Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 151 He is my boyfriend

Facing it bravely may be a way to untie the knot in your heart. In other words, only by facing it bravely can you let go of the things that are pressing in your heart.

This is true for Li Zhan, and isn't it true for the leaders of the Second Division such as Qi Hongfang Chenghe? It's just that Li Zhan probably doesn't know that there are many things happening there.

The task assigned to the 101st Regiment by the aviation department was named Project 228, which was code-named after the date when the aviation department determined the task. That day when Xue Xiangdong was discussing Project 228 with Li Zhan, a big event was happening in the Second Division.

Qi Hong was discussing tactics with the pilots. The orderly came to him and said that the political commissar Fang was in an emergency. Qi Hong immediately rushed to the political commissar's office.

As soon as he entered the door, the first thing Qi Hong saw was a timid little girl sitting on the sofa. She was thin and frail, about seventeen or eighteen years old, plainly dressed, with long hair simply tied into a ponytail, holding a paper water cup in both hands. Lower your head slightly.


Fang Chenghe, who was sitting on the single sofa nearby, stood up.

The little girl stood up quickly and didn't pay attention to the paper water cup in her hand. She spilled some water and became more and more panicked. Fang Chenghe's heart tightened and he couldn't help but compare it with his daughter who was in high school. His loving father's emotions came out and he quickly found tissues for the little girl.

"Daughter, don't be nervous, sit down. This is our teacher and Comrade Li Zhan's boss. He has been kind to Comrade Li Zhan." Fang Chenghe asked the little girl to sit down.

At this time, Qi Hong basically guessed who the little girl was.

"Little girl, are you Ying Wanjun?" Qi Hong smiled warmly, making the atmosphere as relaxed as possible, and casually pulled up a chair to sit down.

Ying Wanjun nodded timidly, not daring to look directly at Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe. In her eyes, the stars on the two senior colonel officers' ranks were very intimidating.

"Are you here about Li Zhan?" Qi Hong looked at Fang Chenghe.

Fang Chenghe nodded slightly, picked up a handwritten certificate on the coffee table and handed it to Qi Hong, "Teacher, take a look at this."

The content of the certificate was very brief, but Qi Hong was shocked by the dense number of signatures and red finger prints at the back. There should be hundreds of names and corresponding red finger prints. The content of the proof is just one thing. Hundreds of villagers proved that there was no business-marriage relationship between Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun, but a free love relationship. The 60,000 yuan was from Li Zhan as Ying Wanjun’s boyfriend. It was given to Ying Wanjun's family with no intention of betrothal.

The official seal of the village branch stamped on the back is the most convincing part.

"Comrade Ying Wanjun, please tell me the ins and outs of this matter in detail." Qi Hong's expression became serious, and he didn't care whether the little girl was nervous or not.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she mentioned this matter, Ying Wanjun sat up straight, her eyes became firm, and she said angrily and confidently, "Boss, I didn't know until I got home from the winter vacation that Li Zhan was transferred because of my affairs. You have wronged him. Someone deliberately slandered him. I have investigated and found that he blocked some people's financial paths and was deliberately reported and framed. There is no such thing as selling a wife. He and I knew each other before the blind date. , we are free to love. Is it illegal for soldiers to fall in love? I am over 18 years old."

"Daughter, please speak slowly and take a sip of tea first." Fang Chenghe poured another cup of tea for Ying Wanjun.

As soon as Ying Wanjun started speaking, she couldn't stop, even though her logic was unclear due to her nervousness. She picked up the shoulder bag beside her, took out her ID cards from it, and placed them on the coffee table one by one, saying, "My ID card, household registration booklet, admission notice, student ID card, party member ID card, I guarantee with my personality that you have definitely wronged him!"

"Are you a party member?" Qi Hong was surprised. He picked up Ying Wanjun's certificate and looked at it. It was indeed a formal party member.

"She is still a freshman at Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in information and communications. It's not easy." Fang Chenghe said with emotion.

Qi Hong put the party membership card back and asked seriously, "Comrade Ying Wanjun, Li Zhan gave your parents 60,000 yuan, and villagers also signed and pressed their fingerprints to prove that it was the money he paid for his marriage to you. Do you understand what I mean? There is a plot that goes against the will of the person involved. In other words, Li Zhan used his status as an active military officer and his money to pressure your parents and agreed to get married when you reach the legal marriage age."

"Mr. Qi, I guarantee with my personality and party spirit that Li Zhan and I are in a free relationship. You can go and investigate. At that time, I was working at the Royal Hotel in the county during the summer vacation, and he had lunch there, and that's how we met. , before arranging a blind date for me and him at my home." Ying Wanjun said loudly, "I know the law, and I have also inquired about the discipline of the army. There is no rule that does not allow active duty soldiers to fall in love. We are just in love, and we are not allowed to fall in love. Not married. The 60,000 yuan was given to my parents as a gift from him as my boyfriend. I only found out about this later."

Fang Chenghe breathed a heavy sigh of relief and said to Qi Hong, "Teacher, the person involved has already stood up to testify, and there are so many villagers supporting it and the village branch's seal. We have wrongly blamed Li Zhan."

"What happened to the certificate transferred by the relevant local departments? It was also signed and stamped by the villagers." Qi Hong said with a frown.

Fang Chenghe said thoughtfully, "There must be a plot that we don't know about. Comrade Ying Wanjun just mentioned that someone framed Li Zhan. Comrade Ying Wanjun, can you tell me who framed Li Zhan?"

"I don't know. I want to investigate, but I don't have the ability. Your army should investigate thoroughly. Why should anyone slander him? Li Zhan is your soldier. Not only did you fail to investigate clearly, but you drove him away." Ying Wanjun's resentment was restrained, but instead she looked very angry.

Qi Hong fell into deep thought. After a long time, he suddenly asked Ying Wanjun, "Comrade Ying Wanjun, where is Comrade Li Zhan now?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since the blind date, and I wasn't at home the day he went to my house." Ying Wanjun answered.

Fang Chenghe understood very well what Qi Hong meant. Ying Wanjun was not deeply involved in the world. If she met Li Zhan later, she would definitely hesitate to tell him, because Qi Hong suspected that they were colluding and planned that Ying Wanjun, the client, would "overturn the case" for Li Zhan. It may even be suspected that Ying Wanjun was pressured by Li Zhan and had to come forward to "clarify the facts."

Therefore, Fang Chenghe felt faintly unhappy. This Qi Hong always liked to think of everything as a conspiracy. He also didn't think about whether it was necessary for Li Zhan to do this, and whether it was necessary for Ying Wanjun to do this. It didn't make sense at all logically. Such suspicions had no basis at all.

Even after Ying Wanjun answered, she didn't know that what she just said would directly affect Li Zhan's innocence. How did she know that people like Qi Hong, who had been immersed in officialdom for a long time, could be very helpful with words and expressions? It will be a deep trap.

The chatter and laughter vanished into ashes.

"Leader, can you withdraw Li Zhan's punishment? He was wrongly accused. Why don't you investigate clearly and only believe in the one-sided words of some departments. Also, what I can confirm is that no one in our village has been punished by Li Zhan. The certificate for buying a daughter-in-law is signed, I don't know where the so-called certificate comes from." Ying Wanjun's tone became more serious, which showed that the little girl was very angry. Seeing ordinary people wearing uniforms with weak legs facing two military leaders at the same level as the mayor, one can imagine how much psychological pressure they feel. But she overcame it, but she became even more angry inside.

Qi Hong was still hesitating.

Fang Chenghe became impatient and said, "Commander, let me handle this matter. I will arrange the investigation, lead the team to transfer, and I will talk to Li Zhan."

Suddenly seeing Fang Chenghe's expression and eyes, Qi Hong suddenly realized that he was too dogmatic. It was a small matter, but he had some responsibility for it to become like this.

"I'm in charge. Don't worry about it, political commissar. I'll lead the team around, and I'll ask Li Zhan to explain." Qi Hong said, and then said to Ying Wanjun, "Classmate Ying Wanjun, the army did not punish Li Zhan, they just transferred him When I got to another unit, nothing else changed."

Ying Wanjun didn't believe it and said, "But they say he was sent away as a punishment. Can you tell me where he was transferred?"

"Beiku to the north of the west." Fang Chenghe said.

Ying Wanjun suddenly opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "Beiku?!"

When talking about Beiku, most people have the impression that it is poor, far away, and remote. Especially for people in the southern coastal areas, it is a very far away place that will never be reached in this lifetime and is overwhelming.

"Beiku is also good, that unit is good." Fang Chenghe explained with a forced smile.

Is it okay? The gap between us and the Second Division is as high as three or four floors. Xi County is definitely the bottom poor county in Guangdong Province, but the economic aggregate of Beiku, a prefecture-level administrative region, is less than half of that of Xi County.

"Classmate Ying Wanjun, the army will definitely investigate this matter and clear Comrade Li Zhan's name. At the same time, we will also ask the local government to find those who slandered Li Zhan and deal with them seriously. You are an adult, and Li Zhan is a single army cadre. , it is completely reasonable for you to have a partner. Logically speaking, I should not interfere with your private life, but I still want to ask you, do you want Li Zhan to be transferred back to West County?" Qi Hong said.

Fang Chenghe was convinced, Qi Hong was also a ruthless person, he could take it but let it go. As soon as he sensed that things were about to turn around, he immediately changed direction and began to seek Ying Wanjun's powerful help.

Li Zhan would definitely refuse to return to the Second Division. One can imagine how hurt he would be if he left in such a dishonorable way after being so wronged.

However, if Ying Wanjun and Li Zhan are in free love, then they must have a very deep relationship, and Li Zhan is a person who values ​​his family more. If Ying Wanjun can cooperate with the second division to persuade Li Zhan, the chance of success will be great. increased!

Qi Hong's mind was spinning too fast. In the blink of an eye, he thought of how to save Li Zhan instead of investigating the situation.

No wonder Fang Chenghe was not convinced, otherwise he would be the teacher at such a young age!

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