"Luffy, do you know? We're a D-class clan known as the natural enemies of the gods! Looking at the entire sea, there are no more than 10 of us in the whole clan

The great task of reviving the D family depends on our brothers!".

On the calm sea of the East China Sea, a small boat has just departed from the windmill village, and a pair of brothers are sitting on the small boat, the younger brother Monchi D Luffy;

My brother ......

Monchi D Lua, as a sibling, he is only a few minutes older than Luffy, even so, Luffy still has to call him an old brother!

Actually, he's a traverser!

Just half a month ago, Lu Ya had just awakened a multi-son and multi-blessing system, and the ultimate goal of this system was to revive the D-one family

And the way to revive the D-one is to marry a wife and have children!

As a D-class clan known as the natural enemy of the gods, the more descendants he has, the higher the comprehensive potential of the whole clan, and the more rewards he can get!

"Enemy of the Gods, Brother, are you telling the truth? Are we really that great, but how can we be revived?".

Luffy's face was full of excitement when he heard this!

Lua lay on the deck and continued to fool his idiot brother :

"Luffy, what do you think is the most important thing to be a powerful family? Reputation, status, and even strength are all secondary;

The most important thing is that the family must have more children and more blessings!".

"Many sons and many blessings?".

So, Luffy, if you want to revive our D clan, the best way is to marry a wife and have children!".

"Marry a wife and have children?".

Luffy scratched the back of his head with a puzzled face:

"Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Anyway, I've already decided, I'm going to be the man of One Piece!".

"Haha! Luffy, don't worry about this, you just have to be the king of the pirates!As an elder brother, sacrifice it, I will be responsible for marrying a wife and having children!".


"You are responsible for being the One Piece, and I am responsible for marrying a wife and having children, and reviving the D family, Luffy, then our brothers will make such a happy decision!"


Luffy didn't say a word, and immediately nodded with excitement on his face!

Lua turned his head and couldn't help but secretly rejoice: "Stupid brother, go to your One Piece!


The situation of the two brothers Lua and Luffy since they were children is completely different, because Luffy ate the rubber fruit early, he was taken care of by Old Man Karp;

At a young age, he was sent to a bandit's den to endure hardships!

Lua has been staying at ease in Windmill Town!

Karp's expectation for Lua is that he is an excellent navy, and if he doesn't go to sea this time, it is estimated that it will not be long before he will be taken to the navy for special training!

Relying on the strong genes of the Monchi family, coupled with his unremitting efforts, maybe he will become a rising naval star in the future!

But at this stage;

Compared to Luffy, who has already mastered the ordinary form of rubber fruits, Lua, who has only learned some Navy Six furs, can only be regarded as a weak chicken!

That's why;

Lua urgently needs to complete the first task of the Sons and Blessings system as soon as possible, marry a wife, and thus obtain rich system rewards;

Get stronger!

That's why he chose to go to sea with Luffy:

First of all, in this pirate world where the jungle eats the jungle, he needs to have a guarantee when he is still very weak, and his younger brother Luffy is very suitable;

Secondly, what Lua likes the most is that Luffy, as the protagonist, is always surrounded by various goddesses, but unfortunately Luffy is a piece of wood!

Good thing ......

Lua and Luffy have completed the agreement, Luffy is responsible for being the One Piece, and he is responsible for marrying a wife and having children, and the goddesses will no longer be lonely!

...... now

The first target of the Luya people in the East China Sea is naturally Nami, the little thief cat;

Regardless of appearance or charm, the little thief cat Nami is one of the best existences, plus the little thief cat Nami's incomparably mysterious background background;

At this stage, if you can marry Nami, the little thief cat, it will definitely be worth it!

And ......

The most important thing is that if it were someone else, Lua might not be so confident, but Nami is 100% sure!

Because ......

As a traverser, he knows the biggest pain point of Nami, the little thief cat!

At the same time;

Just out to sea;

Luffy had already been unable to hold back his excitement and shouted:

"Brother, where are we going for our first stop?".

Lua stared at Luffy with a malicious smile: "Haha, Luffy, I've already decided to go to Cocoa West Village at the first stop!".

"What are we going there for, brother, are there a lot of good things to eat? Also, is there a partner I want to find there?".

"I'm sorry!Luffy, I'm going to propose!".


Luffy opened his mouth wide when he heard this: "Brother, I'm going to be the man of One Piece, I'm going to find all ten partners!".

"Luffy, where do you want to go, whatever!".

"But, brother, don't forget, we only have such a small boat, what will I do if you drive it to the village of Cocoyasi?"

"Haha, Luffy, then you can use this!".

As soon as the words fell;

I saw Lua pointing straight to a wine barrel floating not far away, Luffy saw this, and the whole person couldn't help but be stunned again:

"Barrel, man, is this really going to work?".

In the anime;

When Luffy went to sea alone, he encountered a storm and the boat capsized, and he started his pirate journey while sitting in such a wine barrel!

Lua nodded in affirmation!

Luffy just sat in a wine barrel and floated into the distance, drifting away, and Lua didn't hesitate to turn the bow of the boat and go straight to Cocoa West Village!

Luffy, as the future One Piece, wants to find his partner, but Lua is not interested in Zoro, Usopp, Sanji and others;

There's only Nami in his eyes at the moment!

Before leaving;

Lua and Luffy made another agreement, Lua will wait for Luffy in Cocoa West Village, and the two will set off together towards the great route!


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