Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 940 Important Work

At this moment, Dasha is accompanying Ma Quanyi to select a location for her factory. This girl is a career-oriented woman, and she doesn't have the personality of a foreigner who puts family first and career first.

She has never been satisfied with the location of the factory. She wants to put the factory inside the infrastructure company. However, due to urban planning, apart from the infrastructure and the two original factories, everything else here is a scenic spot, and even Ma Rong's branch factory was built elsewhere.

The key point is that this girl can also play the emotional card, and confidently said to Ma Quanyi: "I am the wife of the infrastructure company, and I should be a part of the place here!"

In the end, Ma Quanyi was really helpless, so he discussed with Lao Yumin and bought the place in the grain station warehouse for her. This was a good place, right at the entrance of the infrastructure company. If this place hadn't been owned by Lao Yumin, I'm afraid it would have disappeared a few years ago.

Now the grain station has lost its function and has always been empty, which is a good advantage for Dasha, a foreign girl.

After Cuicui came to her and explained her purpose, Dasha's eyes lit up: "I'll provide the money, I'll provide the technology, and you provide the space."

Ma Quanyi was very excited when he heard this and was about to agree. Unexpectedly, Cuicui shook her head: "My eldest brother said that you are not allowed to jointly invest with others in agriculture and animal husbandry, you have to do it yourself!"

Dasha's eyes widened: "Am I someone else? Do you know that I am the daughter-in-law of an infrastructure construction company? We have the same status! We are..., I guess it's because she couldn't say the word sister-in-law, and she felt uncomfortable being stuck there. "

Cuicui covered her mouth and laughed. She really liked this foreigner's sister-in-law. She had a straightforward personality and would not make any detours when she spoke. But I am also worried about her. There are so many competitors, but she still gets along well with them. You don't care about these threats at all, and you don't know if you are conceited or arrogant?

"Then you go ask my brother, this is what he said." Cuicui did not argue with her and directly carried Ye Yuze out. In fact, Ye Yuze didn't say this, but her intuition told her that she should do this.

Dasha glared at Ma Quanyi angrily: "Uncle Ma, it's wrong for you to discriminate against the wives in the company like this!"

Ma Quanyi looked confused and said to himself that I just helped you run down this land. Why is it being discriminated against? However, he will not object to Ye Yuze's decision, because the little guy has not missed it so far.

Dasha and the three of them drove to the development zone office together, and Dasha called back home for consultation. I learned that Dutch Holstein cattle are currently the most milk-producing dairy cows in the world.

However, cows are actually regional. Just like human beings who are not accustomed to the local environment, for example, this Holstein cow ran out of milk after arriving in northern Xinjiang. This situation also exists.

So after discussion, we decided to bring in cows first. If the situation is satisfactory, we will then decide how large a dairy factory to build.

Otherwise, once the factory is built, the milk source will be unstable and milk will have to be collected from everywhere. The quality will inevitably vary from good to bad, and the quality of the product will also be unstable, which will naturally affect subsequent sales.

For this reason, Liu Qinghua and Ye Wancheng specially invited the leaders of several animal husbandry companies to hold a meeting, which was to introduce dairy cows and gradually eliminate the existing cattle and sheep.

The leaders below didn't have any objections. Especially when they heard that the family would move to the development zone in the future, they were naturally very happy.

The current difficulty faced by the animal husbandry company is the placement of family members. Men work in groups to herd sheep, while wives and children basically have no income at home. The income from herding work is not so stable. Natural and man-made disasters will always happen. Livestock were often lost or died.

Don't think that grazing costs nothing. Annual epidemic prevention and winter grass storage are all money. After a year, people eat horse chews, and the cost is not low.

At that time, every family had little savings. Once they lost money, they didn’t know where to borrow a year’s living expenses? At least there are still some subsidies in the group, otherwise it would be really difficult to survive.

Of course, there are also good ones, such as Zhang Jianmin’s family, where the couple and their children graze together. The labor costs are low and the technology is good. Natural income has also been high.

But it would be unrealistic to ask every household to imitate others. After all, women in the Corps generally cannot adapt to that kind of life, and their children still have to go to school, so basically no one can do that.

Liu Qinghua and Ye Wancheng were naturally happy to see that the cadres below had no resistance to this matter. Ask them to go back and solicit opinions from each family to see how many people are willing to stay in the pastoral area? Such people must love herding work, so naturally we should respect their opinions.

By the time these tasks are completed, the cows will almost arrive. At that time, the plan can be implemented gradually. The first batch of Holsteins was ordered for 55 cows and five bulls. The main purpose is to test whether this kind of cattle can adapt to the environment here.

Dasha will return to China tomorrow and needs to go back to deal with some matters in the company. Although her company has not been established for a long time, its business is doing quite well. And the scope involved is also large, basically covering Asia, Africa and Europe.

This time I went back because of a business deal with Australia, which is very competitive. She had to go back and take charge personally.

"Husband, shall we have a child?" I wonder if it's the right age? Dasha has also begun to need the warmth of family.

Ye Yuze nodded: "Go ahead, aren't I working hard?"

Dasha's face was solemn: "I'm not kidding you. I don't plan to get married in this life, but I need a child to inherit my property. I have learned a kind of thinking from your side during these few visits to China. That is what we are doing now. Everything we do is to make life better for the next generation.”

Ye Yuze understands their German style. After a child is born and raised until adulthood, he basically has no other obligations. The child creates everything by himself, while the parents continue to live their own lives.

Children have no obligation to support the elderly, and the elderly have no obligation to help their adult children. They all have to rely on themselves.

Regarding this habit, Ye Yuze is not qualified to comment on whether it is good or bad. After all, he has never experienced it personally in that kind of environment.

But he definitely couldn't stand that kind of indifference and indifference in human nature. According to his thinking: "I live for my relatives and friends, otherwise what is the value of my efforts?"

If his parents are old and he doesn't care about them, and his relatives and friends don't help him when they encounter difficulties, then what is the meaning of his existence? What's the point of his parents raising him? The lamb kneels to breastfeed, and the crow feeds back. Animals understand the truth, why should humans ignore it?

Ye Yuze was very happy to hear what Dasha said today, and he lived up to his teachings over the past few years.

"Okay, I can really help you with this, and please cooperate with me. After all, this kind of work requires perfect cooperation between two people, and the unity of body and mind can be completed. Don't mess around, go up there."

Happy second day of the Lunar New Year. Today I am going back to my parents’ house with my wife. If you don’t have a wife, rent one quickly. You can also make a reservation with your mother-in-law first.

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