Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 656 A tough night

Liu Yulian was lying on the kang, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the wall, looking towards the west room from time to time. She was curious, how would these three babies sleep today? Ye Lishuan, on the other hand, was serious, sitting by the window with a book in his hand and reading.

Liu Yulian looked at her son who was already asleep next to her and shouted to Ye Lizuan: "Come here and sleep."

Ye Lishuan shook his head: "I'm not sleepy, just go to sleep."

Frost appeared on Liu Yulian's face, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "Can't you make it through?"

Ye Lishuan had no choice but to put down the book that he had not read for a long time and walked over. As soon as he touched the edge of the kang, his ear was grabbed by his wife: "Are you envious of your nephew? Do you think you will have this day too?"

Ye Tieshuan grinned: "It's unfair, I didn't say anything."

Yu'e is an introverted and shy girl. But this Ye Yuze always made her let go of her pride and many other things.

By now the guy was already snoring loudly. Yu'e sat aside and looked at him in a daze. She didn't know how to sleep at night.

The kang was actually very big, and Ye Yuze was lying in the middle. And Martha had already taken off her clothes and lay down next to Ye Yuze. At that time, there were no big quilts in rural areas, only one quilt per person. Martha leaned against Ye Yuze closely, as if she was afraid of the cold.

There is no heating equipment in the countryside, so we rely on the kang. Today, because there are no steamed buns, the kang is not hot, just slightly warm. But it's not cold even if you get into bed.

Yu'e planned to hide under the wall and sleep, but she became angry after discovering Martha's shamelessness. How can a girl be so shameless?

Yu'e cursed bitterly in her heart, but there was also a fierce battle in her mind. "No, we can't stay away from him. What if I fall asleep, what will that woman Martha do?"

Thinking of this, Yu'e no longer hesitated, took off the quilt and lay down next to Ye Yuze. Although there was still a slight gap, Yu'e felt that Ye Yuze's body was very warm, and she actually wanted him to roll towards her.

Yu'e's face couldn't help but turn red, and she secretly sighed in her heart as to why she was so shameless. Then close your eyes hard and count the sheep.

Suddenly she felt something moving on Martha's side, and opened her eyes slightly to look over. Unexpectedly, he found Martha putting her arms around Ye Yuze's neck.

I was about to scold her, but suddenly I thought why should I scold her? What is your relationship with this man? I felt a little sad in my heart.

Martha was also sleepy. She didn't sleep well for two days in a row. She didn't sleep for a few hours at Dawangzhuang on the first day. Ye Yuze played cards until midnight yesterday, and then he didn't lie down for two hours before getting up in the middle of the night to pay New Year's greetings.

Martha also drank some wine today, and there was no one to play cards. Lying in the warm quilt, her mind became confused. She subconsciously stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Ye Yuze's neck and fell asleep. I could have done something else, but with such a big light bulb next to me, I couldn't do anything.

In his sleep, Ye Yuze felt that his neck was being strangled by something, which made him very uncomfortable. He pulled subconsciously, then twisted his body, and squeezed to Yu'e's side with the quilt and the other person.

Yu'e was still counting sheep desperately, but half of her body was accidentally suppressed. She subconsciously tried to push away, and then stopped moving. She had already realized what was holding her down.

As mentioned before, Ye Yuze was very dishonest when sleeping. I basically didn't move for half an hour when I fell asleep, but I couldn't move after half an hour.

After lying on my side for a while, I felt uncomfortable again. Then I turned over and fell asleep on my stomach.

This time Yu'e was completely pressed down, and all her nerves were tense. Don't know what happens next? I'm thinking, what should I do if he takes it one step further? However, the grunting sound has come.

Yu'e cursed a few times in anger, and then continued to count sheep helplessly. But this amount is always wrong for carrying a heavy load on my body. She found that she, a college student, was not familiar with numbers within one hundred. Otherwise, why would she keep getting them in the wrong order?

Ye Yuze turned over and rolled over to Martha. Yu'e looked up and saw that Martha was sleeping soundly. So he stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Yuze. It wasn't until he rolled to his side that he lay down again with peace of mind.

When she woke up the next morning, Yu'e was a little afraid to get out of bed. That guy didn't know when he got into his quilt. There is a hand that still... Yu'e pinched his arm angrily.

Ye Yuze opened his eyes suddenly, and then realized what happened. He quickly turned around and ran away, trying to get back to his bed. Then when he turned around, he realized the reason why he ran away from someone else's bed.

It turned out that Martha had already kicked her quilt aside. He took up his own quilt. The key is, why is this guy's sleeping position so comfortable? Then there is still a place for you to lie down?

He patted Martha angrily, wanting her to move away and go over by himself. This slap woke up Martha. She glanced at Ye Yuze and exclaimed: "Why did you sleep with her?"

Ye Yuze cursed angrily: "Why are you shouting? You squeezed me past."

Only then did Martha realize that her quilt had been kicked aside by herself. So he laughed twice, lifted the quilt and said, "Come on, sleep a little longer."

Martha's words made Yu'e's cheeks turn red, but she didn't know how to answer? Now when I heard that the two of them were going to sleep together again, I reached out and grabbed Ye Yuze's autumn clothes.

Ye Yuze moved twice but couldn't break free, so he simply stopped resisting. He shouted: "Wake up, what time is it, you two lazy idiots!"

Martha sat up and kissed him on the cheek, then began to get dressed. Yu'e actually wanted to do it, but in the end she didn't dare.

In the morning, grandma cooked rice and porridge with dumplings. Just make the cornmeal porridge thicker and cook the dumplings in it. When these are boiled, you can eat one dumpling and one mouthful of porridge. It tastes very delicious.

Ye Yuze can eat three bowls of this kind of dumpling porridge. Served with hometown-specific red pickles. Also called pickles, dried radish is pickled in sauce and dried in the sun, and then steamed in a pot when eating. Paired with chopped green onion sesame oil, it's an appetizer.

Martha also likes eating dumplings very much. In the past two days, she has learned all the steps of making dumplings. I’m going to show my skills to my family when I return home!

As for what happened between her and Ye Yuze, she hasn't thought about it yet. She didn't care at all about the age difference, it wasn't a big deal in their country. The only thing that worried her about this boy was that he was too lethal. The girl sleeping next to him was obviously fascinated by him again.

As for Sun Lanyu, Wang Honghua, and the second sister who sells clothes. She didn't even have to think about it to know that the relationship wasn't that simple.

She never imagined that she would be fighting a group of women every day. It's nice to be like this now, no commitments, no burdens. Think about it and be together. Just do your own thing when you don't want to.

Dear friends, it’s the last day. Please give me your tickets. It will be a waste if you don’t give them to me.

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