Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 82 The Story of Yueyang Tower

"Today we are not going to talk about what is in the textbook. I will tell you about a particularly famous article in the history of Chinese literature!"

After speaking, Teacher Niu wrote four words on the blackboard.

"The Story of Yueyang Tower!"

After writing these words, Teacher Niu narrowed his eyes and spoke a string of words that no one could understand.

"I watched my husband Baling's majestic appearance, a lake in Dongting. It carries distant mountains and swallows the Yangtze River. It is a vast and endless river."

After reciting this passage, Teacher Niu seemed a little emotional. There was no word for a while.

The classmates were confused and looked at each other. I don’t understand this at all!

Teacher Niu seemed to have expected this result. Smile bitterly.

"Teacher is a little moody today. Students, please forgive me. Because today is the memorial day of Teacher's father, so I think of my hometown."

At this time, the students turned into adoring faces. It turns out that the teacher’s hometown was written about by the ancients!

There were basically no classical Chinese texts in the textbooks of that era. Even if there are some, they are some poems.

But this class is only in the first grade and I don’t know a few words. This Teacher Niu has obviously lost his composure.

There was a moment of silence in the audience. The children all felt that the teacher was abnormal, and no one dared to make any noise.

дравствуй(те)! Hello! (Hello!) Доброеутро! Good morning! (good morning!)

A faint sound of reading suddenly came out.

The students all looked at the place where the sound came from.

It turned out that Ye Yuze was muttering in a language that everyone could not understand with his eyes closed.

"Ye Yuze, what are you doing?"

Teacher Niu knocked on the podium and asked Ye Yuze.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze turned a deaf ear. Still shaking his head with his eyes closed. I don’t know what I’m carrying to make me emotional.

Teacher Niu stepped down from the podium in two steps, took the pointer and banged it on Ye Yuze's desk.

Ye Yuze finally woke up, but he still didn't understand the situation. Teacher Niu looked at him blankly, not knowing what happened.

"Ye Yuze! It's just that you don't listen in class. You can't even hear me when I call you. Are you deliberately going against the teacher?"

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment, and only then did he react. Quickly button the ears and take out two balls of cotton.

The whole class laughed. They have never seen anyone listening to a teacher with their ears plugged.

Even Liu Mang couldn't help but show admiration. This is so fierce!

Teacher Niu was also so angry that if he hadn't been bald, he would have been furious!

"Hey Ye Yuze, are you not going to take the math class? Your tail is raised? Don't you want to take the Chinese class too?"

Ye Yuze moved his mouth and was about to say yes! But it’s wrong to think about it. It can't be so obvious, it should be subtle.

So he put on a cute look.

"Teacher, I know everything in the textbook. I just thought that instead of wasting time, I might as well learn something else."

"Buzz!" There was a noise in the classroom. The classmates were all talking about it.

Some said Ye Yuze was too powerful. Some said:

"Don't listen to him, he's bragging again!"

"If he was bragging, why didn't the arithmetic teacher let him in class?"

For a time, the classroom was in chaos. The students divided into several circles and started arguing around Ye Yuze.

Although Ye Yuze's tone was humble, his meaning was obviously not humble! What does it mean to know everything in the textbook? waste time?

Teacher Niu gritted his teeth and looked at the skinny transfer student and pondered for a while.

Then he made up his mind and pointed at the four words just written on the blackboard.

"I'll give you this original text. If you can read it out completely, you don't have to come to my class!"

This is really a bit overwhelming. Not to mention first-year students, most junior high school students cannot read it completely. Because some words in it are rare.

Ye Yuze pursed his lips. "Teacher, if I read it out, can you tell the music teacher and the physical education teacher. I won't come to their classes?"

Teacher Niu pointed at Ye Yuze. "You, you, you..." For a long time, no words came out!

In twenty years of teaching, this is the first time he has met such a child.

If he doesn't do well in class, he will ask the teacher to help him skip class.

But thinking about Yueyang Tower, he felt a little more confident.

I don’t believe that an eight-year-old child of yours can read this text!

As a result, Teacher Niu regained his composure. I happily agreed.

"Okay! But if you can't read it, you have to listen carefully to every class in the future. Even those who know it have to listen. Is this okay?"

He wanted to take this opportunity to conquer Ye Yuze completely.

Otherwise there will be several like this in a class. There is no need to be a teacher anymore. As soon as class started, there were no students.

Ye Yuze agreed without hesitation. He was impressed by the article. I dare not say memorize it. But there is definitely no problem if you read it accordingly.

Teacher Niu handed a book to Ye Yuze with an enigmatic smile on his face.

Ye Yuze was dumbfounded when he opened it. What the hell is this called?

Yellow paper, vertical characters! They are all in traditional Chinese characters. Where did Mr. Niu get this antique?

In fact, most of Teacher Niu’s confidence comes from this.

This book was handed down from his ancestors, and I don’t even know which dynasty it came from.

He looked at Ye Yuze indifferently, waiting for him to admit defeat. As long as he admits that he doesn't know how to do it, you have to give him a good education if he can't do it.

Ye Yuze opened the book and found Yueyang Tower and looked at it carefully. There was joy in my heart.

The scholar read half of it. Although traditional Chinese characters are difficult to read, there are always traces to follow. Match your memory of this article. You can definitely read it!

So he cleared his throat and blurted out a long string of words:

"In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was relegated to guard Baling County. In the next year, the government was harmonious and people were harmonious, and everything was restored. Yueyang Tower was rebuilt, its old structure was added, and poems by Tang Xian and modern people were engraved on it. I wrote a composition to record it..."

Teacher Niu was stunned, and all the students felt like their mouths were stuffed with eggs. The collective was stunned.

At the beginning, Ye Yuze's reading was a bit jerky and his speaking speed was very slow. Later on, I gradually became more proficient.

"As you advance, you are also worried, and when you are retreating, you are also worried. But when will you be happy? It must be said: "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness." Hey! Weisi people, who am I to return to?"

Until Ye Yuze finished reading, the students didn't react at all.

He just stared at Ye Yuze's mouth stupidly. It was as if Ye Yuze could read this because of his mouth.

Anyway, they don’t understand right or wrong, and they can’t hear it. I just feel that this long string of words sounds so classy when read.

Teacher Niu was truly shocked. Is this a monster? Is he really only eight years old? Isn't he eighty years old?

But that little body stood in front of him in a cute manner.

Also asked. "Teacher, I've finished reading. Do you want to explain?"

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