at the same time;

above the Sky Island;


An extremely ominous premonition looms over Lua's heart!


Lu Ya didn't say a word, and his heart immediately opened, and every move of the entire sky island was under his control in an instant, but he didn't notice anything wrong!

"Is it Alabastan?"

Lua looked at the daughters beside him without hesitation: "Let's go! Let's rush back to Alabastan immediately, the world government may have already done it!"

In a split second;

Luna turned into a red dragon, carried them, swooped down, and rushed towards Alabastan as fast as she could!



desert lands;

The City of Rain Feasts!

Just as Robin fell into deep despair again, suddenly, a huge cold air instantly swept the entire rain banquet underground;

The next second;

Hundreds of master bounty hunters from all over the world, they were completely immobile and turned into ice sculptures one after another!

"The world government is completely hopeless! Playing this kind of bad trick! It's really a headache! I really can't stand it!"

Not bad!

The person who came was none other than a young man who believed in lazy justice, one of the three highest combat forces of the Navy Headquarters, and a person with the ability to naturally freeze fruits!

"Nicole Robin, do you still have me?"

The young man crouched down and looked at Robin closely!

"It's you!"

"Whose name did you just call?"


"Is he the one you'll be nostalgic for until you die?"

"Yes, Lua, he's my husband!"


Qingzhi stood up and nodded seriously:

"Very well! I'm glad you have someone you want to be nostalgic for! But if I lead you deeper into the abyss, will he come to your rescue?"


"Nico Robin, do you think I'm here to save you? No, I'm here to make you feel even greater! I'll take you to the Isle of Justice!

And then......

I'll have my people tell your husband where you are! If your husband, Lua, dares to come to your rescue, I'll kill him!"


In a split second;

Hear it here;

Robin fell into even greater despair!


The man standing in front of her at this moment is the three admirals of the navy's highest combat power! In Robin's cognition, this whole sea;

Absolutely no one will be able to defeat them!

If Qingzhi really made a move on Lua;

Her husband, Jun Luya, will be doomed again!

"Please, don't hurt Lua!"

"Nicole Robin, don't blame me, I'm actually super difficult! I really want to have a comfortable afternoon tea, who let me have my job!"

363 "Is this what you call justice? If so, I would rather die, and I will never let you hurt my husband, Luya!"

As soon as the voice fell;

I saw that Robin didn't say a word, and directly used Huahuaguo to pick up a sharp blade on the ground, and was about to stab it hard according to his body!

"You can't die!"

At this very moment;

A cold air instantly froze her hands and feet, making her completely unable to move, and Qingzhi squatted down again and shook her head slowly:

"Nico Robin, you can't be here if you want to die, I must take you to the Island of Justice, I'm sure your husband will go!"

"Don't! Let me die!"

"I'm not going to let you die!"

Childish took Robin out of the underground of the rain banquet, and at the entrance of the underground at this moment, Spendam had been waiting for a long time with the CP9 led by Luqi;

Spandam, as a typical minion cultivated by the world government, perfectly inherited the style of his father Spandyne, and his father Spandyne;

It was the executioner in the O'Hara incident twenty years ago, who pressed the starter, launched the demon slaying order, and destroyed the whole of O'Hara!

Including Robin's parents!

Now his son Spandam is even crazier than he is, and this is the guy who came up with the idea of using the Demon Slayer Convention against Robin!

"General Qingzhi, why didn't you finish off the Demon Son? In that case, you have nothing to do, just hand over the Demon Son to us!"

Spendam looked at the youth very arrogantly!


He is usually used to showing off his martial arts and Xi, he provoked the wrong person this time, who did he provoke badly, but he provoked Karp's disciple? Can the grand general get used to him?

"Get out of the way!"

When Spandam heard this, he was furious!


The next second;

An icy chill swept over his body;

Spendham's whole person immediately became honest!

"Everyone, everyone's here for work! I will bring the Son of the Devil to the Isle of Justice, if you want to do your work too;

Just guard the first to ninth floors below for me!

In twenty-four hours, if her husband, Luia, had not come to her rescue, I would have sent Nico Robin to the gates of justice;

Be judged!

If his husband, Lua, dared to come, it would not be the result I wanted, but given my work, I would still kill him!"

Spandam, the minion of the world government, and CP9 under him, are all unhappy, but they have to accept the childish arrangement!

Who let them not get used to the youth of the general;

But you don't have the strength to kill him at all?

"Peach Rabbit!"

Qingzhi looked back at the female (AFDA) deputy beside him: "Although I don't want you to come with me, but I'm here, and I should always do some work, right?"

The salary of the Navy Headquarters is not for nothing!"


Hearing this, the female navy, known as the most beautiful female navy in the entire naval headquarters, is determined to become the first female admiral in the history of the navy;

Straight ahead!


"Peach Rabbit, haven't you been arguing before that you will be going to offer a bounty of 500 million, Robin Husband Jun Monchi D Lua?

I'll give you a chance;

You go and bring a message to Lua;

I'll be waiting for him on the Island of Justice!"


Peach Rabbit was overjoyed when she heard this: "Young senior, I have a question, when I see him, can I cut him directly?"

Qingzhi waved his hand lazily after listening: "If you really have this ability, it will save me a lot of work, I'll go have afternoon tea;

Doesn't it smell?"

After speaking;

The young man turned around and took Robin straight to the Isle of Justice, followed by the World Government's minion Spandam, and his CP9!

The peach rabbit goes in the opposite direction from them;

Didn't go far;

Peach Rabbit and Luya met unexpectedly!

Without saying a word, Peach Rabbit immediately took out the bounty order that had been carried in his arms like a baby, there were two of them, which were the only two bounties Lua:

a 60 million Bailey that has just left the East China Sea;

One occupies the empty island and skyrockets by 500 million Baileys!

No doubt;

Peach Rabbit carefully collected all the bounty orders of Lua, just like chasing stars, it was not out of interest, but because he had already had an idea about him!

Although these two photos of the bounty order were basically taken secretly and could not fully show Lua's chic, they were repeatedly compared by Peach Rabbit;


She nodded with certainty:

"You're Monchi Dlua?"

Luya couldn't help but glance back at Peach Rabbit, he didn't expect that there were such bewitching goods in the navy, but he had something to do at this time;

through the heart net;

He already sensed Robin's position!

Moving away!

He had to get there as fast as he could!

Luya really doesn't have time to take care of her at the moment!

Lua didn't answer Peachrabbit's question;


Straight to her with a faint smile and passed by!

"Damn! Monchi Dlujah, I'm a big living man standing here, do you think my wife is air, I'm the only female general in the future!"

The peach rabbit who was completely ignored was furious!

Don't say a word;

Peach Rabbit turned around and drew his saber Jin Biluo;

Slash to Lua!


Lua had no choice but to draw out the autumn water;

Two swords collide!

A domineering aura of armed color permeates the air!

Lua was surprised:

"What? You, a very charming-looking female navy, can use armed color domineering? You can eat with your face but your strength is extraordinary!

It seems that you are not your average female navy!"

"The old lady is going to become a female general!"

Peach Rabbit seems to be slighted and unhappy!


Lua actually has another goal in the navy, claiming to be the most beautiful and strongest female navy, but he has never seen this woman!

He only knew that this female navy had a code name......

Peach Rabbit!

A navy that has not yet become a general has an exclusive title that only a general deserves in advance, which shows its extraordinary strength!


The female navy in front of her is the peach rabbit? (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Lua couldn't help but look at the female navy carefully;

jet black and bright big waves, big bright eyes, graceful and sexy figure, and a seductive beauty mole at the corner of the mouth;

Even Lua had to admit that it was absolutely ......

It's a superb!

"Are you Commodore Peach Rabbit of the Navy Headquarters?"


When I heard the words of the brigadier general, the peach rabbit floated directly, if the quasi-word can be removed, it is estimated that the peach rabbit has already gone to heaven at this moment!

"Although I am still only a major general! Soon, I will definitely become a female general! Monchi Dluja, you are my stepping stone!

I'm going to arrest you!"

The peach rabbit is unrelenting and entangles Lua!

Luya patted his forehead helplessly!

At this very moment;

Peach Rabbit didn't know which tendon in his head was wrong, and his hands holding up Jin Biluo suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if he was trying to remember something!

"Wait! What did the young senior ask me to do just now? Did you let me talk to someone? Finally let me catch Monchi Dlua;

I was so excited that I forgot about it all!"

Peach Rabbit struggled in his mind for three seconds!


I really can't think of it, she is completely free!

"That's it! Young senior, I'm sorry! I don't care what he asked me to do! The old lady first solved the Mengqi D Lua in front of her!

After all......

I've been thinking about him for a long time!"

At this moment;

If the general Qingzhi, who was on his way to the island of justice, knew that the peach rabbit with such a bright appearance was so forgetful, it was estimated that he would be killed;

I'll never take her out on action again!



As soon as the voice fell;

Qiushui and Jin Biluo are intertwined again, the hedge between the armed color and the armed color, although the current armed color of Lua is only at the proficiency level;

But it's still a little stronger than Peach Rabbit;

Dacheng-level Navy Type 6 also has more advantages!

Even without using any other abilities, including the other two domineering, fruit abilities, and sword skills, Lua is still at ease!

"Peach Rabbit, how good it is that you are not a female navy!"

"The old lady is not a female navy, what do you want to do?"

"So I can marry you directly!"


"Of course, it doesn't matter if you're a female navy, it's not like I've never married a female navy?

Lua laughs!

"Marry me?"

The golden biluo in the hand of the peach rabbit slashed faster:

"Unless you take your head as a dowry!"

"Okay! Peach Rabbit, I'm really in a hurry! I don't have time to waste it here with the two of you, or you calm down first, let's go back and continue fighting!"

As soon as the voice fell;

I saw that Lu Ya didn't say a word and directly used a trick to dodge, but instead of hurting Peach Rabbit, he used the hilt of his sword to smash on the back of Peach Rabbit's head;

Peach Rabbit rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground!


Fortunately, Lua has its own large-range satellite perception function, otherwise, if you have to count on such a forgetful peach rabbit to pass on the message to him, the daylily will be cold!

By searching;

Lua reaffirms Robin's location;

The Island of Justice!


This is the fate she can't escape!

Lua is speechless!


He turned and beckoned into midair:

"Luna, Luqi, Luwei, let's go and rescue you four mothers immediately! This is our first adventure since the establishment of the Lua Pirates!"

"Captain Dad!"

Lu Na, Lu Qi, and Lu Wei were all full of excitement when they heard this, and finally, they could start their adventures like real pirates!

The future Luya Pirates will definitely resound throughout the sea! That's why Luya took their three precious daughters to sea together!

It's time for them to put their experience through it!



Just when Lu Na turned into a giant red dragon and rushed to the Island of Justice with her old father Lu Ya and her two younger sisters Lu Qi, Lu Wei and others;

It happened to pass by the shipyard of the capital of seven waters;

Luffy looked up and frowned instantly;

He also felt a sense of foreboding!

"Hey, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Frankie, something must have happened to my brother! Let's go help my brother!"

As soon as the voice fell;

Luffy didn't say a word, and immediately took his friends straight in the direction of the old brother Lua and them, and also headed towards the Island of Justice!


at the same time;

Above the desert!

When Peach Rabbit slowly woke up, Lua had already disappeared without a trace, and she gritted her teeth and withdrew her saber Jin Biluo:

"Damn! Monchi Dlujah, the old lady will not let you go! Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, the old lady will definitely arrest you!"


Peach Rabbit suddenly scratched the back of his head: "Wait! I seem to remember! The young senior asked me to send a message to Monchi D Lua;

Let Monchi Dlua go to the Island of Justice to find him!

That's right!

I'm going to the island of justice right now to stop him!


I don't think I told Monchi Dlua about it, but a sea thief like him worth 500 million should be able to find it himself, right?


Come to think of it;

Peach Rabbit rushed to the island of justice without saying a word!


The Island of Justice!

The tenth and the topmost layer leads directly to the Gate of Justice! It is called the Gate of Justice, but it is actually a purgatory on earth, because once you enter the Gate of Justice;

In this world;

No one will ever make it out alive!

Childishness had already brought Robin to the entrance of the Gate of Justice, and he sat lazily on the ground, crossed his legs, silently waiting for Lua's arrival!

"Don't! Lua! I'm a person who should no longer exist in this world! Don't come to die for an ominous person like me!"

"Let me die!"

Robin roared as hard as he could!

The young man calmly looked at the struggling Robin;



At this very moment;

Robin suddenly noticed that something in her stomach seemed to have kicked her, and in an instant, her pupils dilated;


Can't add more!

This look;

Even the young man was so frightened that he stood up!

"I don't want to die! I, I want to live!"

"Lure !!"

Robin yelled again in a heart-rending rage!

at the same time;

Lua, who was already close at hand, had already locked Robin through the heart net, and he could clearly perceive Robin's heart that wanted to live at the moment!

In a split second;

Lu Ya, who didn't even want to delay for a second, didn't say a word, raised his hand without hesitation and waved it directly, sounding the thunder fruit, and teleported!

less than a breath;

Lua had already come straight behind Robin;

At this moment;

The childish and lazy eyes instantly became serious;

Look at each other!


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