Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 8 Alpine Skiing

Following the direction of his fingers, Ye Yuze saw a few trees that were not very tall.

Only then did Ye Yuze notice. There are basically no trees on the mountains in northern Xinjiang. Ye Yuze didn't know the specific reason.

Anyway, along the way, most of the trees he saw grew in the ravine.

But most of the trees here are tall and straight poplars or birches.

When others give you food, you naturally have to reciprocate. Ye Yuze dug into his pocket.

As a result, he sadly discovered that he didn't even have a piece of candy brought by Tang Cheng.

In the morning, those lumps were still there, but did you have the nerve to take them out? It's gray and looks bad.

After hesitating, he took it out.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuxiang laughed when he saw this thing, grabbed it and stuffed a piece into his mouth. Eat with relish.

Okay I'm sorry. It’s true that the soil and water support the people.

In fact, Ye Yuze didn't know that the children here didn't actually have many snacks. Especially in winter.

The company operates on a supply system, and goes to the regiment headquarters on time every month to receive supplies. There isn't even a canteen.

And such dairy products are only available to herders. Companies in the Corps do not raise dairy cows.

Even if there are children who don’t have enough milk, they always find ways to buy milk powder. Or simply go to the herdsmen to buy milk.

Like dad, someone delivers milk on time every day. This is definitely a case of using power for personal gain.

After a short rest, the two started climbing the mountain again.

Although physical strength is not very good at this age, physical strength is replenished relatively quickly. So we were quickly approaching the top of the mountain.

"Quick, get into the snow nest!"

Wei Yuxiang in front shouted anxiously and plunged into the snow.

Ye Yuze, who didn't know what was going on, could not react. Still watching blankly.

Only a few figures were seen speeding down. He ran straight towards their position and bumped into them.

At this speed, he would definitely be knocked away.

Wei Yuxiang asked him to get into the snow to avoid these guys.

But Ye Yuze realized that it was too late.

A figure had already arrived beside him with the sound of wind. This is definitely intentional.

It was definitely too late to dodge, so he took the skis off his shoulders. Prepare to hit the person who comes directly.

This thing is made of a carrying pole. Since the other party can do such a thing that endangers his life.

There was no need for him to be polite. Not of legal age anyway. Who is afraid of whom?

Unexpectedly, he was just about to swing the pole. But the person who came whistled and turned around sharply.

The sled under his feet rubbed Ye Yuze's body and flew over. The wind brought up hurt Ye Yuze's face.

Several people nearby laughed and whizzed by. It turned into a black spot in an instant.

Although Ye Yuze was extremely angry, he secretly admired the other party's skiing skills.

Dodge and sharp turns at this speed are no less difficult than car drifting.

Wei Yuxiang got up and saw that he was still standing there. He couldn't help but blame him.

"Didn't I tell you to get down? If we bump into you, you'll be in trouble."

Ye Yuze smiled bitterly, too lazy to explain.

"If I could react, I would be able to get down faster than you."

But he still asked, "Who are these? Are they the children of our company?"

Wei Yuxiang nodded, his face not pretty. It seems that he doesn't dare to mess with these children. But he still replied:

"They are the bad boys of the company. The leader is Yang Geyong, the son of the platoon leader. He is the same age as me this year."

Ye Yuze nodded. It seems that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

There are no more than a hundred companies in total with this person. It seems that I need to establish my authority. Otherwise, you will definitely be bullied.

After climbing for a while, the two finally reached the top of the mountain.

Wei Yuxiang helped Ye Yuze put on his skis.

In fact, this is really a technical job. The pole was so narrow that only two curved nails were driven on it.

If you want to tie the shoes tightly to the shoes, people who have never done it really can't do it.

The reason for using pimp strips. It's because this thing has both toughness and good stretching effect. Will not let go easily.

When Wei Yuxiang started to tie his skis. Ye Yuze began to beat the drum in his heart.

A drop of more than a thousand meters. Although the hillside is not too steep. But there are always slopes of fifty or sixty degrees.

This guy stood on the pole and slid down. How fast will it be?

Don’t talk about yourself as a person who traveled through time in 1995. I guess even if I traveled through time in 2020, I would be scared to death.

The key is that he has never played this sport once. Really not!

But the key point is that Wei Yuxiang has never considered this issue at all. He brought himself up directly.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuze couldn't help but asked guiltily.

"Are there any children in the company who can't skate?"

Wei Yuxiang gave him a strange look. It seems that this question is unreasonable.

But still answered seriously.

"I don't let Ye Yufan and Wei Yucui slide because they can't climb the mountain now, not because they can't slide down."

This answer suddenly shocked Ye Yuze. Shut up now.

It turns out that in people's minds, the question of whether it will slip or not does not exist at all. There is only the concept of whether you can climb the mountain.

Wei Yuxiang stood up and leaned forward slightly. Said.

"Follow me and use your poles to control the direction."

After saying that, the snow pole tapped lightly on the ground. Just start moving forward.

As the slope increases, the sliding speed becomes faster and faster. After a while, there were only dark shadows in Ye Yuze's eyes.

Originally, Ye Yuze should have followed, but he was a little afraid and delayed for a while.

At this moment, he was the only one left on the high mountain. The wind blows. Because I had sweated a little while climbing, the cold was biting.

He gritted his teeth and followed Wei Yuxiang's example, leaning forward slightly and sliding forward.

It's different from Wei Yuxiang's kind of holding a snow pole with both hands open. He held his poles under his arms. This is said to reduce drag.

It turns out that resistance does decrease. But it was faster.

For Ye Yuze, who was skiing for the first time, what he feared the most was going too fast.

Listening to the sound of wind in his ears, Ye Yuze couldn't see anything. I can't help it, I'm too scared. Closed his eyes.

When the speed reaches the limit he can bear. He yelled in fear, and fell down as his body swayed.

This fall was actually because he put his feet together out of fear. As a result, I tripped and fell.

Plunge this one in. The whole body got into the snow.

If someone comes to him at this moment. You probably won't be able to see it until you get close.

Ye Yuze didn't feel any pain from being thrown, the snow was so soft. The body was inserted diagonally into the snow and did not touch the rocks at all. He was just frightened and confused.

When he regained consciousness, he crawled out of the snow nest. Not only was he not depressed, but he looked surprised.

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