Gu Yuebo was dealing with the follow-up of the wolf tide.

He felt very unlucky. The other two villages did not go to this thousand wolf pack, but came to the territory of his Gu Yue clan.

You know, although the three villages formed an alliance, the content was to guard their own homes and work hard to eliminate the wolf pack.

The biggest consideration of the alliance was to give up internal friction and unite against the outside world.

Whoever the wolf pack went to was unlucky.

"Did the Bai family deliberately lead them?" As the head of the clan, Gu Yuebo had to think about this question.

After all, he had this idea.

But the alliance constrained him.

The three villages met, and naturally used the poisonous oath Gu to prevent someone from being two-faced.

Just when Gu Yuebo was sighing about his family's bad luck, the door was knocked.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yuebo raised his head and looked outside the door.

The door was not closed, and Gu Yuebo saw his personal guard and Gu Yue Chenbo standing next to the personal guard at a glance.

"Chen Bo?" Gu Yuebo looked at Chen Bo, "What's the matter?"

Chen Bo walked into the room, revealing the breath of the third turn, and slowly said, "Patriarch, I have broken through the third turn."

Gu Yuebo had already felt it, and his face was stunned at first, and then joy.

However, in his heart, he was confused and puzzled.

"You, actually broke through the third turn..." Gu Yuebo showed surprise, "This... is really great, my clan has another elder!"

Third turn, automatically promoted to elder.

"Please check it out, patriarch." Chen Bo said to Gu Yuebo.

Gu Yuebo naturally would not miss this opportunity and immediately checked Chen Bo.

He immediately put his hand on Chen Bo's abdomen and probed into his mind.

What he saw was still the 40% of the sea of ​​true essence and the 40% of the light silver true essence.

There were also several poisonous insects of Chen Bo.

Otherwise, he could no longer see the reason.

Gu Yuebo did not believe in evil, secretly mobilized the poisonous insects in his own empty cavity, and checked Chen Bo.

[The cultivation is real, not fake. ]

[How is it possible that he has a third-class qualification. ]

Gu Yuebo was in endless doubt.

[Could it be that he got some kind of opportunity inheritance? ]

[But he won't tell me, how can I force him to tell me? It seems that I can only do it step by step. ]

"Very good, very good, Chen Bo, you really did not disappoint my expectations of you."

"I will hold a family meeting immediately to announce the fact that you have broken through the third level. This will be good news and will inspire the whole family."

"But, Chen Bo, can you tell me how you broke through?" Gu Yuebo just wanted to ask tentatively, he was ready to be rejected.

But Chen Bo already had an excuse: "Reporting to the clan leader, this may be the help of my father and the spirits of my teammates in heaven."

"I returned home in great pain and didn't want to face such a cruel reality, but I couldn't escape."

"After struggling hard, I felt that I should turn my grief and anger into strength, bury my head in hard work, and try to break through the third level at the cost of all my Yuanshi."

"I also know that with my qualifications, it is difficult and dangerous to break through the third level, but I have no way back. I feel that if I don't succeed, I will die."

"Then, I entered a kind of wonderful state, feeling that the surroundings were so close and warm, and then I broke through to the third level."

Chen Bo's explanation was simply overwhelming.

Gu Yuebo didn't believe it at all, but he could only accept it because he couldn't find any other evidence that could convince him.

He smiled and nodded, praising him repeatedly. While chatting with Chen Bo, he asked people to call the elders of each family to a meeting.

Not long after, the two came to the family meeting hall.

Gu Yuebo got straight to the point and announced that Chen Bo had reached the third level and would automatically be promoted to a family elder from today, and was eligible to enter the family's Gu room to select a third-level Gu.

He was also eligible to view the Gu recipes in the family's collection, and the duration would be increased on the original basis.

Chen Bo smiled and nodded to each family elder one by one to express his goodwill.

The faces of each family elder had different expressions, but most of them were unbelievable.

Grade C qualifications can be promoted to the third level, but that is definitely a long process and requires a lot of resources.

But does Chen Bo have money? Does he have time?


They were all closely following Chen Bo's movements. Since then, Chen Bo had reached the high level of the second level and had become their target of suppression.

But, inexplicably, he broke through the third level and was confirmed by the clan leader.

All the family elders wanted to capture Chen Bo and dissect him for research.

But it was too late now, and the other party was on an equal footing with them.

Since then, Chen Bo completed the examination and officially entered the family's upper echelons, and his status stabilized.

However, the top leaders of the family are going to start a bloodless war to attract people.

Chen Bo will be actively contacted by them and pulled into their own forces.

Whichever side gets Chen Bo will have more power in the future family decision-making.

Maybe they can also get the secret of why Chen Bo practiced so fast!

Chen Bo is not interested in these. He has returned home at this moment and closed the door to visitors.

He broke through the third turn and held back for a week before going out to show off.

During this week, he synthesized most of the pills and turned them into third-turn pills.

How to synthesize?

In the past, Chen Bo relied on his Yan Bing Danqing body to synthesize. He didn't know the principle and only had a rough feeling.

Now, he has insights.

There is no other reason, because when he broke through the third turn, in addition to his original Danxin and Danqing Miaoshou, his body was transformed again.

Danfeng eyes: transform the eyes into Danfeng eyes.

In addition to giving him good vision and greatly increasing his naked eye detection ability, this pair of eyes can also see through appearances, see through things, and even see through the body, so as to see the process of pill formation.

To do it specifically, you need to find a comparison, observe other people's bodies first, and then observe your own. The difference and special are most likely caused by alchemy.

Watch more and study more, and you can naturally separate the process of alchemy from it, so as to achieve alchemy by yourself, instead of Yan Bing Danqing body.

Therefore, Chen Bo studied himself in depth, observed the formation process of the pill, and then copied it.

Relying on his own Danqing skills, he can make better pills.

Today, after more than two years here, Chen Bo finally started to learn alchemy.

It was his Yan Bing Danqing body that taught him to make pills.

Learn from yourself, you are your own teacher.

His body condensed the elixir for him, his phoenix eyes allowed him to see the formation of the elixir, his master level of elixir allowed him to quickly master the elixir formula, and his skillful hands allowed him to refine the elixir smoothly and efficiently.

This included the Peiyuan Pill.

At this moment, Chen Bo took out the Peiyuan Pill he had hoarded before and took it.

The third-level Peiyuan Pill can improve the aptitude of the third-level Gu Master by two points.

The effect is much better for low-level Gu Masters.

Chen Bo took 29 Peiyuan Pills in a row.

His aptitude soared straight up to 98%.

He didn't plan to continue taking it.

He didn't remember whether the Ten Absolute Body could be achieved by improving aptitude, and he didn't plan to have the aptitude of the Ten Absolute Body.

Doing so would only lead to sudden death, and 98% aptitude was completely enough.

Chen Bo didn't plan to refine the Peiyuan Pill in his body, but continued to hoard it.

His aptitude would be reduced if he used the Shengyuan Pill, so he had to use the Peiyuan Pill to improve his aptitude back.

With his aptitude reaching 98%, Chen Bo felt relaxed and his future was bright.

He must maintain a high growth rate, otherwise, with Fang Yuan's growth rate, Fang Yuan would have become a Venerable when he was still a mortal.

He became a disgrace among the readers of the book. I gave you a Yan Bing Danqing body and let you know the plot, but you can't keep up with the speed of the model worker. You should just jump into the Huanglong River.

Can you do it? If not, I, Feng Tianyu, will do it.

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