Gu.

Use the channel to simulate the flame path.

This is not considered to be a case of analogy. Chen Bo has not reached that level yet. He has just read other novels and imitated them.

The word "fire" can only last for ten minutes and consumes less than seven points of the light silver true essence at a time.

It is worth mentioning that if you use the second-level high-level true essence, you can only use it once, and the peak true essence can be used twice.

This is the difference between high and low cultivation.

It can be seen from this that you can fight against enemies of higher levels, but it is definitely difficult, because you will suffer a lot in terms of true essence, and the difference in power between the number of Gu worms is also quite large.

With the fire character divine text killing move as a conventional means, the character pill in Chen Bo's heart is a unique move, which is enough to ensure that his strength belongs to the upper level among the same level.

In fact, in a strict sense, the character pill is more inclined to the killing move of Dan Dao, which is more difficult for outsiders to defend. The disadvantage is that it is gone once it is consumed.

After Chen Bo exchanged some food to feed the Gu worms, he exchanged two Gu worms.

One fire clothes Gu, one fire-breathing Gu.

His fire character still needs to be improved.

The current fire character can only burn high-temperature flames on the surface of the body, which can wander and hurt people. It can be regarded as a flying controllable fireball, which is much more powerful than the third-turn fierce fire Gu.

The power is enough, but the disadvantage is a bit big.

The high temperature emitted by the fire character does not distinguish between enemies and friends, and Chen Bo can't stand the scorching.

Whether it is the fire character, or the big fire Gu or the fire-walking Gu on Chen Bo's body, the high temperature emitted will burn Chen Bo.

So Chen Bo needs a fire-cloth Gu, and this defensive Gu can prevent Chen Bo from being burned by high temperature.

If Chen Bo successfully connects the fire-cloth Gu into the killing move, then he can also avoid being burned by the fire character.

Add the fire-breathing Gu, and the attack method of the fire character will increase by spitting flames or fireballs.

However, it is not easy to add. It's like a mathematical equation. If you have to add numbers, you need to add, subtract, multiply and divide to ensure that the result is not much different from what you want.

You originally had one plus one equals two, and then added the Gu worm, and it became one plus one plus one equals three.

If you add it again, maybe one plus one plus one divided by two equals one and a half, and the result becomes smaller, and the killing move becomes less powerful.

Maybe it will become one plus one plus one, and then take the square root, and the killing move will not be established directly.

It is easiest to match Gu insects with the same effect. To add other schools, you need to find a balance, so that the killing move can be established, the power can be strengthened, and the side effects can be reduced.

Killing moves are to coordinate the Gu insects, make up for the gaps, and increase the benefits.

Chen Bo took the Fire Clothes Gu and the Fire Spraying Gu, but he was not worried that it would be difficult to add them into the word "fire". It just takes a little time and a few more attempts.

Who comes first and who comes later, just arrange and combine.

Now Chen Bo does not need to go out to hunt electric wolves like Qingshu. As a family elder, he only needs to enjoy the preferential treatment given to him by the family.

It can be said that it is relatively relaxed and free.

Unless Chen Bo has any ambitions to fight for power and profit.

After returning home, Chen Bo did not practice the experimental killing move immediately, but adjusted his state, calmed down, and started to make pills.

After a week of observation, he has deduced how to refine Peiyuan Dan.

The greatest contribution is undoubtedly his Yan Bing Danqing body, followed by the realm blessing, and then the ability of Danfeng Eyes.

Now his eyes are Danfeng Eyes, and he can see how to refine the elixir by observing the elixir refining process in his body.

Just like watching how food is digested, what he has to do is to create a stomach, a large intestine and a small intestine, and then produce gastric juice, etc., to digest and absorb food.

In terms of refining the elixir, in simple terms, he needs an elixir furnace and the medium required for refining the elixir, such as fire!

In his impression, refining the elixir is all fire refining.

He himself is equivalent to an elixir furnace, a converter. The materials required for refining the elixir come from the outside world. After being refined by his body, they are finally condensed into elixirs.

Chen Bo took out the big fire Gu and activated the fire clothes Gu.

Ice, electricity, water, and earth can all be used to make pills, but Chen Bo knows that he is best suited to fire refining, which can be seen from the previous Gu refining. The success rate of refining Gu with fire is the highest.

Chen Bo activated the big fire Gu again, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air in front of him. There was no combustion-supporting material, and it just burned out of thin air, emitting high temperature, making it difficult for people to get close.

Refining Gu is done this way, and refining pills is also done this way.

As for the alchemy furnace, that thing belongs to the level of Gu House. Chen Bo is not bad, but he can have a big fire Gu spewing flames to serve as an alchemy furnace.

Chen Bo's pair of Danfeng eyes turned, and he could clearly see the external energy in his eyes.

His Danqing magic hands moved together, grabbing the energy existing in the natural world around him out of thin air and throwing it into the flame.

Here, he was not grabbing Dao Hen to make pills, but just grabbing natural energy, most of which were true essence in nature.

At this time, he controlled the flame to concentrate and keep the temperature moderate.

Then, he threw the prepared Gu materials into the fire, as well as some Yuanshi.

The true essence in nature is sufficient, but in a short period of time, with his two Danqing magic hands, he can't catch enough, and he has to make up for it with Yuanshi.

Most of the Gu materials come from humans, and there are some other auxiliary materials.

Gu insects that can improve qualifications generally belong to the human school, and Peiyuan Dan is no exception.

It can be said that the Peiyuan Dan, Huiyuan Dan, Shengyuan Dan, Jingyuan Dan, and Zhuji Dan that Chen Bo can condense now are all products of Dandao, but they are closely related to the human school.

So it is easy to guess that this alchemy is related to humans.

Gu Master, the best.

Gu Immortal, even better!

As the Gu materials are put in, the flame gradually changes color, from fiery red to red yellow.

Finally, the pill is made, and two pills are refined at a time.

In the Gu world, the first person who can make pills appears.

The second creature who can make pills appears.

His name is Gu Yue Chen Bo

The first one is naturally Ruan Dan, a legendary wild beast of the ancient times.

As for the intelligent creatures in its Xuqiao world, they can naturally make pills, but they are not in the Gu world.

Ruan Dan's immortal orifice was dedicated to the Heavenly Court, so what it has is a virtual orifice.

(Ruan Dan's immortal orifice is a virtual orifice. I don't remember whether the original text mentioned this. I write it this way for the time being. If there is a conflict, please tell me and I will change it. It would be very uncomfortable for me to read the original text. I read it again recently and don't want to read it carefully again. I need to read several places to find the answer. Generally speaking, it is most comfortable to read it once every two years. I have read it four times. The first time was refreshing and surprising, the second time was to savor it and find out the omissions, the third time was to read slowly and understand, and the fourth time was to recall my youth. So my original intention of writing this book was just to recall the original text and to see Fang Yuan's growth from the perspective of an observer. I didn't write it with ambition. The next book will not start so plainly.)

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