Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 525 An Emergency Notice

At around 11 o'clock that night, Yu Niandong took a large technical team of more than a dozen technical backbones and rushed to Mushidao City by flight. Coaster sent by the Fertile Land Flight Training Base picked them up at the base.

However, Yu Niandong didn't bother to rest. After throwing down his luggage, he led his troops to the maintenance hangar. Don't worry. Judging from the situation reported by the troops, the hidden dangers are likely to be left during the improvement. The maintenance and repair of the military aircraft are carried out completely in accordance with the manual, which is issued by the manufacturer. Because the No. 037 J-7EGGH is a unique fighter, the maintenance manual is different from other J-7s.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he looked up and saw Li Zhan, who was still wearing a flight suit. He strode over and said, "Captain Li."

Li Zhan was studying the aircraft drawings with Peng Chubin. He followed the sound and looked over. He was a little surprised at the moment, "Director Yu? You guys are moving very fast!"

"Captain Li, you have to move fast!" Yu Niandong said with a wry smile.

Chengdu Lockheed Martin is at its peak, especially after the first flight of the fourth-generation aircraft. They have completely surpassed the big brother Shen Hoy and become the number one domestic military aircraft manufacturer. Their status in the hearts of netizens is rising steadily. Everyone hopes to become the top military aircraft manufacturer in China. Lockheed Martin can continue to work hard to innovate and continue to contribute to building a strong people's army.

In such a large environment, if an accident occurs during military training due to negligence on the part of the manufacturer, the achievements achieved today after decades of hard work and hard work will be cast into dust. This is a result that the factory leaders cannot accept in any case.

Therefore, after receiving feedback from the troops, Cheng Luoma immediately organized a large technical team composed of more than a dozen technical backbones headed by Yu Niandong and rushed over urgently. The effect was obvious. When Old Chen saw the number of people in the manufacturer's technical team, he felt a little less angry - the manufacturer showed enough attention.

Yu Niandong's face was covered with wrinkles from worry, and he said to Li Zhan, "Xiao Li, we are old friends. Tell me the truth about what's going on so far."

On the other side, the remaining technical staff of the manufacturer have asked the responsible cadres of the army to organize a briefing on the situation. The military maintenance team is looking for the cause of the failure, and the information they have is relatively limited.

Li Zhan explained the two faults before and after, frowning and said, "The two faults before and after seem to be independent of each other, but I have always decided that there is a certain connection. Mechanical faults can basically be eliminated, and our maintenance team has done it After a comprehensive inspection, my focus is now on the line.”

Having said this, Li Zhan stared at Yu Niandong and asked, "Director Yu, the Dongsanguai fighter jet has a new flight control, and its entire route layout has also been redone, right?"

Yu Niandong shook his head slightly and said, "It can't be considered a re-do. It was originally an improvement based on the original foundation, including new air intakes and new wings."

Li Zhan suddenly raised his eyebrows. Such a big improvement did not involve re-laying the lines, but after thinking about it, he understood that it would be better to build a new one than to start everything over again.

"It's unlikely that the wiring will cause a power outage and oxygen supply failure in the cockpit. Your aircraft's wiring deployment plan is the most mature, and it has been tested repeatedly before delivery. There should be no problems." Yu Niandong frowned and stared at his hands behind his back. Look at No. 037 J-7EGGH.

It should be pointed out that the J-7EGGH No. 037 is painted on a whiteboard by the manufacturer, and only has the legendary classic tactical number "037" printed on it.

Tang Leile came over. His white labor protection gloves were already stained with oil. He pointed at the fighter and said, "Brother, could it have something to do with the coating? The surface of the fuselage has been treated with anti-corrosion treatment. It doesn't look like it has anti-corrosion." Paint."

"You can't tell this." Yu Niandong shook his head and said, "Our paint looks like a whiteboard, but it is actually very particular. The anti-corrosion paint used is based on the actual situation of maritime flight and complies with military standards."

Li Zhan said, “My suggestion is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the lines.”

The most likely source of power outage in the cockpit occurs on the power supply line. This judgment is completely logical. Yu Niandong nodded slowly and said, "I brought two teams of people here. Each major is equipped with two people. I will start working overnight tonight. I will definitely Try to find out the cause of the failure in the shortest possible time.”

He looked at Li Zhan sincerely and said, "Xiao Li, I'm so sorry for delaying your training."

"A test machine, if there is no problem, it is still a test machine." Li Zhan waved his hand and said, "Director Yu, the Dongsanguai aircraft once had a cockpit power failure. You can find the maintenance records. The cause of the failure at that time It was caused by a short circuit in the wiring.”

"Yes, I remember that you were in the Second Division at the time and encountered a power outage in the cockpit during a night flight. I have been following up on your aircraft to provide manufacturer services, I remember." Yu Niandong said quickly, "I have brought the maintenance records."

The manufacturer has one copy, and the military maintenance department has one copy, just like the maintenance record of a car.

The fault has occurred, but the cause of the fault has not been found, which is quite distressing. If the fault is not found, there is no way to repair it. Even if the cause of the fault is found and repaired, it may not be possible to return to flight so quickly. All in all, Li Zhan was the one who least wanted something to go wrong—in fact, no one wanted it.

After talking to Yu Niandong about his analysis for a while, Li Zhancai and Tang Leile left the maintenance hangar and walked to the arched semi-enclosed hangar not far away.

The officers and soldiers of the maintenance brigade are working hard at night to conduct maintenance on three J-11As from the Sea and Air Eagle Force, especially in terms of anti-corrosion. The two dangerous situations that Li Zhan encountered today caused the entire Flying Shark unit to be grounded for a day for inspections. The pressure went directly to the maintenance area.

Zhang Xueyang and Cao Zuofei were following the maintenance staff to inspect the aircraft. The maintenance task is to complete the maintenance of all fighter aircraft before dawn. After dawn, the headquarters will make a decision on whether to resume training based on the actual situation.

The concealed cabin landing training encountered Waterloo just at the beginning. Li Zhan and Tang Leilei, two people who had served in the Western Broken King Division, were more able to withstand it. Zhang Xueyang and Cao Zuofei were not very good at it and were very nervous.

Most people will never encounter a first-class danger in their lives, but Li Zhan is not the case. Every time he encounters either a first-class danger or a special danger, not only him, but also the people around him have formed a habit of thinking - he is just a person. It's a special danger, Tang Leile is like this.

J-11A No. 08 was assigned to Zhang Xueyang. Seeing that he wanted to intervene but didn't know where to start, Li Zhan patted his shoulder and comforted him, "Be more open-minded."

Zhang Xueyang: "???"

"I should be saying this to you, right?" Zhang Xueyang said.

"It's all the same." Li Zhan smiled heartily and put his hands behind his back. He walked around like a leader and asked angrily, "How is the situation, Comrade Xueyang?"

Zhang Xueyang was speechless and followed up and said, "Old Li, please stop forcing yourself to smile and tell me, have you found out the reason?"

"Not yet." Li Zhan shook his head.

Under the light, Zhang Xueyang noticed the smile on Li Zhan's lips, and felt strange in his heart. He frowned and asked, "Why do I think you seem quite happy?"

Tang Leilei smiled and said, "Another first-class merit, of course I am happy."

Only then did Zhang Xueyang come back to his senses and said with a wry smile, "Yeah, another one."

He wanted to continue to say something but found that he didn't know where to start. Could it be that it is as easy for Li Zhan to make meritorious service as to smoke? This is inappropriate. Everyone knew what the situation was at that time. No one would dare to say that he could do it. Bring the plane back. But it's not easy to say that it doesn't seem like that for him - the next time he comes, he has nine first-class merits. What a WDNGF!

"If I think too much, the organization will not give me first-class merit again." Li Zhan said. Seeing the two people about to ask questions, he waved his hands and continued, "If it is really given, then, then I can only accept it. "


Zhang Xueyang was so angry that his head was about to smoke.

"Aren't you really happy that you can make a contribution? Besides the rod fee, is there anything else that can make you smile?" Zhang Xueyang said dissatisfied.

Li Zhan smiled, then slowly put away his smile, looked up at the hawkbill nose of the J-11A, and said in a deep voice, "I am now basically certain that Dong Sanguai's fault has nothing to do with the manufacturer. Dong Sanguai You are all familiar with this aircraft. There was a cockpit power outage when I was in the Second Division. Later, I checked the types of faults that have occurred in the J-7 fighter since it entered service, and I found that the cockpit power outage only occurred once."

"Years ago, an early model J-7 at a station in the Central Plains experienced a power outage in the cockpit. However, the pilot successfully flew the aircraft back in broad daylight. The cause of the failure was the same as the first cockpit power outage in Dong Sanguai. They are exactly the same, all are line faults. I suspect this is a congenital defect. I just asked Director Yu Niandong, and he said that all the lines at Dongsanguai have not been changed, and some parts still remain unchanged."

He said, "The power outage in the Dongsanguai cockpit is neither the fault of the maintenance staff nor the responsibility of the manufacturer."

Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei both fell into deep thought. The latter asked in confusion, "But there are so many J-7s, more than a thousand. They have been in service for decades. Including this time, there have only been three cockpit power outages. If it is If it’s a congenital defect, the failure rate shouldn’t be so low, right?”

"No." Zhang Xueyang shook his head and said, "It is precisely because the failure rate is low that it has not attracted attention. If frequent power outages occur in the cockpit, it will attract attention and lead to comprehensive improvements."

Li Zhan nodded, "Yes, so I can only say that I am lucky. I have encountered such a low failure rate for most of them."

Tang Leilei understood, and asked puzzledly, "Brother 1, why didn't you tell Director Yu Niandong your judgment just now?"

"There are so many of them coming all the way. If I come up and relieve them of the pressure, it will be in vain. Let them search carefully first, which can be regarded as an explanation to our troops." Li Zhan said.

Zhang Xueyang couldn't help but laugh and said, "Hey, he is indeed the little prince of political workers, he is very situational."

Li Zhan smiled lightly and said, "I was the captain and instructor of the brigade in Beiku. I only stepped down as instructor after Lao Nie passed."

"You're awesome, you're really awesome." It wasn't irony, it was genuine admiration. Zhang Xueyang said, "I didn't realize you were a generalist. You seem to be from Huaqing? What's your major?"

"Think..." Li Zhan replied subconsciously, then stopped suddenly and changed it to: "Hey... pilot class. Oh, you were specially recruited and never went to school."

Zhang Xueyang was stunned and glared, "Why, I never went to school. I have a serious undergraduate degree in aviation."

Li Zhan chuckled and almost spilled the beans. He was always embarrassed to let others know his major. He was the only one in the Huaqing pilot class at that time.

Cao Fufei ran over from the hangar next door, "Lao Li and Xiao Tang, you are also here. Just in time, Mr. Chen informed us of the meeting. We will gather in the large conference room of the agency building immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, a Land Cruiser commuter car roared over. The four people quickly jumped on the car, and the Land Cruiser ran towards the government building with its long legs.

Zhang Xueyang asked Cao Youfei, "We had a meeting all night. Do you know what it was about?"

"I don't know. It's probably a big event for all the teachers and students to gather together." Cao Fufei said solemnly.

Li Zhan had a bad premonition in his heart. Sitting in the co-pilot, he looked out the window. The fertile soil flight training base late at night could still make people feel the unique desolation of winter in the north. The mountain is quite dark and scary.

Most likely it wasn't today's close call.

When we arrived at the large conference room in the agency building, the troops had already assembled and were all seated. Leaders such as Lao Chen had also taken their seats on the rostrum. Li Zhan and the other four were the last to arrive. As soon as you enter the door, you can feel the solemn atmosphere, and everyone's expression is very serious. After giving the report, I quickly went to the student team and sat down in a standard sitting position with my back straight, and I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

It feels like a war is about to begin.

The general meeting procedures were all omitted, and Old Chentou spoke directly, "Haisi issued an emergency notification ten minutes ago. At 10:30 this morning, a Su-27UBK fighter jet suddenly crashed due to a telex failure. Two pilots died. After preliminary investigation, it was believed that the failure of the longitudinal fax system caused the fighter plane to lose control. The fighter plane was training at sea at the time. It failed shortly after returning and crossed the coastline and entered the sky over the city. The pilot made an emergency landing on the beach to avoid densely populated areas, but failed. ”

Li Zhan felt nervous and looked down at the time - 23:55.

Old Chentou said, "The Marine Corps ordered all J-11A fighters to be grounded for inspection. After the accident investigation results are available, they will return to flight after eliminating safety hazards. We have just borrowed three J-11A aircraft from the Sea and Air Eagle. It was originally planned to be used for concealed cabin landing training, but now it can only be suspended. The manufacturer's technical personnel will be in place tomorrow, and the maintenance department will cooperate well."

Su-27SK, Su-27UBK, and J-11A use the same flight control system.

It's all bad news.

"Comrades, we also encountered a special danger this afternoon. The J-7 light carrier-based test aircraft specially issued by superiors experienced a power failure and oxygen supply failure in the cockpit during dark cabin flight training. The manufacturer's technical team has been in place to carry out maintenance. Safety issues have been prominent since the start of training this year! Our Hainan Airlines and Air Force aviation units have experienced many mechanical failures in the air. Not long ago, the J-16 test flight jointly conducted by Hainan Airlines and the Air Force had a tail rudder failure due to weather conditions. This year’s The training security situation is very serious. I once again ask everyone to be very alert, especially in the area of ​​aircraft maintenance, and the work must be done carefully. The J-15 we use has not yet been fully finalized, and it is safer to fly than other troops. The pressure is even greater, so everyone must unite their thoughts and do their jobs well and solidly..."

Most of the dangers that Old Chen pointed out were encountered by Li Zhan, but Li Zhan's mind was not on this aspect. All he could think about was the two Su-27UBK pilots who died in Qi Kong. He felt heavy and complicated while feeling sorry for his comrades. .

Since it is UBK, it is certain that the sacrifices are made by teachers and students, both teachers and students. The failed emergency landing showed that they were trying to save the fighter plane until the last moment, even though it was a Su-27UBK that had been in service for a full ten years!

How Li Zhan hoped that all dangers would happen to him!

(Please don’t joke around in this chapter review.)

The plane crash mentioned at the end of this chapter is a real event that has been artistically transformed. Also, it’s the end of the month. Please give me more monthly votes. I just want to be among the top 100.

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