Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 625 The Revenge of the Wolves

Daodehan's winter nest is about ten kilometers away from the infrastructure company. His home is Lao Yumin, and he was once the playmate of Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong.

Later, after getting married, I took over my parents' flock to herd. Now I have two children. The location of his winter nest is not very good either. When Ma Quanyi and others arrived, the couple was worried. The vegetables and noodles are gone, but there is no shortage of hay.

When Ma Quanyi saw that Ye Wancheng was not there, he quickly asked. Knowing that Ye Wancheng didn't come here last night, he panicked. Several people huddled together anxiously.

Everyone knows that Ye Yuze is half responsible for the current situation of the infrastructure company. If something happens to Dr. Ye, they will not be able to shoulder the blame. Carpenter Li gave himself a slap in the face. He was just tired yesterday and didn't think much about it. He was slapped by Ma Quanyi in the morning, and now he patched it up again.

Ma Quanyi gave everything on the horse to Dao Dehan. He didn't bring much with him, so he was in a hurry to find Ye Wancheng.

Several people came out of Dao Dehan's winter nest, looked around, and felt sad in their hearts. He looked at Carpenter Li with some hatred in his eyes. Carpenter Li lowered his head, how dare he speak? All that was left was trembling in my heart.

Ma Quanyi thought for a while and decided to search south. Because Dao Dehan's house is due west, the small river is to the south. It was impossible for Ye Wancheng to go south. There were almost no winter dens in the north. Besides, he knew the river when he saw it. The situation has shown that Ye Wancheng must have been lost.

Ma Quanyi's biggest hope now is that Ye Wancheng finds another winter nest to stay in for the night. Otherwise, the people would definitely be gone and the bodies would not be found.

Ye Wancheng did go in the wrong direction last night. He should have gone due west from where they broke up. But he ran to the northwest.

Chi Na'er's family was supposed to be within the inspection scope of the Fifth Company. But half of the people from the fifth company left to join the regiment, and the rest came to work in the infrastructure company, just waiting for the buildings to be built next year before moving here, so no one still remembers this.

When the meat is cooked, the herdsmen cook it into large pieces. Because they eat meat by cutting it down with a knife. Even Ayi Jiang was there with a knife cutting the meat and eating it.

Chi Na'er was making butter outside, and she didn't get yesterday's milk. Plus today's milk, she got it together. Although Arslan looked better, he was still a little excited and refused to eat. Ye Wancheng was thinking about how to send him to the regiment headquarters hospital. The symptoms look a bit like rabies.

After thinking for a while, he decided to leave after eating. First, go to the company and drive out the Tieniu 55. That thing has chain rails. It’s not a big problem to take the main road to the regiment in this kind of weather. The key is to find someone to get Arslan out of the mountain first. He refused to leave.

The meal was quickly filled. Ye Wancheng walked out of the house and told Chi Naer, who was busy outside, about his plans. Chi Na'er thanked her profusely, and Ye Wancheng pulled Lightning and started walking up the mountain.

Suddenly, Lightning stopped. He neighed uneasily. Ye Wancheng was stunned, and quickly took out his telescope and looked towards the top of the mountain. Then I was frightened. More than twenty wolves lined up at the top of the mountain, staring in their direction. The icy eyes and shiny hair of the Wolf King are clearly visible.

Ye Wancheng quickly retreated. Chao Chi Naer shouted: "Close the door quickly, there are wolves! There are dozens of them!"

How dare Chi Na'er hesitate, pulling Ye Wancheng towards the house. At this time, the wolves on the top of the mountain also began to howl, and the howls of wolves sounded in the valley. Soon there was a response in the distance.

Ye Wancheng's heart was already cold. This was the wolf calling his companions. Wolves generally live in family units and are monogamous. Add children or other members of the same race.

They will only come together unless there is something big. The little wolf's mother didn't see the little wolf when she ran last night, so she didn't run far. After seeing the little wolf's body hung up, he went to seek revenge from his fellow creatures.

It only met this wolf king in the morning. The wolves were short of food and there were many wandering around in this area. The she-wolf took them to Chi Naer.

Seeing the hanging body of the little wolf, the wolf king was also angry. This is called provocation and cannot be tolerated! It quickly contacted several nearby family groups, all of which were its subordinates. Decided to take bloody revenge!

To be on the safe side, it roared on the top of the mountain to contact more groups. The wolf king heard the echo just now, and there was another wolf king stronger than him nearby, rushing towards here.

Ye Wancheng, the Wolf King, saw it. People dressed like this were not easy to mess with. But it is not afraid of one thing. If humans don't have weapons, it actually doesn't care about their combat power.

Ma Quanyi and the others were not far from here at this time, and they decided to come here to have a look after some discussion. The howl of wolves sounded, and Ma Quanyi's heart tightened, and he urged several people to climb up the mountain quickly.

The wolves are now on the top of the mountain to the south. Ma Quanyi and the others had already reached the halfway point of the northern mountain.

Ye Wancheng did not follow Chi Naer into the house. Instead, he asked her to secure the door, and he wanted to protect the sheep as much as possible. With so many wolves, if the sheep were killed, Chi Naer's family would really not be able to survive.

He took away Lightning's reins and took down the medical kit, and then said to Lightning: "You go to the mountain over there first, don't run away for a while."

Lightning glanced at him, turned around and left. There were too many wolves, and Lightning knew it couldn't fight them.

Ye Wancheng walked around the sheepfold and found a bunker for himself first. Then he took down the riding rifle. He regretted it a little. The gun had a small caliber and was not as powerful as a semi-automatic. It was still a single shot. If I had known earlier, I would have stayed semi-automatic.

There were three boxes of bullets in the magazine, plus the ones loaded in the gun, for a total of forty-one rounds. If more than twenty wolves don't charge together, it won't be a big problem to eliminate them one by one.

But I know that is unrealistic. The wolf is very smart, so naturally it is impossible for him to line up and kill him one by one. At this time, he thought of Yang Yulin. If that guy was here, it would be okay if there were more wolves. His shooting skills were good. My own moving target is almost too hot.

He also filled the May 4th pistol with bullets. There were not many bullets, only a handful. Then he lay down on the ground, put his gun in position, and waited for the wolves to appear.

By this time, the wolves had already begun to descend the mountain. They were very cautious and knew how to use cover to move around. The Wolf attack never wastes energy and never charges until the last moment.

Ye Wancheng narrowed one eye, pointed the gun in the direction of the wolves. It's still far away and can't be hit by shooting. The cavalry rifle is a special gun for cavalry. It has short range and small caliber, and is suitable for close combat.

Ye Wancheng's idea is to kill the wolf king first, so that the wolves will be in chaos. But judging from the current formation of the wolf pack, he couldn't do it, because the wolf king was at the back of the team, and the two at the front were two strong male wolves.

The she-wolf said, "If you don't give me a ticket, I'll bite you."

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