Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 889 Zhang Jianmin and Chi Naer

Ayi Jiang turned to look at his father, with tears in his eyes: "Dad, don't you want me too?"

These words made Yang Geyong feel sad. He quickly picked up his daughter and asked, "How could you have such an idea? How could dad not want you?"

"Aunt Ling'er said that you run around all day long. You just don't want me anymore!" Ayi Jiang continued to differentiate while wiping away tears.

Yang Geyong suddenly felt angry in his heart, and he always felt guilty towards Zhao Ling'er. So he wouldn't care if she beat him or scolded him. But if he said such words to his child, he would no longer be able to forgive him.

"Ayi Jiang, do you miss your mother? I can take you to see her." Thinking that his daughter has no mother and he is often not around, it is understandable for a child to feel insecure.

Ayi Jiang shook his head: "She is not my mother anymore. I only have a father, so you have to find me a new mother."

Yang Geyong's eyes began to get wet. He didn't know what Chi Na'er said to the child. How old is this baby that he hasn't mentioned a word about her since he left?

"You can see her. No matter whether you have a new mother or not, Chi Na'er is also your biological mother." Yang Geyong explained patiently while holding Ayi Jiang.

Ayi Jiang continued to shake his head: "Dad, I only have one mother, and that is the new mother, so you have to work hard, you can't always leave Ayi Jiang without a mother."

His daughter's stubbornness was very much like her mother's. Yang Geyong didn't know how to comfort this several-year-old child. I can only hold her tighter so that she can feel her father's warmth.

On the grassland of the Sixth Company, a white yurt stands halfway up the mountain. Chi Na'er was bending down to lift two water bags from the river and put them on the horse's back. There was also a little boy on the horse, wearing a vest and shorts, holding a piece of cantaloupe in his hand and chewing on it. Maybe the summer sun is too poisonous, and the little boy's skin turned dark when left outside.

"Beisheng, are you thirsty?" Chi Na'er spoke in Chinese. The tone was full of tenderness.

Zhang Beisheng shook his head and did not bother to answer his mother's questions. Just nibbling on the cantaloupe in his hand, for a child over two years old, eating is more intimate than anything else.

Leading the horse to the yurt on the hillside. Chi Na'er softly hummed a Kazakh song, her heart filled with happiness.

It has been three years since I married Zhang Jianmin, and my life has been very happy. The sheep have also been contracted, and all the sheep have been sold to individuals at a price. In addition to Chi Na'er's own, the two of them live a comfortable life.

Now that there is a TV in the yurt, Chi Naer will take her son to watch TV after finishing housework. Although there are not many channels, she can always understand the outside world.

Zhang Jianmin is very capable, and herding sheep is what he is best at, so Chi Naer doesn't have to worry about it at all. And I don’t drink too much, even if I drink outside. When I get home, I do whatever I have to do, and I never let Chi Naer do anything. Chi Na'er is really satisfied that a herdsman's daughter can marry such a man.

When they got married, Chi Naer followed Zhang Jianmin back to the infrastructure company. Moreover, she also saw her daughter. Dressed like a little princess, she outshone all the little girls in the company.

Zhang Jianmin's parents said that Yang Geyong is now the richest man in the company. He had so much money that he lost count.

Chi Na'er was not envious of these things, but instead felt happy. For Yang Geyong, she is also their daughter.

On the day she sent her daughter away, she told Ayi Jiang: "You will have no mother in the future, only father. You are the child father had with someone else. I just raised you. Now that father has come, you have to forget about it." I."

Ayi Jiang didn't know if he understood, but when he followed Yang Geyong, he didn't look back even once.

Ayijiang is now eight years old and in second grade. Even the people here know that Yang Geyong is a standard daughter slave. Even if his daughter wanted the moon in the sky, he would dare to weld a ladder to get it.

Every boy in the casual company was told: "Don't bully Ayi Jiang, or her father will throw you into the river to feed the fish."

This kind of threat still works. Since you can't bully, just coax. Anyway, Ayijiang is so beautiful, has endless snacks in her hands, and is never stingy.

In fact, Ayijiang is the oldest among the three generations of the company, so he doesn't have many peers. Most of the people her age are those whom she calls uncle and aunt.

At noon, Chi Naer wrapped the baked naan. He also packed a box of finger meat with the bones removed in a lunch box and went to deliver food to Zhang Jianmin.

Now the she-wolf's cubs have grown up, leaving only one to herd the sheep with his father Huzi. Its mother eventually left. Maybe a wolf is a wolf after all and cannot survive as a dog.

Perhaps Zhang Jianmin was too lazy to think of a name, so he called him Tiger Cub. Now Huzi is staying at home with Chi Naer and her son, while the tiger cub follows Zhang Jianmin to herd sheep.

At this moment, Zhang Jianmin was lying under a bunch of wild cherries. This thing was very delicious, sweet and sour. This thing is different from the cherries sold. The fruit is relatively small, and it is a shrub. The highest it does not reach a person's knees.

But the taste is much better than the cherries from the mainland. In addition to the sweetness and sourness, it also has a fragrance. There is no shade on the hillside. Zhang Jianmin put his head under the cherry branch, put the cherries into his mouth one by one with his fingers, and closed his eyes happily.

The tiger cub squatted beside him vigilantly, his eyes never leaving the sheep for a moment. As long as a disobedient sheep moves away from it, the tiger cub will immediately rush up and roar. The sheep will come back obediently.

He already has a flock of thousands of sheep. If one sheep costs one hundred yuan, his property now amounts to almost one hundred thousand. With the addition of a few cows, it was truly a life of gods.

But Zhang Jianmin was not happy today. The old company commander is about to retire, and the regiment has already nominated him to take over as company commander.

In fact, he was unwilling to take on this errand. Before, he would have taken over the responsibility without hesitation, but now he has a wife and children.

After contracting, each family is living its own life. The company commander and instructor cannot leave the company, after all, there are still so many people in the company. For example, the Zhang Laogen family.

In 1983, Zhang Laogen saw a sheep running out of its winter den. He searched for a day and a night before he found the ten lost sheep.

It's just that the weather was too cold and one of my boots got lost. In the end, I had no choice but to saw off the calf of the left leg, otherwise it would have spread upwards and the person might not be able to save it.

For this reason, Zhang Laogen was also set up as a model by the regiment and participated in the division's commendation meeting. But after the contract system, his life became difficult.

His legs are no longer able to herd sheep, and his wife has been doing a side job in the company. But now the Sixth Company has no side business to engage in. Every household went out to herd sheep. My wife also lost her income.

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