Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 150 The old guy is coming

"Why did they just replace the engine? What didn't I do? Is there something wrong with their plane itself?" Li Zhan asked in surprise.

Xue Xiangdong glared, "Can you fly if there is a problem? That's nonsense. Let me ask you, when you do a U-shaped maneuver, the overload is really only ten G? Commander Bai told me that the fuselage structure of that aircraft is also Some of them are unstable, and they are considering whether to scrap them early."

"Impossible! There are definitely not more than ten Gs. Haven't I counted them in my heart? Besides, the speed is only 1,300 kilometers, which is not very fast." Li Zhan said quibblely, and in turn asked Xue Xiangdong, "Captain , is it that exaggerated? The supersonic engine will be scrapped just after hitting the supersonic speed? How is that possible!"

Xue Xiangdong was speechless and said, "How do I know? No one has done a large overload maneuver of ten G at supersonic speed before. Without precedent, who knows what impact it will have on fighter aircraft."

Li Zhan fell into deep thought. After recalling that the J-8FR, which had only been operated for a few months, disintegrated within two minutes of its final landing, he no longer had the confidence to argue. He knew in his heart that what he had done, was doing, and was preparing to do was something the Air Force had never tried before, and no one knew what would happen. This is the greatness of the Trail Blazers.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, I won't ask you to compensate. Let me tell you, the three topics you mentioned are combined into one big topic. It is feasible in theory, but will it happen in practice? Have you considered the relationship between effect and risk?" Xue Xiangdong brought the topic back, pulled up a chair and sat down.

Li Zhan also sat down and said thoughtfully, "It is undeniable that this is a bit urgent, and brothers may not be able to adapt. But what I think is that what we need to practice is actually this incompatibility, in this unsuitable state and environment. Strengthen the troops. Commander, in addition to lack of good equipment, what we lack most is time. Our superiors gave us the task of simulating the construction of the Blue Army troops, and asked us to engage in such a big subject. Why? I think 80% of them think so too. We need to see results in a short period of time, and we hope to see surprises.”

He paused and recalled, "Some very strange things happened when I was in the Second Division. Generally speaking, troop modifications are very rigorous, and the plans given by superiors are also very strict."

"That's right, this is a big deal, it can't be trivial. We usually start preparations a year in advance. This is the case for any army's uniform change." Xue Xiangdong nodded.

Li Zhan said, "But in just six months, the modified aircraft models of the Second Division and Fourth Regiment have changed three times."

Facing Xue Xiangdong's look of surprise and then contemplation, Li Zhan nodded slowly and said, "At first, we talked about modifying the J-11, and then suddenly asked to modify the J-7 G type. It was said that it was a transition, and it might be the B-type of the J-11. What went wrong? Before I was transferred, it was finally confirmed that the modified J-10 was Type A. I asked about it and found out that it was a slightly modified version of Type A. It was better equipped than the 300th Division and had some minor issues optimized. The Fourth Regiment It is estimated that the combat effectiveness will be formed soon, and my old comrades are very strong."

"Three changes in half a year?" Xue Xiangdong was surprised.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "This change process only lasted half a year. Captain, I analyzed it carefully later and made some judgments."

"Say." Xue Xiangdong was digesting Li Zhan's words.

This is a very strange change. There is no doubt that there must be big moves from above, or that the big moves have already begun. It seems that all aspects of work have been greatly accelerated.

Li Zhan said, "The above has obviously accelerated the speed of troop changes, and is also thinking about the division of labor and training methods of each unit. For example, in the Second Division, if the fourth regiment changes to J-11, then it is basically certain that The main task of the Second Division is to compete for air supremacy in the theater. But now it is equipped with the J-10. What kind of aircraft is the J-10? It is a medium-sized multi-purpose aircraft and is an all-rounder. It is used for air interdiction and air support on the battlefield."

He emphasized his tone and said, "This shows that the aviation department has begun to operate on the organization of the troops. The equipment is in place. The next step is to reorganize the entire structure. I am sure that there will be no more fighter divisions, bomber divisions, and attack aircraft in the future." The establishment of division transport pilots is definitely a mixed aviation unit based on combat needs. For example, J-11 and J-10, Flying Leopard and even electronic support aircraft are mixed together. Such a unit can be directly pulled out to fight, both There is no need for pre-combat training and no need to adjust or strengthen the pre-combat organizational structure. The most important thing is that if the troops are mixed according to combat needs, they must be jointly trained according to combat needs. Isn’t the overall combat capability improved? The future development of the Air Force The direction is definitely this. Only in this way can the aviation force be able to achieve both offense and defense. We are already too far behind. Ten thousand years is too long. We only seize the day."

Xue Xiangdong was shocked by what he said.

Xue Xiangdong knew it, because during the meeting of the military region, the head of the military region said something, and what Li Zhan said now was almost exactly the same as what the head of the military region said.

How could he not be shocked!

The key is that the content of that meeting is currently highly confidential. Xue Xiangdong cannot reveal a word to anyone and can only conduct research on prescribed topics in accordance with the instructions of the military region and the aviation department. Moreover, the head of the military region ended with one sentence - Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day!

Is there such a coincidence?

How can we express the same sigh without the same understanding!

After a moment, Xue Xiangdong slowly became excited. That was because he suddenly discovered that he had a king bomb in his hand, a super king bomb that could wipe out everything and settle the world - Li Zhan!

After a while, Xue Xiangdong secretly calmed down and asked in a deep voice, "In short, you mean that the chief of staff hopes that we can speed up the process to achieve results. The sooner the better, right?"

"Yes, otherwise we may not be able to catch up with the next wave of equipment changes. I have a feeling that a large-scale equipment change is coming soon. This is an opportunity for our 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division to make a comeback." Li Zhan was determined. said.

Xue Xiangdong didn't hesitate anymore and slapped his thigh, "Okay, then follow your idea. Combine the three subjects to make a big project, but the funds can only be allocated according to one subject. Don't worry, the lever fee It’s absolutely guaranteed, you don’t have to worry about this.”

"Where's the aviation fuel?" Li Zhan stretched his neck and asked nervously.

"There will be a special quota. Webmaster Zheng Kaiyun will personally discuss this matter with you." Xue Xiangdong smiled, "Not only will there be aviation fuel, but there is also good news, which is of great significance to you."

Li Zhan hurriedly asked, "What's the news?"

Xue Xiangdong waved his hand, leaving enough suspense and said, "We are going to change our clothes!"

"Ah?" Li Zhan was stunned.

"Ah, what? It's time to change clothes. Why are you looking like this?" Xue Xiangdong frowned.

Li Zhan quickly smiled and said, "No, no, I didn't expect it to arrive so quickly. The J-6 is quite easy to drive."

"Who are you kidding?" Xue Xiangdong said with a glare.

"No, no, commander, what should we change? J-10 or J-11? J-10 is the best. I think it is very suitable for our 73rd Division. If there is an aerial refueling pipeline, we can also engage in aerial refueling training. Challenge Difficult training.”

Li Zhan wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Xue Xiangdong's impatient wave, "Okay, okay, no more dreaming. Take over someone else's second-hand J-7E, and you can kill ten J-11s."


Li Zhan was completely stunned.

"As for the J-7 E-types of the Second Division of your old army, all are handed over to us. Why, isn't this good news? Don't you know how much more advanced they are than the B-types we are using now? Don't think about reaching the sky in one step. Those on the coastal front line It won’t be our turn until the troops are replaced.”

Xue Xiangdong said, "Your old landline will also be handed over together. Well, you have a chance to meet again, and you will get along for a long time in the future. How about it? It's good news, are you happy? Yes, they transferred The division commander fought for it, but the air traffic control department did not allow us to come over and pick him up. The division commander in your old army was smart enough, and he wasted a long distance transfer training in vain. "

It is more than 4,000 kilometers from the far south of the mainland to the far north of the west. It takes several turns to get to the north. It is definitely a good exercise for the troops. Obviously, the 73rd Division of the Western Rag King cannot compete with the 2nd Division of Nan Batian.

Li Zhan fell into deep thinking. Is it necessary to scrap the No. 037 J-7E?

"Captain, when will they come?" Li Zhan asked with a serious look on his face, and walked aside involuntarily.

Xue Xiangdong also stood up, took two steps with his hands behind his back, and said, "We set off at 8:00 on March 14th and arrived at Beikuchang Station at 18:00. They moved quickly and had already prepared a transfer plan and reported it to the airport. The flight manager and the highest superior have also approved it. It is estimated that most of the preparation work has been completed. There are three stops along the way, and seven alternate landing stations have been prepared, and they are all being advanced in full swing."

The long-distance transfer of more than 4,000 kilometers by an entire regiment of twenty-four fighter planes is undoubtedly a first-class large-scale military operation. Careful planning is essential. Despite this, the Second Division still planned conservatively for ten hours. Complete, with three stops along the way.

"The Saturday this week. Leader, I'm going out to buy something on Saturday." Li Zhan said.

"What are you hiding from? There is nothing to hide. Are you afraid that we will be embarrassed when we meet?" Xue Xiangdong had no idea what Li Zhan was thinking.

Li Zhan said helplessly, "Master Qi Hong and Political Commissar Fang Chenghe will definitely come. I'm not afraid of embarrassment, but I don't know how to face them. What should I do if they persuade me to return to the Second Division? Old chief, it’s hard for me to deal with this.”

"That's true..." Xue Xiangdong pondered, his eyes suddenly focused, and he said decisively, "No, there is nothing difficult to deal with. If they mention this matter, just say that you want to take root in the west and take root in the 73rd Division. Others Leave it to me!"

Li Zhan was silent.

Xue Xiangdong waved his hand suddenly and said, "Don't think so much, just show them. Without Butcher Zhang, you, Li Zhan, still don't have to eat pigs with hair on them!"

Slowly looking at Xue Xiangdong, Li Zhan's eyes gradually became firmer, "Yes, there is nothing difficult to face!"

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