Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 81 Sipingmabu

Hearing Blacksmith Lin's promise, Ye Yuze immediately stood up and knelt down to kowtow:

"Disciple Ye Yuze pays homage to Master!"

Blacksmith Lin and Aunt Zhou didn't react at all. Ye Yuze has finished kowtowing his head.

Aunt Zhou laughed. Pointing at Ye Yuze, he said, "This kid is so smart!"

Blacksmith Lin scratched his head: "Originally I just wanted to teach you some techniques to strengthen your body. But in the end, you knocked your head off. It seems I can't fool you anymore.

But when will you learn? I go to school during the day and have to go home at night. Why don't you tell your parents. Will you move into my house? "

Zhou Guihua nodded immediately. "Okay, okay. Ye Yuze, please move into my house!"

Ye Yuze shook his head. "Master, I have time during the day. My parents can't let me out at night."

Blacksmith Lin looked at him with some confusion. "Where did you get the time during the day? Don't you go to school?"

Zhou Guihua interrupted: "The arithmetic teacher said he doesn't need to go to class. The teacher taught him to learn already!"

Aunt Zhou immediately pulled Ye Yuze's head.

"This kid is smart at first glance. Osmanthus, you have to learn from Yuze!"

Zhou Guihua nodded. "I know everything the teacher taught me. But I don't know what the teacher taught me. But Ye Yuze, who did you learn from?"

"Follow my mom! My mom graduated from a technical secondary school and is also a teacher!" Everyone nodded together. No wonder.

After clearing away the dishes, Blacksmith Lin pinched Ye Yuze's arms and legs. Shake his head.

He went into the house and took out a bag that was thinner than two dry bags. It's just that it's heavy inside.

"Take this and pump it on your body every day. Every part must be hit. Start with a small amount of force. Just do it within your own tolerance. Gradually increase the strength in the future!"

Ye Yuze took it and nodded, turned around and shined it on his leg.

As a result, "Plop!" I was knocked down in one fell swoop.

Aunt Zhou laughed again.

Blacksmith Lin shook his head. "The bottom plate is too unstable. I need to practice pile kung fu!"

So he put on a horse stance. Ask Ye Yuze to follow suit.

But Ye Yuze really couldn't do it. What knees and feet. Shoulders and hips level. Hips and knees level.

Ye Yuze couldn't stand at all once he took this posture.

But Blacksmith Lin stood there as if he were sitting on a bench. Not to mention how reliable it is.

Ye Yuze kept posing and falling down. Although according to the current situation, it is impossible for him to stand.

But he was like a young wolf looking for milk, even though the mother wolf kept trying to stop him. But persevere.

Zhou Guihua got tired of watching for a while, and stood up with him on the side.

It’s just that the distance between these feet is so wide. It's already over the shoulder. But the body did not squat down completely at all. What the hell is this?

"Master, why is her horse gait like this?"

Ye Yuze couldn't help but ask. Obviously Zhou Guihua's horse steps are much easier.

"Hers is called the high horse step, and it was taught by your master's wife. Your master's wife is practicing the kick flip, so you don't usually need to do the low horse."

Hearing Blacksmith Lin's answer, Ye Yuze regretted it to death. Is this the wrong disciple?

But it's too late to say anything now. If he betrays his master as soon as he kowtows, he will probably be beaten not only by his master, but also by his wife!

When these two guys fight, they are probably much more powerful than Mom's feather duster.

So Ye Yuze had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue squatting. Isn't it just wrestling? I got used to it after falling.

Soon, Zhou Guihua called Ye Yuze to go to school.

Ye Yuze shook his head. "The last period is Chinese class. I'll go later!"

Zhou Guihua shook her head and had no choice but to leave by herself.

At this time, Blacksmith Lin and his wife also started to make iron. Only Ye Yuze was left there practicing wrestling. No, Mabu!

While the couple was forging iron, they watched the little man fall down and get up. Perseverance has become a process on the assembly line.

Blacksmith Lin nodded. "I thought I was teaching him to keep fit for his father's sake. But I didn't expect that I got a good seedling!"

Aunt Zhou also appreciated the same: "This apprentice cannot be your own!"

Blacksmith Lin's expression was serious. "Learn my skills first and then talk about it. The inheritance of my mantle should be on him."

Gradually, Ye Yuze mastered the trick. I have slowly been able to stand still.

It’s just that the strength of the legs is still relatively small. The persistence time is very short.

"Empty your mind and don't think that you are doing a horse stance. When you inhale, draw your abdomen in, and when you exhale, your abdomen will expand."

The master's instructions came to my ears. Ye Yuze could just stand still for a few minutes. Instinctively follow the master's instructions.

Isn't this just unscientific? Why do you need to puff up when you exhale? Inhale but have to adduct? Is it the other way around?

He glanced at the master, but the master nodded.

"This is called reverse abdominal breathing. It is a unique breathing and breathing method unique to our master's practice."

Ye Yuze understood and began to let go of himself.

The so-called emptying out is like having nothing in the Buddhist mind! This is the hardest thing for adults to do.

But it is much easier for children. Because they are still very stubborn at this age.

Ye Yuze closed his eyes and his mind was immersed in the idea of ​​reverse abdominal breathing.

Gradually, this breathing method becomes smoother. And he actually stood there for ten minutes without realizing it.

But no matter how much I don’t want to. Physical strength is still the most important factor in supporting the body. His legs began to tremble, and then he slumped to the ground.

"Okay, let's take a rest! Go to school first. You can also practice this at home.

Remember that sack. Inside was sawdust and iron sand. Keep beating yourself. This is also one of the basics for getting started, it is called platoon practice! "

Ye Yuze nodded and put the bag on his shoulder. Say goodbye to master and mistress.

When I got to school, I waited for a while before the bell rang.

The reason why I rushed back to school was because the last class was with my homeroom Chinese teacher. This Ye Yuze dare not not go up.

It's not that I'm afraid of the teacher, but I'm afraid of calling my parents. I'm not so afraid of my mother's feather duster as I am of the disappointed look in her eyes.

The eyes of his classmates were full of envy when they looked at him.

So fucking awesome! You can come to this class if you want to, or leave if you don't want to. He is simply the most awesome student in history!

Zhou Guihua blinked at him. As if to ask again. "How's it going?"

Ye Yuze had a embarrassed expression on his face. It’s like declaring, “Do you even need to ask?”

Zhou Guihua gave a thumbs up! Show your admiration!

The class bell rang soon, and the Chinese teacher walked in.

This teacher was a college student in the 1950s. He was originally a teacher in a middle school in the provincial capital.

It was only because of some reasons at that time that I came to teach in a rural primary school in this small valley.

His surname is Niu, and most students don't know his name. Just call him Teacher Niu.

Teacher Niu rarely smiles, to be precise, he doesn’t laugh at all. Anyway, none of the students saw him smile.

The teacher puts the textbook on the desk. He glanced at his classmates.

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