Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 644 It turns out that love can become

After explaining the matter clearly, Yang Geyong left. He left before dawn in the morning because he couldn't face Zhao Ling'er who was completely vulnerable.

He doesn't know much about love. If we talk about love, then Chi Na'er is the first and the girl he has truly loved. He has always been passive in his relationship with Zhao Ling'er. It can be said that we have reached the present moment passively step by step.

However, he admitted that he still liked Zhao Ling'er. Although this girl has a domineering temper, she is really kind to him! But compared with Chi Na'er, it's really not that unforgettable and heartbreaking.

He didn't know if this was love, but knowing what Chi Naer was like now, he would still do anything for her without hesitation.

He drove the car very fast all the way, and now that the matter was settled, he couldn't stand Chi Na'er and her daughter staying in that snow nest for a moment. As for what happened to Zhao Ling'er, he couldn't care less about it.

Parked the car at the infrastructure company, rode Lightning and ran towards Chi Naer's house. It's said to be running, but in fact it can't go any faster. As long as you climb mountains along the way, you have to dismount and walk.

Zhao Ling'er attended class for a long time in a daze. As for what class she was in, she probably didn't even know.

She hadn't eaten since last night, and she still had no appetite at noon. When her classmates asked her to go to dinner, she shook her head and refused.

Zhao Ling'er knew Yang Geyong's character. Once he decided to do something, no one could stop him. unless……. She thought of someone who could stop Yang Geyong.

"Yuze, Yang Geyong is getting married to Chi Na'er. He doesn't want me anymore!" After hearing Ye Yuze's voice, Zhao Ling'er seemed to have found someone to rely on, and all her grievances came up at once, and she burst into tears.

Ye Yuze was silent for a moment: "Sister Ling'er, we all know his character. If we stop him forcibly, will you really be happy even if we marry you?"

Zhao Ling'er's sobbing stopped suddenly, and Ye Yuze's words were like a heavy hammer hitting her head. Not to mention Yang Geyong, it was just what he wanted to do, if he was forcibly blocked by others. She will never give up in this life.

"Then...then I'm just going to watch him marry another woman and be indifferent?" Zhao Ling'er was still a little unwilling.

Ye Yuze smiled bitterly: "Sister Ling'er, no matter how powerful we are in this world, there will be many things that we can't do anything about, not to mention that we are not strong."

Zhao Ling'er heard the bitterness in Ye Yuze's words. There are many bitternesses that others don't know. How could Zhao Ling'er not know the pain in Ye Yuze's heart.

"Is your injury healed? I want to see you." Zhao Ling'er finally calmed down. Only this guy in the world could calm her down the fastest.

"Let's wait until the holiday. Now you have to go to class. I don't need you to take care of me, so why worry?" Ye Yuze joked, but neither of them could laugh.

When Yang Geyong rushed to Chi Naer's house, it was almost dark. When Huzi and Saihu heard the sound of horse hooves, they barked wildly: "Woof, woof, woof. Ouch." Saihu was not used to dog language yet, and his barks sometimes contained some native words.

Yang Geyong was startled, why is there a wolf in this place? Could it be that something happened to Chi Naer? He subconsciously jumped off the horse, pulled out the knife, and quietly walked towards the house. Huzi stopped barking when he saw Yang Geyong's dress, he was one of his own.

As a result, after walking a few steps, Chi Naer and Zhang Jianmin walked out of the house. Chi Na'er looked into the distance and said, "No, don't leave today. It's getting dark. You have to climb the snow-capped mountains when you go back."

Zhang Jianmin is obviously a little shy, although herders have had the habit of staying overnight since ancient times. But he is Han Chinese and is obviously not used to staying at a single woman's home.

"I'll come back tomorrow. The door of the sheepfold isn't working. I'll bring some wood to fix it for you tomorrow." After saying that, Zhang Jianmin went to untie the horse's reins.

Chi Na'er hugged his arm: "But I don't want you to go!"

Chi Naer's hotness and frankness shocked Zhang Jianmin. He is a junior brother and cannot withstand this kind of temptation, so what should he do? Or from? He is hesitating….

"You bastard, you want to touch every woman, you've had enough, right?" Yang Geyong roared angrily, as if falling from the sky, and kicked Zhang Jianmin on the chest.

Zhang Jianmin was kicked so hard that he rolled over, but then he stood up and loaded the gun in his hand: "Who is it? Put your hands up!"

At this time, Chi Na'er had already noticed Yang Geyong and asked with some surprise: "What are you doing here?"

Yang Geyong ignored her and walked directly towards Zhang Jianmin. "You bastard, you have become more capable, haven't you? You robbed my wife and you dared to point a gun at me. You hit me! If you don't hit me, I'm no longer my son today!"

At this time, Zhang Jianmin recognized Yang Geyong, quickly put down his gun and shouted in surprise: "Yongzi, why are you here?"

He thought that Yang Geyong was playing tricks on him again when he kicked him just now. At this time, Ayi Jiang also ran out of the house. When he saw this tall and burly man, he pulled his mother's clothes and asked: "Mom, who is he?"

Yang Geyong pointed at the mother and daughter: "This is my wife and daughter, what do you think I'm here for? If you dare to come here again and act so careless, see if I don't break your legs!"

Zhang Jianmin looked at Chi Na'er dumbfounded, then at Yang Geyong, and asked stupidly: "Are you kidding me? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

At this time, Chi Na'er pulled Ayi Jiang to stand beside Zhang Jianmin, pushed Ayi Jiang to Yang Geyong's side, and hugged Zhang Jianmin's arm: "The child is yours, I belong to this man, you are not worthy of me! "

Zhang Jianmin pulled her arm away: "Tell me first what's going on? What's going on between you and Yongzi?"

Ma Rong and Yu Lan knew about Yang Geyong and Chi Naer, but Zhang Jianmin really didn't know. Because after Yang Geyong went to school at the Youth League Headquarters, the two of them had less contact.

When I saw this, I couldn't explain it clearly for a while. Chi Na'er simply pulled them into the house together. Yang Geyong was in a state of confusion at this time. Just now he thought it was Zhang Jianmin seducing Chi Naer, but now he realized that it didn't seem to be the case. It should be Chi Naer who takes the initiative.

In his mind, Chi Naer was single. The daughter is his, so naturally Chi Naer will be his wife as before. Although he has experienced in the mall in the past few years, he is already very experienced. But when it comes to feelings, he is actually very simple.

Entering the room, Ayi Jiang looked at him curiously. Yang Geyong is not a delicate character, but facing such a small, doll-like girl. My heart is almost cute. Especially the little girl kept looking at him, and the more he looked at her expression, the more he liked it.

He waved, and Ayi Jiang came up to him. He took out a small mirror in his hand. Then look in the mirror with his face next to each other.

Urban Entertainment, interested friends can watch "The Whole World Doesn't Believe I'm the Director"

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