At dusk, over the Bohai Sea, there are colorful orange sea surfaces and ships dragging long tracks. Another wave of cold air has been added, and the temperature on the coast of the Bohai Sea in late winter is clearly feeling that the temperature is dropping rapidly.

No. 037 J-7EGGH flew about 500 meters below an Airbus-330, and around it, there were seven civil aviation aircraft flying in different directions at various levels.

Civil aviation also has evening peak hours.

While each family was preparing dinner, Li Zhan continued to descend and flew towards the base. Following the tower's instructions, he treated the fighter jet as a passenger plane and landed like a passenger plane, making the descent process very long. About fifty kilometers away from the base, he began to slowly descend.

Without knowing the angle of attack, Li Zhan could only rely on feeling to make judgments and then make fine adjustments.

(Pitch angle and angle of attack are not the same concepts.)

Fortunately, the fighter plane was in the southeast direction of the base, and the landing direction was the same as the take-off direction. Otherwise, Li Zhan would have faced a moderate difficulty-landing with the wind.

The base is ready, and relevant military and civilian departments have also made preparations according to the plan. All aircraft less than four kilometers in front of the No. 037 J-7EGGH have been mobilized, and all aircraft that are about to enter have also received instructions to fly around. There happened to be three busy international routes passing through this airspace, and three large passenger planes that had already entered the landing procedure received climb and avoidance instructions.

Lao Chentou promptly issued adjustment instructions to Li Zhan, and Li Zhan's feedback was very accurate. Judging from the ground radar display, the 037 J-7EGGH basically flew along the special landing route quickly formulated by the staff. This gave everyone full confidence.

At a position ten kilometers away from the base, the flight altitude of No. 037 J-7EGGH has dropped to 200 meters. According to the special landing route, which should be a special forced landing route to be exact, No. 037 J-7EGGH must continue to slowly descend in altitude, and then Minimum angle to ground.

The runway has been cleared.

"Three turns, turn left three times, move slowly and don't rush." ​​Old Chen saw that the nose of the plane was not completely aligned with the runway.

"Understood! Three degrees to the left." Li Zhan carefully adjusted the nose of the aircraft to the left and stopped based on his feeling.

When the radar operator saw that the nose of the No. 037 J-7EGGH merged with the central axis of the runway, he gave an excited thumbs up.

Old Chentou said, "Three turns in the hole, put the landing gear in!"


Li Zhan released the landing gear. The landing gear switch was a hard switch with hydraulic-mechanical transmission. He used a flashlight to flip the switch to the "down" position. Then the fuselage shook slightly, and the sound from under the front and rear landing gear could be clearly heard.

"Tower, the landing gear is down." Li Zhan reported.

The staff officer observed with a telescope and could vaguely see the landing gear of No. 037 J-7EGGH lowered. He reported, "It must have been lowered, but the distance is too far to confirm whether it is in place."

It's one thing to let go, it's another thing to put it in place.

No. 037 J-7EGGH has no chance of passing the runway. It is very difficult to guide and align again if it misses the runway.

Old Chen Tou thought for a while and gave Li Zhan a new instruction, "Dong Sanguai, your current speed is 380 kilometers. You can close the accelerator and reduce the speed to 280 kilometers."

"Understood." Li Zhan continued to operate cautiously, and then quickly reported, "Please confirm the speed."

The radar operator gave a thumbs up again and was so impressed that Li Zhan executed all the instructions at once, which made people doubt that the cockpit was not powered off at all. In the absence of feedback information, it is a very profound skill to execute ground guidance instructions based on experience alone and get it right at the first time.

"The descent rate is three meters, and we will touch down in one minute." Old Chentou looked at the data quickly calculated by the staff and nodded slightly.

Li Zhan confirmed the information, "The descent rate is three meters, and one point touches the ground."

"Listen to my command and close the accelerator."

"Understood, follow your instructions and close the accelerator."

No. 037 J-7EGGH, like a sleepy person lazily touching his mobile phone with his eyes closed, slowly approached the south end of the runway. When he was one kilometer away from the south end of the runway, his flying altitude was already very low, and he was only a few feet above the ground. Fifty meters high. Such an emergency landing route is completely against the regulations, but special circumstances will be treated accordingly. The worst result is a crash. If the flight altitude is lower, at least the fall will be lighter.

The staff officer quickly observed the condition of the landing gear of No. 037 J-7EGGH and reported: "The front and rear landing gear are all in place!"

The last operation is okay, now comes the hardest part.

Up to now, except for Old Chentou, the mood of the rest of the staff has gone from despair to hope and now to excitement, showing such a process of change. Such a dangerous situation has never occurred before. The canopy was covered when flying in a dark cabin, but what Li Zhan encountered now was that his eyes were also covered, and he also encountered an oxygen supply system failure. Almost no one believes that Li Zhan can drive the fighter back - because almost no one can fulfill the ground guidance command requirements 100% without feedback from the fighter's attitude.

However, from the time he encountered the malfunction to now, every operation performed by Li Zhan fully complied with the requirements of ground guidance instructions, and so far, everything has been done at once.

This person is extremely knowledgeable in flying J-7 series fighters - this is the strongest feeling among the staff.

From impossible to only one step away from success, most people's mental journey changes from low to high in such a process. Everyone began to really pay attention to Li Zhan, a student who was "enrolled without taking the exam". From hooking the second blocking rope seven times in a row to now encountering extreme danger, every control action was much higher than the standard in the textbook. Naturally, people were fascinated. admiration.

"Dong Sanguai listens to my command and controls the ground, do you understand?" Lao Chentou stared intently at the posture of No. 037 J-7EGGH and said in a deep voice.

It was very quiet in the tower, with only the sound of the instruments working. Most of the positions have completed their work, but the commander, radar operator, and signalman still cannot take it lightly.

The signalman is a sergeant. He stares at the landing gear and repeatedly confirms whether the position of the landing gear is correct. If it is incorrect, he must report it as soon as possible. Normally, he will fire a round in front of the landing fighter as soon as possible. Red flare. When the pilot sees the red flare, he immediately initiates a go-around, and then the signalman reports to the commander. Because the fighter will often touch down within two or three seconds at this time, the pilot must be notified first and then reported to the commander.

The sergeant finally breathed a sigh of relief. The flare gun he was holding tightly was slowly returned to the designated position on the table, and the safety was turned off at the same time.

Old Chentou started counting down, "Ten! Nine! Eight!..."

"Touch the ground!"

Li Zhan quickly performed landing maneuvers, and the rear landing gear tires of the No. 037 J-7EGGH touched the ground, causing two puffs of light smoke to rise immediately. Next, it all depended on the pilot. Li Zhan pressed the stick to touch the nose gear by feel. When he felt that the fighter's attitude was stable, he decisively retracted all the throttle and stepped on the brakes.

No. 037 J-7EGGH slid forward "sizzlingly", and the emergency rescue vehicles roared past in unison.

After seeing the fighter plane stop steadily, everyone in the tower was really relieved.

But things don't end there.

What exactly caused the No. 037 J-7EGGH to malfunction twice in a row? The second failure was of a type never encountered before.

It's unlikely to be a maintenance issue.

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