Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 643 Yang Geyong’s choice

When Chi Na'er saw that he was coming, she smiled and started working with him. Zhang Jianmin brought the bales to the sheepfold and cut them open with a knife, and Chi Naer threw handfuls of them into the sheepfold.

Later, Zhang Jianmin cleared the snow around the large stove outside. He started to boil water. Chi Naer was confused and asked him what he was doing. Zhang Jianmin told her that in this weather, it was better not to let the sheep chew the snow, and it was best to feed them some warm water. It’s less likely to get sick this way.

The two men boiled three pots of water in a row, then piled snow into the sheep's water trough, and poured the boiling water into it. This will turn the water in the sink into warm water.

Ayi Jiang happily followed the two people to work. Of course, she was mainly responsible for causing trouble. It is easy for children of such an age to forget things they don't want to remember. Such as Arslan, such as the old dog. Her attention was currently attracted to Huzi and Saihu.

After finishing everything, it was already noon. Chi Na'er stayed with Zhang Jianmin for dinner, and Zhang Jianmin was not polite. There was no pretense on the grassland.

Chi Na'er cooks meat, makes naan, and makes butter and milk tea. It would take some time and effort to complete these tasks. But Zhang Jianmin did it for her. And they are all very skilled.

In the past, Yang Geyong would help her with things, so she was moved by the Han doll and committed herself to him. But I didn’t expect that this Han man could do everything, and some things were even better than her, a Kazakh woman!

For example, when making naan, he can brown both sides of the naan without any burnt spots. There is also buttering. For women, it is a purely physical activity and can make you sweat in the middle of winter. But Zhang Jianmin found it a kind of enjoyment to do this, humming a song while doing it. All movements have a sense of rhythm.

For a moment, Chi Na'er looked fascinated. Kazakh men don't care about housework, their tasks are to herd sheep and drink wine. Most things about women have nothing to do with them.

Han men love their wives, and most of them will help women with housework. The most outstanding families don't let women worry about anything at home or outside. A woman who is used to working hard will naturally be tempted when she meets such a man.

For Yang Geyong, Chi Naer also loved him heartily. But as the years go by, this love has long since died.

In other words, she disappeared from the moment she married Arslan. A man who loves her cannot let her face problems that cannot be solved at all.

Now the only thing that maintains the relationship between the two people is the child Ayi Jiang. It was not that she had not thought about sending Ayi Jiang to Yang Geyong. Because she doesn't want Ayi Jiang to become a copy of her.

But after several hesitations, she still couldn't bear it. She also discussed this matter with Arslan, and he had no objection. But the matter dragged on like this. After all, no mother can really leave her child like this.

Zhang Jianmin likes Chi Naer very much. Zhang Jianmin is also 21 years old this year, which is similar to Chi Naer's age. But since I have been herding sheep since I started working, I have never had casual contact with girls.

There are quite a few girls in the company, but he doesn't have time to go back? Li Lian and the others all took turns taking breaks, but he basically never took a day off. Even if there is a girl who likes him, there is no time to confess.

Although Chi Naer is married, she is virtuous and capable. She has all the advantages of a woman. Such a woman is Zhang Jianmin's ideal wife.

Compared with Yang Geyong, Yang Geyong likes grassland and herding sheep is just a sentiment. But Zhang Jianmin really just regarded himself as a shepherd. He never thought he would leave the grassland in this life.

Seeing some dust on Zhang Jianmin's face, Chi Na'er gently wiped it off with her hands. She was truly grateful to this man. I've been here several times, but every time I don't put down my things like others do to offer condolences, eat some meat and leave.

Every time he comes, he helps with the work and only leaves after finishing all the visible and capable work. For a woman who is carrying all the burdens behind her, what could be more touching to her than this?

While eating, Zhang Jianmin carefully cut the mutton into small pieces with a knife and put them into Ayijiang's bowl, and handed the delicious mutton chops to Chi Na'er. I was holding on to the bones that were less fleshy and difficult to chew, bit by bit.

Chi Na'er doesn't know if this man likes her? Because Han men are more reserved in their emotions. But she knew that if this man spoke, she would definitely agree to him.

After Yang Geyong answered Ye Yuze's call, he rushed to Shihezi early the next morning. In the blink of an eye, it had been more than twenty days. Although he knew that someone was taking care of Chi Na'er, he still felt uneasy.

But he didn't want to appear in front of Chi Na'er without any explanation. Since you plan to take on the responsibilities of a man, you have to handle your own affairs well. At the very least, Zhao Linger needs to give someone an explanation.

Zhao Ling'er was naturally happy when she saw Yang Geyong suddenly appearing. There was no class, so the two of them went to the rented house. After Yue Ji left, Zhao Ling'er did not retreat from the house. It was to prepare for Yang Geyong to come over and have a meeting place for the two of them.

Looking at Zhao Ling'er's smiling face, Yang Geyong couldn't bear it. But things had to be resolved, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and tell the story.

Zhao Ling'er was stunned. The two had been together for several years. She had known about Chi Naer and Yang Geyong for a long time. In fact, Zhao Ling'er had already had some guesses about the child. I'm just not sure.

Seeing Yang Geyong's serious expression, Zhao Ling'er asked: "Then what do you mean?"

"Let's separate. I will bring the two of them to the company. We will live together from now on!" Yang Geyong said this slowly, but in a firm tone!

"Pa!" Zhao Ling'er's face turned red, her whole body was trembling, and she slapped Yang Geyong on the face. "You bastard, how many years have I been with you? You just said you were responsible for them and you ended it all. How can you be responsible for me?"

Yang Geyong remained motionless, as if he was not the one who was hit. "I'll give you all my money. I don't know how much it is. I'll calculate it later and transfer it all to you. But I can't give you the shares. They belong to me and Ye Yuze. I can't do it without his consent. host."

"Who cares about your poor money? It's great to be rich, right? If it weren't for going to this school, how many children would you have given birth to? In the past, because of Ye Yuze, you planned to abandon me. Now because of Chi Na'er, you are doing this again, What do you think I am?"

Faced with Zhao Ling'er's rebuke, Yang Geyong did not talk back. Every word they say is true, and there is no point in trying to defend it. Let her do whatever she wants.

Zhao Ling'er cried and cursed. It was evening before they knew it, and neither of them had eaten. Early the next morning, Zhao Linger opened her eyes. Yang Geyong has disappeared. Zhao Ling'er felt miserable in her heart. Knowing that this man had made up his mind, she went to school with red and swollen eyes.

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