At the same time;

At the headquarters of the Don Quixote family of the Kingdom of Dressrosa in the New World, Doflamingo slowly walked down from the throne with the steps of six relatives who did not recognize him;

"We sent so many pirates to harass us, even the navy turned a blind eye, hasn't the shipyard in the capital of seven waters been taken down yet?

Now we, the Don Quixote, have control of the world's largest underground arms market, as long as we can take this shipyard;

We, the Don Quixote, will become even stronger, and at that time, not to mention the navy, even the world government will be afraid of us!"

"Boss, something happened! A guy in the East China Sea called the Straw Hat Kid ruined our good deeds!

It's ...... scary thing

This straw hat kid also has an older brother, his name is Monchi Dlua, and he has just been rewarded by the Navy Headquarters for 500 million Bailey!".

"What? Is there a bounty of 500 million Bailey?".

Hear here;

Even the arrogant Doflamingo;

The whole person couldn't help frowning deeply:

"Monchi Dlujah! It seems that Lao Tzu is going to take a trip in person, and I will wait for this guy with a reward of 500 million yuan to see how many catties and taels he has!"

"Boss, one more important thing, just received a secret letter from the World Government that they are going to hold a ...... in Alabastan

Demon Slayer Conference!".

"Demon Slayer Conference?".

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, the only survivor of O'Hara, and the only person in the entire sea who can read the text of history!

...... at the moment

Not only will there be many powerful bounty hunters from all over the world, including the Great Voyage, but even the major families of the New World will send people to participate!

The boss ......

Are we the Don Quixote family going to send someone to attend as well?".

"Of course, how could such an interesting thing be without our Don Quixote family? Immediately arrange for two capable cadres to participate in the demon slaying conference!"

"Not only that, boss, in order to attract more people to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference, the World Government has also deliberately offered a reward of 220 million for it!

With the current strength of Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, and his danger to the world government, her bounty will not exceed 100 million at most!".

"The world government is even more despicable and shameless than we imagined! This is even more bastard than our Don Quixote!".


Doflamingo burst out laughing!


A few days later;

The Kingdom of Alabastan, the Land of the Desert!

"Hey, have you received any news from the World Government? Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, will be at the Rain Feast at their Baroque workshop!".

"Haha! This is 220 million Baileys walking! You know, even a king of the Seven Martial Seas doesn't have such a high bounty, right?"

"What are you kidding? Is the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty something we can deal with? The Demon Son is different, her strength is far from reaching this price!".

"Indeed, with our strength, this is probably the only chance in our lives that we may have the opportunity to harvest hundreds of millions of Bailey's and other sea thieves!"

"I heard that the Great Voyage and even the New World, no matter the Seven Martial Seas under the King, including the Four Emperors, all the major families have sent people to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference!"

"So, the only thing we bounty hunters have now is to get a head start! Find Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, and take her head as soon as possible!".

Hundreds of powerful bounty hunters from all over the world are approaching the base camp of the Baroque Workshop ...... at great speed

The City of Rain Feasts!

At this moment;

Robin, who is the de facto head of the Baroque workshop, is working underground in the rain banquet, and suddenly, she seems to have a sense of foreboding!

Suddenly look up!

A breeze blew in from nowhere, and Robin immediately stood up, closed his eyes and tried to feel the cool breath that he hadn't seen for a long time!

"Is it going to rain?".

Alabastan hasn't had rain for two or three years, and rain is arguably the greatest bounty for such a desert country!

"Lua, I'm really happy! The Kingdom of Alabastan and its people are getting better and better because of your presence!"

"I don't know why, I miss you a little bit all of a sudden! I'll rush back to you when I help you find information about Hades!".

"And everyone!Xiao Luna, Xiao Luqi, Xiao Lu Wei must have grown taller again, right?I don't know when I will be able to have my own children?".

"I love my daughter's too!".

"As a child of the devil, I never really lived until I met you!Lua, you have made me nostalgic for this world!".

"Mom will be happy, too!".



Suddenly ......

Right now;

In the dark;

Dozens of cold blades stabbed straight at Robin, although Robin used the Flower Fruit ability to protect the fatal parts of his body at the first time

But he was still cut on the arm by several of the sharp blades!

And that's not all;

Dozens of gunmen followed, firing at her at the same time, and Robin shuttled through the hail of bullets, as if he had returned to the past!

That's how she came back to life when she was a child!

Just because she's ......

Son of the Devil!

"Nico Robin, son of the devil, you can't escape! We have hundreds of masters here this time, and we have surrounded the entire city of rain feasts!".

"Suffer death, son of the devil, you should not have lived in this world for a long time!"

"The son of the devil is mine, and the twenty-twenty million Baileys are also mine!".

In an instant;

When Robin looked at the only exit, countless hunters were scrambling to hunt her, and it was only with great difficulty that hope in the world was rekindled;

Robin fell into deep despair again!

"Yes, yes, I'm the son of the devil! I shouldn't have survived this world a long time ago!


But now I'm starting to feel scared

It's because of ......

Do I already have someone I want to be nostalgic for?".

"Lure !!".


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