Two days later;

Just as Luffy went to Shelds Island and joined forces with his first companion Zoro to fight Monka, Lua had already set foot in Cocoa West Village!

Of course ......

Lua certainly didn't come empty-handed, Grandpa Karp's hard-earned belongings for decades, a total of 100 million Baileys, were all on his ship!

Although Karp has not often returned to Donghai Windmill Village over the years, his salary, bonuses and other things are all managed by Lua

After all, ......

Compared to the mischievous Luffy, Lua is definitely Karp's greatest pride, how could he have thought that Lua would go to sea with his old book?

I don't know that Karp, the naval hero who is far away in Marin Vando, if he knows that his two grandsons went to sea at the same time, one of them also swept away his old book;

Will Karp be so angry that he vomits blood?


Lua dragged a bag of hemp, Bailey, straight to the tavern, found the village chief of Cocoa West Village, and explained the meaning straightforwardly:

"Village Chief, is Miss Nami here, I'm here to propose to her!".


In an instant;

Hear here;

The people of the entire tavern were collectively shocked on the spot, and they all looked at Lua in front of them, indeed! Lua and Luffy are brothers

But two people should be fraternal;

Compared to Luffy's naïve childishness;

Lua was born with a graceful, handsome and chic face, long enough to make every woman in the whole sea love!

Not ...... though

Even so;

The entire tavern still shook their heads

"Haha, young man, it seems that you still don't know Nami well enough!


Lua nodded heavily without surprise when he heard this


"And this one?".

As soon as the words fell;

Seeing that Lua didn't say a word, he opened the hemp bag next to him, and in an instant, countless Bailey flashed the eyes of everyone in the tavern:

"That's a whole 100 million Baileys!If Miss Nami is willing to marry me, she can use the bride price to buy back your village!".

"100 million Bailey?".

"Bride price, hey, this guy is too generous!".

Where have these villagers seen so many Baileys in the tavern, including the village chief, they were all stunned by so many Baileys!

Luya was very sure in her heart that Nami at this time did not hesitate to be abducted in the entire East China Sea in order to be able to buy back the village from Aaron

To buy back the village, a total of 100 million Baileys are needed

And Lua just brought enough 100 million as a bride price this time;

That's why Nami can't refuse!

Sure enough;

Nami had just returned to the village after finishing her votes, and she happened to hear Lua's words outside the tavern, and look at the whole 100 million Bailey before they met

You can imagine that;

Nami's eyes were immediately filled with little stars!

In addition, when she saw Lu Ya for the first time, she couldn't help but be deeply impressed by Lu Ya's suave, handsome and handsome face!

"I'll marry!".

Nami rushed up without hesitation and blurted out!

The voice did not fall;

I saw that her whole body had already pounced on the sack;

Enjoy it all over your face!

"Nami, you have to think about it, this is a lifelong event for your life!

The villagers are still very sensible, and although this 100 million Bailey can buy back their village, they still hope that Nami can be happy!

"How can this be casual? Guys, Nami marrying me will not only buy back your village with this hundred million Baileys, but I promise

...... after marriage

I'm going to take Nami out to sea with me, all over the world, and fulfill her great dream of drawing a map of the world!"


Everyone in the entire tavern couldn't help but be moved again, especially Nami, who looked back at Lua with even more yearning eyes!

"Everyone, I've decided! I married him not only because of our village, but most importantly, he is the ideal type I was looking for!".

"That's it!".

Hear here;

Everyone in the entire tavern couldn't help but nod in unison, "Nami, as long as you can be happy, all of us will bless you!"

"Everyone, don't worry, I will be happy! You have to believe in my vision! As my future man, I don't know your name yet?".

"Monchi Dlua!".

Lua said and pulled Nami in front of him into his arms, Nami did not resist, but put her little head on his shoulder;

As a well-known thief cat in the entire East China Sea;

For the first time in her life, Nami showed a shy look!

"Guys, now that we've all agreed, how about holding my wedding with Nami in this tavern in three days' time?"

"So fast?".

"I'm looking forward to it!".

"Our village's little Nami is really getting married!".

Everyone in the tavern at the moment, whether it is the village chief, the sheriff Ah Jian, or the doctor Nagao, they all grew up watching Nami!

Even Nami herself nodded heavily:


As soon as the words fell;

Once again, she showed a very rare shy side;

Lua naturally went straight to the road and gave a kiss!


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