Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 626 Bloody Battle

Ye Wancheng chose his sniper position at the bottom of a steep slope. He could not place the wolves on a gentle place, which would be suitable for the wolves to attack.

At this time, the two wolves at the front had already appeared in the center of the target. According to visual inspection, the distance was about fifty meters. Ye Wanguo cut off his gun and said "touch!"

A shot hit the wolf on the left between the eyebrows, and the wolf fell down without a word. The wolf next to him was frightened and a bullet flew over, but it missed.

Ye Wancheng's marksmanship is also based on bullets. Although he is not as good as Yang Yulin, he is still better than the average person. When he misses a hit, he immediately takes a shot.

The wolf that escaped was originally facing Ye Wancheng, but it had turned sideways when it jumped. Ye Wancheng's shot was aimed at the head again, passing through the eye. It also fell headlong.

The wolves immediately stopped moving forward, but only for a moment. The wolf king roared twice, and immediately three more wolves appeared and began to walk down.

This time the three wolves did not advance side by side, but lined up in a column, with the first wolf completely covering the bodies of the two behind them.

Ye Wancheng laughed: "Stupid wolf, why do I have to hit you one after another? Don't you just let me practice shooting?"

He did not hesitate to pull the trigger. After three shots, two of the three wolves fell. The last one was shot on the front leg due to beating. But it's useless, and such a wolf can no longer participate in battles.

At this time, the house was also in a state of turmoil. When Arslan heard the howls of wolves and gunshots outside, the expression on his face became ferocious. He can still control it, but he has to put on his shoes and go outside. But Chi Na'er held her tightly. Chi Na'er listened to Ye Wancheng's words, he had a gun, now just don't let him go out and cause trouble.

However, Arslan's expression became more and more ferocious, and his struggle became stronger and stronger. She couldn't hold it anymore. Chi Na'er simply hugged him and pressed her whole body against him.

Ayijiang saw her mother struggling so hard, and she also leaned her little body on top of her father. Help mom use her strength.

At this time, Arslan's expression alternated between calm and ferocious. He didn't know what was wrong with him, he had a terrible headache, and a force in his body always made him desperately want to bite and destroy.

This time, the wolf pack separated into five wolves. Instead of advancing cautiously, they began to trot. The Wolf King was still very smart and knew that there was only one person here, so not only did the number of attacks increase, but the speed also began to increase.

It's just that with such deep snow, even if the wolf is light, he can't run in the soft snow. In the end, he became a target. It's just that this time I didn't shoot one at a time. It took more than a dozen bullets to hit five wolves.

If the Wolf King attacks with all the troops from the beginning, Ye Wancheng may really be unable to deal with it. After all, he only has one gun.

After killing these five wolves, the wolf pack was basically reduced to more than half. And these ten are basically the strongest wolves in the pack. Now, except for the four people surrounding the Wolf King, they are basically old, weak, women and children.

The wolf king obviously became anxious, bumped away the wolf in front of him, and began to growl. This time everyone really started to attack.

The wolf king did not let a few strong wolves lead the way, but let the old, young, women and children lead the way, while he himself and a few thugs hid behind the pack of wolves.

Ma Quanyi and the others had climbed to the top of the mountain, and he could see clearly with his binoculars that Ye Wancheng was there to stop the wolves. But they ran down from the top of the mountain and lay down at Ye Wancheng's position. They couldn't do it for more than half an hour!

He had an idea and called several people to shoot together, which might scare the wolves away.

The sound of volleys of gunfire came from the distant hills. Ye Wancheng was shocked and knew that reinforcements were coming. The Wolf King just looked up but remained unmoved. Because it knows that its reinforcements are coming soon.

But the gunshot completely destroyed Arslan's last sanity. He howled like a wolf and knocked his wife and children to the ground. Chi Naer's head suddenly hit the table, knocking over all the unfinished milk tea.

Arslan howled again, picked up the machete and rushed out. He kicked open all the doors that Chi Na'er had locked.

He ran very quickly and rushed directly towards the wolves. When passing by Ye Wancheng, Ye Wancheng stretched out his hand to pull him, but he cut him off with a knife. If Ye Wancheng hadn't turned over to avoid it, his arm would have been gone.

Fortunately, in his subconscious mind, the wolf was his enemy. That's why he didn't continue to attack Ye Wancheng.

Chi Na'er, who was chasing after her, let out a cry of sorrow and was about to catch up. But he was caught by Ye Wancheng: "Girl, he has already suffered from rabies."

Chi Na'er burst into tears. In pastoral areas, everyone knows that once rabies attacks, there is no way to save a person.

Ye Wancheng didn't care to say more to her, and quickly urged: "Go to the house, close the door, and protect the child!"

Ye Wancheng's words suddenly made Chi Na'er wake up from despair. Yes, she can't die, she still has a daughter! Chi Na'er ran towards Ayi Jiang who was crying at the door.

Little Ayijiang, who is more than three years old, has already burst into tears. She doesn't understand why her father suddenly behaves like this? Although this father is usually not affectionate to her, he never hits her, right?

But today she and her mother were knocked down on the table. Ayijiang also had a bump on his head. Chi Naer also rushed over at this time and shouted to Ye Wancheng: "Uncle, if you are in danger, go back to the house. Nothing will happen to you!"

Ye Wancheng had no time to answer her at this time, Arslan had already rushed into the wolf pack. The sword flashed and the wolves around him splattered with blood. After a while, a piece of it fell around him.

Arslan was very strong at this time, and the knife had already been cut off. He simply threw it away, grabbed it with his hands, bit it with his teeth, and kicked it with his feet. His movements looked like a wolf.

Because he was among the wolves, Ye Wancheng had no way to shoot again. Although he knew that Arslan was suffering from rabies, he couldn't bear to see him die among the wolves, so he rushed forward with a gun.

It's a pity that the mounted rifle does not have a bayonet, so it can only be used as a fire stick if it is not fired. But he won't be able to use it as a stick until all the bullets are fired.

But even though he rushed forward, he still kept a distance from the wolves and kept firing, knocking over the wolves surrounding Arslan. He didn't dare to get close to Arslan. The guy was irrational at the moment, and he would definitely tear him apart if he got close.

At this time, there were not many wolves left, and there was only one super thug left beside the Wolf King. The wolf king roared and the wolf ran towards Arslan. The wolf king himself rushed towards Ye Wancheng, and he was also ready to fight to the death.

I want a ticket

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