Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 941 Erhong’s Grassland

After sending Dasha away, Ye Yuze took Erhong to the grassland. Erhong couldn't ride a horse, so two people had to ride one horse. Erhong rarely has time to play. In the past it was because she had no money, and later it was because she was busy.

The scenery of northern Xinjiang attracted her immediately. You must know that Tangcheng is a coal city, with steel plants, cement plants, and so many ceramic companies. It can be said that she has lived in the gray air for the first half of her life. .

Later, when I was doing business, I occasionally went to Guangzhou, but the situation there was not much better. But the sky here is blue without any variegation. The occasional white clouds drifting by are like the clumps of freshly picked cotton, dazzlingly white.

The crispness in the air made her breath so comfortable every time. Anyway, the insomnia caused by busyness and anxiety recently disappeared completely here.

There were also green grass, red flowers, and all kinds of wild fruits, which made her not want to go back every time she went to the wild. If she didn't come out, she wouldn't believe that such a place would exist.

The two of them originally wanted to follow Cuicui to the animal husbandry company for inspection. But because Erhong encountered a patch of wild strawberries and didn't eat enough and didn't want to leave, they separated.

After eating enough strawberries, Erhong leaned in Ye Yuze's arms and asked, "Can I buy a group of sheep and keep them here for grazing? Never go back again?"

Ye Yuze grinned when he heard this and wanted to refute but was unwilling to hit him. He suddenly had an idea and decided to take her to a place and stay there for two days to see if she still said this?

The place Ye Yuze took her to was Uncle Amir's yurt. Now the children have separated and lived alone, leaving only the old couple grazing a group of sheep alone.

The life of a Kazakh shepherd is like this. When he can move, he is herding sheep. When he gets old and can no longer mount a horse, he stays in the settlement with a group of old people.

Because the pasture is fixed, Ye Yuze easily found Uncle Amir's yurt based on his memory. Maybe it's a new felt? His yurt looks particularly dazzling halfway up the mountain.

Before the two of them arrived at the yurt, the big guard dog stared at them closely. Ye Yuze didn't dare to look down on this thing. Dogs on the grassland were different from guard dogs in the mainland.

The guard dog will start barking when it is far away. If you rush up to scare it, it will probably run away with its tail between its legs.

But shepherd dogs are completely different. They seldom bark and sometimes seem indifferent to strangers approaching. But as long as you get close to the yurt or the sheep, you have to be careful. They will rush up and bite you without hesitation, and they will not let you go until you are bitten so hard that you cannot move.

Therefore, shepherds have a rule when visiting houses. They must shout several times before dismounting. See if the owner is at home, don't dare to enter the house rashly.

Ye Yuze was still twenty or thirty meters away from the yurt when he started shouting: "Uncle Amir, are you at home?"

The dog, whose eyes were glued to theirs, seemed relieved. It knew that this was the owner's friend. Although it had never seen this person before, humans had too many interactions, unlike their kind, which meant occasionally meeting a few companions from nearby pastures.

In fact, the life of a shepherd dog is very difficult. There are no weekends and holidays, there is no eight-hour work system, and even the 996 that will be criticized in future generations cannot be guaranteed. They work all the time in their lives, and they work 24 hours a day.

Except when it's time to fall in love every year, I occasionally skip work and go on a date with Ahua from the ranch next door. You have to take advantage of the time when the sheep have returned to the fold to rest.

However, this is better for herdsmen. They are not like mainlanders. When you make an appointment, the host will also assign breeds. If the breed is not good, you will not be allowed to see him. Here, as long as it is a dog on the grassland, love is free. Even a wolf will do, as long as you have the courage.

The door of the yurt was opened, and Aunt Amir bent down and walked out of the yurt. The prairie people aged quickly due to exposure to wind and sun, making Ye Yuze almost unrecognizable.

Er Hong thought that this woman was almost sixty years old, but in fact Ye Yuze knew that she was only in her forties, about the same age as her father.

Aunt Amir squinted her eyes for a long time, and finally shouted: "Oh my God, are you the eldest son of Dr. Ye's family?"

Ye Yuze smiled and jumped off his horse and walked over: "Aunt Amir, it's me, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay. Very good. Come into the house and have tea. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. When you came that time, you were as tall as a pony."

Erhong covered her mouth and snickered behind her. This metaphor made her very happy. Aunt Amir looked at Erhong and smiled with satisfaction.

"You are a good wife and tall. She will definitely give you a bunch of sons, just like the strongest cows on the grassland."

Erhong's bright smile immediately froze, while Ye Yuze grinned and laughed. This metaphor seems to be quite appropriate.

"What did Uncle Amir do?" Ye Yuze asked because he saw sheep grazing around the yurt, and two shepherd dogs watched, but no one was seen.

Aunt Amir shook her head: "The children have all been separated into families. The sheep have been distributed to them, so we can keep three hundred sheep to suffice for ourselves. Your uncle now goes to the house to drink all day long, and the family all day long No shadows can be seen.”

Ye Yuze could tell that there was a kind of satisfaction in Aunt Amir's complaints, the kind of complete relief after completing the task. Although the customs and habits of the Kazakhs are very different from those of the Han people, they do have one thing in common, and that is hard work and a sense of responsibility. This is the inheritance of the Chinese nation for thousands of years and the essence of Chinese culture.

Pour milk tea and serve Baoer Sak. Er Hong had never tasted this before. She picked up the bowl and took a careful sip, then another big sip, and then her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Brick tea is made from old leaves and tea stems that are no longer wanted in tea-producing areas, fermented together and then pressed into tea bricks. Unlike the round cakes of Pu'er tea, the reason why it is called tea brick is because its shape is square.

In fact, any food depends on how it is paired? If such tea bricks were made in mainland China, they would definitely be thrown away, because the taste of tea is not flattering.

But when paired with milk and ghee, it becomes an excellent drink. This drink is not only delicious, it can also effectively remove accumulated fat from the body and promote digestion.

"Have you eaten? Will aunty make naan for you?" Aunt Amir looked at the golden couple with a smile, and the more she looked at them, the more she liked them.

Ye Yuze looked at Er Hong, who nodded: "Okay, okay, Auntie, I like to eat naan."

In fact, mainlanders have always had a misunderstanding about XJ people. That is, the staple food of all XJ people is naan and hand-made rice.

In fact, it’s not like that. Naan and hand-picked rice are actually the way the ethnic people eat them. There are also pimps, but the Han people in XJ still have the same eating habits as the mainlanders.

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