Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 7 Men can’t say no

Looking at his younger brother's pitiful eyes, how could Ye Yuze, who had been away from the warmth of family for a long time, say no?

He still can't tell the difference between skiing and skating. Naturally, he nodded in agreement without hesitation.

After a while, Wei Yuxiang ran in with his skis.

Ye Yuze was stunned when he saw it. In his impression, skis are all made of aluminum alloy. Very high-end equipment.

Of course, this is all what he watched on TV and short videos. In real life, he has nothing to do with this somewhat luxurious sport.

But at this time, Wei Yuxiang's skis finally made him realize that skiing is actually a poor people's sport.

Because this guy's skis were obviously sawed off like a pole. Several nails were hammered into it and were bent. Then tie it directly to the shoes with sheepskin strips.

So this is okay? Ye Yuze immediately felt a little excited.

I never imagined that I could join the aristocratic club so quickly!

He helped Wei Yuxiang fix the missing nails. The leather strips are all ready-made. Wei Yuxiang saved a lot.

In this way, Ye Yuze and Wei Yuxiang carried the skis. Behind them, Ye Yufan and Wei Yucui were pulling small sledges. Set off in a grand way.

Ye Yuze originally wanted to lock the door. I saw several people looking at him in surprise. Then gave up.

All the way through the company house. Only then did he understand why people were surprised. It turned out that not a single house in the entire company had its doors locked.

It turns out that in this era, there is no need to lock the door. Ye Yuze finally learned the first thing.

Follow the road to the foot of the mountain. I saw a group of children pulling sledges to climb up the hillside.

After climbing up a slope, sit on the sledge and slide down.

This is not the slide of later generations. The slope is at least three to four hundred meters. Halfway through the slippage of the sledge, the speed could already be described as lightning fast.

A novice like Ye Yuze would definitely tremble. But those who play this are obviously children as old as younger brothers.

Their sledges are simplified versions of horse-drawn sledges. It's just two wooden bars with raised heads, with steel plates underneath.

Several horizontal boards were nailed to the wooden strips. There is an iron ring nailed to the front board of the sledge.

Tie a rope to the hoop and you can pull it along.

The kids here each have one. When encountering an uphill slope, pull it along. Slide straight downhill. This makes walking much faster.

When the ground is flat, you can also sit on it and use ski poles to slide.

Of course, little kids’ snow poles are not made of the same materials that will be available in hundreds or even thousands in later generations.

People just find two sticks at random. Then use two large nails to push in backwards.

Ye Yuze thought they would all play here. As a result, Wei Yuxiang pointed at two children.

"You guys can play here while Ye Yuze and I go up the mountain."

Wei Yucui was about to cry as soon as her mouth tightened. As a result, Wei Yuxiang stared.

The little loli stopped crying immediately. Ye Yuze always thought that this loli was controlled by remote control.

"Which mountain to climb?"

Ye Yuze asked curiously.

Wei Yuxiang pointed to the top of the mountain and said, "This is it. Have you seen the people on the mountain?"

Ye Yuze looked up and was startled. This is too high. The so-called people are just a few small black spots halfway up the mountain.

He looked at Wei Yuxiang and asked in confusion:

"You mean climbing to the top of this mountain?"

Wei Yuxiang nodded with reason.

"Of course, we are all men!"

Ye Yuze looked at him in confusion, and then at himself. He also nodded.

"Okay, two men who haven't grown yet."

After getting off the main road, the snow on the hillside had a hard crust even though it had been burned by the sun. But I still can’t help the weight of the person. Even though Ye Yuze's current body only weighs more than forty pounds.

As soon as I stepped on it, the snow directly reached my thighs. Climbing to a mountain of more than a thousand meters in such snow. The difficulty can be imagined.

But at this point, Ye Yuze was embarrassed not to climb up. Besides, men can’t say no, right?

Gritting his teeth, he began to climb up.

Mountain climbing is physical work, and climbing snow-capped mountains is physical work combined with technical work.

Wei Yuxiang is obviously one level higher than Ye Yuze in weight and height, but he climbs much easier than Ye Yuze.

Seeing that Ye Yuze was having a really hard time climbing, Wei Yuxiang shouted:

"You follow my footsteps. It saves effort."

Ye Yuze was currently in the middle of a battle between heaven and man. I wonder if men can also say no.

After hearing Wei Yuxiang's words, I tried to step into his footsteps.

He found that in every footprint of Wei Yuxiang, there were traces of kneeling.

He followed suit and kneeled down every time he pulled out his leg.

Not to mention walking in the snow. The most strenuous part was pulling the legs out of the snow.

Now that he had ready-made footprints, Ye Yuze saved a lot of effort.

And every time you kneel down, the other leg you step out will also use force. Much more relaxed.

Now that I have grasped the trick, men can no longer say no.

It sounds simple, but the energy consumed in each step is indispensable.

Not to mention carrying a simple sled and ski poles on his shoulders.

After climbing a few hundred meters, Ye Yuze's face began to turn purple.

This also has something to do with the fact that he just came to the plateau.

Although the altitude here is only more than a thousand meters. But it would naturally have no impact on people who have been living in the plains.

Wei Yuxiang saw Ye Yuze's condition and asked him to take a rest.

Ye Yuze threw the things on his shoulders and lay motionless in the snow.

Wei Yuxiang took out a handful of yellow-orange fruits from his pocket and handed them to him.

"Come on, eat angustifolia!"

Ye Yuze took it curiously. It was about the size of a fingertip. The shape is similar to red dates.

Just a few sizes too small. The color is golden yellow with a hint of red.


Ye Yuze has never eaten this thing before. He took one and put it in his mouth.

The teeth bite lightly, soft and sandy. Fragrant and sweet. It's just that when I taste it, it's a bit astringent.

But this does not affect Ye Yuze's liking. He stuffed all the angustifolia into his mouth. Chew it up.

This bite was enjoyable, but spitting out the core was a bit troublesome.

But then another trouble arose. This fruit is too dry. There was almost no moisture, which made Ye Yuze choke.

Ye Yuze opened his mouth and said with some difficulty: "Water!"

Wei Yuxiang seemed to be used to this kind of situation. He grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into Ye Yuze's mouth.

The cold snow feels like sugar in your mouth. Chew it a few times and it will rustle. Then it turned into cold water.

It felt like drinking ice-cold mineral water in the summer. But it tastes much better than mineral water.

It is pleasant to the heart and spleen, and also has a kind of sweetness.

After taking a sip of water, the choking pulp also fell into my stomach.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but ask, "Where can I find this kind of fruit?"

Wei Yuxiang pointed casually. “You can pick them anywhere in the fall.”

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