Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 791 Nail House

But before he finished speaking, two more pieces of meat fell in front of him. One of the tough men grabbed him by the collar and punched him.

"Ignore your mother and give this meat to others. You are not afraid of losing your descendants!" The big man's fist hit Dabiao's chest, knocking his breath away.

By this time, more and more people had gathered around. It was evening. It was just after get off work time, and everyone was busy coming to the market to buy food and prepare to go home and make dinner.

There was a commotion at Dabiao's stall, and a large group of people immediately gathered around him. They all asked what happened? After knowing the whole story, they were so angry that they started to scold him. Especially the old ladies who walked around the market all day carrying vegetable baskets started to jump on their feet and curse.

At this time, there were already two stretchers parked at Er Biao and San Biao's cooked food stalls. They were asked to pay for medical treatment. The two patients had the same symptoms, convulsing all over and foaming at the mouth.

It turned out that these two people were poisoned after buying cooked food from their stall. I don’t have money to go to the hospital for medical treatment, so I start trouble with them.

The second and third Biao were all very confused. They didn’t know why their own meat had such problems. But how dare you delay such a thing? It was better to quickly get the money to send the person to the hospital, but not long after sending him away, two more stretchers arrived. Still the same problem.

By this time, someone had already called the police. The police took away all their raw and cooked meat. The person has also been taken away, and we have to wait until the facts are clear before we can deal with it. After receiving the news, the Pork Dragon sat down on the ground and stayed there for a long time before getting up.

At night, he, his wife and children were the only ones left at home. The usually lively house felt particularly miserable tonight, and few even used their chopsticks for dinner.

After a while, the lights suddenly went out. Pork Dragon got up to check the fuse and found that it was fine. That meant there was a power outage. But there hasn’t been a power outage for several years. What’s going on?

Pork Dragon walked out of the house and checked on the street. Want to see if other people's homes had electricity? As a result, they were the only family left in this area. Even if you want to see it, you can't.

At midnight, all three sons were released. After testing, there was nothing wrong with his pork. But those who were looking for trouble insisted that they bought it at his house, which left the police unable to do anything.

In the end, the medical expenses paid in advance can only be paid in vain. Four people spent half a day in the hospital, each spending more than a thousand Hong Kong dollars, which was half his family's income for a month.

The family was helpless and lit candles in the house to discuss what to do? No matter how stupid they are, they understand that Xin Ngee An is dealing with them, but how do they respond? After all, the methods used by others are normal, so there must be evidence to call the police, right?

But business has to be done, and the pigs collected yesterday had to be slaughtered, so the masters cleaned up and went to kill the pigs. His family sells two pigs every day for raw meat and cooked food.

Raw meat has to go to the market early in the morning because many restaurants have to prepare ingredients in the morning. So this time cannot be missed.

We arrived at the market in the morning, because the cooked food had to be prepared at home and would not come until noon. So father and son all come to work at the raw meat stall, because morning is the busiest time. This is the point of ordering meat in every store.

But the strange thing is that all the shopkeepers seem to be hiding from their stalls today, and they can't even shout. The angry Pork Dragon cursed at a shopkeeper he had dealt with for decades:

"Wonton Liu, are you selling a plague pig? Are you going to run away when you see me?"

The wonton man Liu was obviously an honest man. He spread his hands and explained helplessly: "The diners all ask me if I bought your meat? If so, they won't eat it. So I don't dare to buy it."

I sold a piece of lung all morning, and it was for feeding the dogs. Unexpectedly, I returned it after a while. He said he was afraid that the dog would get sick, and the angry Pork Dragon cursed again.

It was even more the case after the cooked food stall came out, and people stayed away. In a place like the wet market, there are many neighbors, and the news of his family selling sick pigs spread throughout the night.

Occasionally, an unsuspecting customer would come over to buy something, and he would be pulled over by an enthusiastic insider to whisper, and then leave quickly.

The father and son stood there for a whole day, but in the end they just didn't open. When I got home, I tried to put all the meat in the refrigerator, but found that there was still no power, not even water. The water to be eaten during the day was brought by the female relatives in carts from other places.

Zhou Roulong was so angry that he took a boning knife and went to settle the score with the people of Xin Ngee Ann. He was held tightly by his family.

This has been the case for three days in a row. They have thrown away four pigs. There is no refrigerator to store them. The temperature in Hong Kong is very high!

Pork Dragon went to call the police, but the police were helpless. Because the police need evidence, the police have nothing to do with the fact that no one buys your meat.

As for the lack of water and electricity, the water and electricity company said that there were only a few families left in the area. The pipes and electrical wiring are extremely old. The losses involved are too great. If they can bear this part of the losses, they will be connected immediately.

Pork Dragon asked how much it had cost, and then almost fainted from exhaustion. The monthly losses add up to more than 50,000 yuan. How can we share this? There are only five or six households in total, each with a household income of 10,000 yuan. People here cannot earn that much money every month.

But this reminded him that there were actually people in this area who were fighting to protect their rights and interests like him, so he had to go and have a look and form an alliance or something so that we could advance and retreat together.

After walking around the shanty town, I finally found a house with a light on. He walked over and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered him, so he opened the door and walked in.

But I found out that it was an old lady who was nearly eighty years old. Back of ears. He shouted at the top of his lungs for a long time before he figured out that the old lady moved because she didn't want to leave here. Give her a villa and she won't leave.

Because both her husband and son died in this house, she had to die here too. She lives on government benefits. Although the water and electricity are cut off, the people in Xin Ngee Ann still send her water and food every day.

Naturally, this kind of person had nothing in common with him, so he searched for a long time and finally found another one.

This store is a grocery store, and the family of three relies on this for a living, including food, accommodation and business. Their appeal is to have a shop. Because the man's legs are disabled, he cannot work. If you give them a building, the family will easily starve to death.

The pork dragon was ashes and I didn’t look for it any further. Because he knows that the situation is different from others, what he should consider now is whether to kill the pig tomorrow? What should I do if I kill but can’t sell it?

After all, he is just an ordinary person, and he seems to have good conditions, but in fact he relies on two stalls to maintain his income. Once the stall is closed, what will the family do? His confidence had begun to waver.

Back home, the family was still looking sad. It's just that I don't feel good about him. After all, this situation was caused by him.

Tickets, go for it

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