Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 790 Demolition

Most of the young people in Xin Ngee Ann are from the bottom, and most of these people live in slums. Slums all over the world are actually the same, with low-slung houses and streets overflowing with sewage.

But there is another biggest advantage of shantytowns, which is the most easily overlooked, and that is that they are all bungalows. If such houses are bought in blocks and built into buildings, then the demolition households will have two floors to provide for the demolished households, and they will be rich and abundant. And the higher the buildings are built, the more the developers will build.

Tietou led others to start buying houses. Today, housing prices in Hong Kong are about one thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot. Remember, it’s a square ruler. About eleven square feet to one square meter. In other words, in 1987, housing prices in Hong Kong had reached a terrifying 11,000 square meters.

This is related to the geographical location of Hong Kong Island. The area is not large and the population is large. Therefore, housing prices naturally increased.

The first place Tietou and the others purchased a house was near Repulse Bay. In fact, the adjacent area is a wealthy area. But there are places like this in every city, so-called darkness under the lights.

Just like the capital city will still have large courtyards in later generations, this is due to many problems left over from history.

Hong Kong Island has a privatized system and there are more places like this. The earliest immigrants just found a place to build a house, and this house later became their ancestral property. It has been passed down from generation to generation.

Today, a large number of young people from Xin Ngee Ann walked through the narrow streets. Talking to the homeowners either kindly or cursingly. There is nothing we can do about it. The underworld will need to be transformed into a good person, and transformation will take a while.

But the conditions they offered were really good, that is, the price they gave was enough to buy a new house at the market price. If you don't want to ask for money or don't want to leave here, you will be given a house of the same area after the house is built.

Moreover, before the house was built, the brother company also gave them money to subsidize their renting costs. Of course, if you want to rent a luxury house, it’s not enough, it’s just a basic rental fee.

The people who live here are naturally the kind of people who have no money to build a house. Of course, there are also those who have built small buildings with good conditions, so the compensation price will naturally be discussed in detail. In short, we should try not to let the residents suffer as much as possible.

There are many people in Xin Nghe An, and even the outer perimeter has been mobilized, with 40,000 to 50,000 people present. Therefore, every house in this shanty town has several people coming to talk every day.

Most of the residents didn't have any objections, and they were very happy. After all, they didn't spend a penny to get a new house. As long as it's not stupid, everyone will be happy with it.

Soon, most people happily signed the demolition compensation agreement. This agreement was drafted by Hong Kong's most famous barrister, and almost everyone in Hong Kong knows this name. The common people's concept of this person is that there is no lawsuit that he cannot win.

People began to move one after another, and soon the bustling shanty town became deserted. However, there are always some tough households in any age. For example, the one Tietou is going to now.

The head of the household is called Pork Dragon, and he is a pig butcher. His three sons eat a lot of meat from childhood. Everyone has a strong physique. Because their family was in good condition, they built a three-story building. They were considered a very wealthy family in this area.

The reason why their family didn't move was because the compensation they received was too little. Their small building has a total of three floors with three rooms on the base. The total area was only 200 square meters, and the negotiator promised to give them four 70-square-meter houses. In fact, this is very reasonable. But this pork dragon refused to agree.

He said that he must give himself six houses, otherwise he would never move, and he would not be afraid of the underworld. Otherwise, the whole family must be killed before the house can be demolished.

The guys at Xin Ngee Ann are all fresh out of school, so I don’t know how they can hold back their politeness? As a result, I met such an unreasonable person. Naturally, there are no good things to say.

But because Little Apple gave a death order, that is, no action is allowed during the demolition process, otherwise they will be expelled from the gang. If it weren't for this order, who would have become of the Pork Dragon family?

When Tietou and his gang arrived at Pork Dragon's house, there were only Pork Dragon and his female relatives. A younger brother helped introduce Tietou's identity.

Pork Dragon knew about Tietou, and he would have nodded and bowed long ago. But at this time, for the sake of profit, he would risk it all. The wages of avarice is death.

He is already over 50 years old this year. If he risked his life to buy a few more houses for his children and grandchildren, then his death would be worth it.

"I don't care who you are? Don't even think about demolishing my house if you don't have six houses!" Now that you've given it all, you don't care who you are, that is, you love who you are!

Tietou's tone was very calm: "Pork Dragon, right? We are from Brothers Real Estate Company. In fact, you know, the compensation we will give you is not low. In fact, we can't afford it to be higher. But if this head opens, others will If we all follow your example, we will no longer be able to work. Do you think this is the truth?"

Pork dragon oil and salt are not included: "What does your work have to do with me? If you demolish my house, you have to follow my requirements, otherwise you will not be able to do it even if the Hong Kong Governor comes, let alone you guys. !”

Perhaps it was Tietou's calmness that fueled Pork Dragon's arrogance, and he suddenly became arrogant.

Tietou stood up, nodded and said, "Okay, remember what you said today. Don't regret it."

Tietou's words shocked Pork Dragon's heart. But then he calmed down and said, "You are the only one who regrets it. If I don't demolish it, let's see if your building is successful."

The Pork Dragon Family has two stalls in the market, one selling raw meat. One sells cooked food. The cooked food is processed at home and then sent to the market. There is indeed a separate place for killing pigs.

The three sons, Dabiao and Poulong, sell raw meat, while Erbiao and Sanbiao sell cooked food. And women braise meat at home. Business has been very good.

But something suddenly happened today. First, a young man came back with a large piece of raw pork, and it suddenly fell onto his stall:

"You black-hearted butcher, how dare you sell this kind of meat? Are you not afraid of eating dead people?"

Because Pork Dragon is not here, Dabiao is at the stall by himself. I picked up the pork and looked at it suspiciously. I was shocked to see that it was a piece of meat with tapeworms.

This kind of meat is not allowed to be sold because tapeworms are difficult to kill at high temperatures. When a person eats the eggs, they will develop and grow in the human intestines and stomach, sometimes growing to one or two feet long. Extremely harmful to the body.

Dabiao picked up the meat and looked at it doubtfully, wanting to compare it with his own. But it was already evening, and he had almost sold out of his pork. There's no way to compare.

"Brother, are you mistaken? My family pays great attention when killing pigs. I never buy such pigs." Da Biao wanted to explain.

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