Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 655 The resolute Martha

When leaving, Dong Zhaohua asked Wang Enqing to get into his car. He was eager to know who this foreigner was and how he came to Xuzhuang?

Wang Enqing just arrived and asked Xu Le everything. So I made a detailed report to Dong Zhaohua. Dong Zhaohua was shocked. There was such a great person in his jurisdiction, and he, the director, didn't know anything about it. This was a serious dereliction of duty!

So he rushed to the county official's home without stopping and reported everything to him.

The senior county official is Wang Limin, who is in his fifties and has been in this position for nearly fifteen years. He is the kind of person who does not seek merit, but seeks no faults. So it has always been smooth sailing, and he has no desire to be competitive. It's actually quite good to be able to survive until retirement like this.

However, the trend has suddenly changed in recent years. Reform and opening up has suddenly caused an undercurrent to the situation that had been stable for decades, and cadre assessment has become the norm.

The so-called assessment is nothing more than official performance. Official performance is easier to handle. Just publicize it more. But political performance is a real achievement.

Although the North China Oilfield moved into Qiu County, the county's tax revenue continued to rise. But this has little to do with Wang Limin. Strictly speaking, it can only be said that he cooperated well and is not included in the performance evaluation at all.

The so-called political achievements are nothing more than attracting investment, but he has never seen local people in a province, so where can he meet foreign businessmen!

Now a foreign businessman actually came to his door, and there was actually a joint venture owner hidden in the village below him. He also led some fellow villagers to start getting rich!

This news was like a shot in the arm, making Wang Limin's heart, which had been stable for decades, begin to feel unsettled. If these two people can make good use of it, there may not be any possibility for him to go further.

He is fifty-three years old this year and is at the senior level. According to the normal retirement age, it should be sixty years old. There are still seven years to go. If you go one step further and reach the deputy office, the retirement age will be delayed again. This adds countless possibilities.

Wang Limin couldn't wait any longer. He decided to ask Dong Zhaohua to accompany him to Xuzhuang again. Of course you can’t just go in empty-handed, but you can’t be too formal either. Think about it for a moment. He asked Dong Zhaohua to go to Baiyangdian first to get some local products, and it would be most appropriate to visit relatives.

After the people from the Public Security Bureau left. Ye Yuze stared at Martha with indignation. Yu'e looked a little scared. Martha didn't care. He asked the dozen or so people whose money had been confiscated just now: "Whoever confiscated how much money just now, come and report to me!"

The whole village was alarmed by the excitement just now. In the past, Xuzhuang had never seen police cars, let alone police cars from the county bureau, or even bags from the police station. The people in the village are honest and nothing causes trouble.

As a result, the police station and the county bureau came to report the incident two days in a row. The villagers were surprised and excited at the same time. Xuzhuang is going to be popular!

So after the police car left, people still gathered here for a long time and refused to disperse. There is no way, China is rich in melon-eating people.

After Martha finished speaking, she entered the house. This time she brought a lot of cash. I thought I would spend some money in the countryside. Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze's village did not have so many lonely elderly people and out-of-school children waiting for her to help.

She took out her bag and handed it to Yu'e: "Whoever is confiscated and how much money they have, come and collect it from me. But if I find out about it again, I will call the police. I won't give you any money next time!"

Although the family members of the dozen or so people originally agreed with Martha's actions. But I still felt bad after losing so much money, so I also complained a little. Now that the money has been lost, I am naturally grateful.

Grandma stood on the platform in front of the door and watched Martha do all this. The balance in my heart that was already leaning towards Yu'e began to tilt towards Martha again. It seems that a person like Sun Tzu who does great things needs a kind wife like this!

The matter came to a successful end, and the melon-eating crowd dispersed with various emotions. This year's New Year in Xuzhuang, men will no longer have one kind of entertainment, only drinking.

Lao Rou was the one who witnessed the entire incident, and he couldn't help but feel deeply moved. In the past, Ye Yuze was a god in his heart, omnipotent. But what I ate today was so hot that I couldn’t even get angry.

Ye Yuze returned to the house angrily without looking at Martha. Martha didn't take it seriously. It was evening again and it was time to cook. Nowadays, Martha and Yu'e have a very good relationship, although they both understand each other's feelings. But they just can't become hostile.

The grandma in the room looked at her eldest grandson who looked frustrated with a smile: "Yuze, are you not convinced? It seems that only this foreign kid can cure you!"

"Grandma, I'm just playing cards. Isn't this how the village has been here for many years?" Ye Yuze's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Son, you don't know many things. A few years ago, the bald man lost all his family's money in gambling in one night. His wife drank pesticide. There was also the boy from Zhang Sheng's family who secretly lost all the family's money. All the planned marriages have been ruined. I have no money to give them gifts."

Grandma talked a lot about the consequences of gambling, and Ye Yuze broke into a cold sweat. In the past two years, I have been playing, and the stakes have become bigger each time. Isn't this a scam in disguise?

Seeing her grandson's expression, grandma knew that he was fine, so she stopped nagging and said to the outer room: "Yuze, how about you marry both of them? One will work with you, and the other will Manage the household. How nice is that?”

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines: "Grandma, do you know that's illegal?"

Grandma also looked melancholy, and then she remembered something: "Isn't Martha a crooked nut? Are the laws there the same as here? You can marry her there! You and Yu'e will do it at grandma's place, Grandma promises to make it a success for you."

Ye Yuze looked at this old lady who had become more fashionable with a speechless face. I would like to ask if my grandfather were alive, would you let him marry two people?

But as soon as my mind changed, I stopped asking. It seems that in that era, the position of concubine was protected by law.

Yu'e didn't go back that night, mainly because she found out that Martha actually lived in the same house as Ye Yuze. Although she is a traditional person, she knows that Ye Yuze is not traditional at all. After drinking too much, I hugged my second sister to sleep.

It's not a bad night and there's no need to drink because there are a lot of people here. Who knows what will happen if a man and a woman live together in the same room? So she decided to stay the night.

Sure enough, Ye Yuze was drunk again after dinner. Mainly because there was no entertainment, so he might as well get himself drunk and go to sleep.

She and Martha helped Ye Yuze lie down on the kang, and then went outside to watch TV with grandma for a while. Grandma went back to the house to sleep. The three members of the old uncle did not come out.

It's the end of the month, comrades, you know.

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