Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 592 New Pattern

If we follow the idea discussed with Ye Yuze just now, then two companies must be used as experimental companies. Liu Qinghua's eyes wandered around the group map, and finally settled on the fifth company.

This company is very close to the infrastructure company and is an agricultural company, but it does not have much land. To the west of him is the Animal Husbandry Company. It would be a very good idea to split this company so that half of it belongs to the regiment and half to the infrastructure company.

It's just that for this matter of canceling the establishment, you must consult the division. Liu Qinghua decided to wait until he got to work and hold a branch meeting. After forming a unified understanding, he reported it to the division.

The fifth company is Xiaoguaizi's company, more than ten kilometers away from the infrastructure company. Although there is a lot of land, not much is truly suitable for farming.

The company has a population of 563, including 332 regiment soldiers. The rest are all children, and there are a few old people. For various reasons, there are very few old people coming to the Corps. After all, the climate and environment here are not suitable for the life of the elderly in the mouth.

At the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the First Youth League, in principle, most people agreed with Liu Qinghua's opinion. After all, the business of automobile factories is booming now. If more and more localized parts are produced in the future, it is possible that the whole group will become a base. Therefore, Liu Qinghua’s proposal is undoubtedly correct and forward-looking.

The dispute is over the more than 1,000 acres of land suitable for farming. Everyone in the group remembers the hardships of reclaiming and transforming this land.

What Liu Qinghua meant was to change it into pasture and put it all under the animal husbandry company. But many people are reluctant to part with it. Many people here have sweated for that piece of land.

However, this issue is put aside for the time being. If the division agrees with the regiment's opinion, it will be too late to discuss this issue again. Liu Qinghua took the minutes of the meeting and went to the division.

Zhao Yongsheng was silent for a long time, and after discussing it with the political commissar, he agreed in principle to Yituan's application. To be cautious, we still discussed it with the Standing Committee. Liu Qinghua’s application was finally approved.

When Liu Qinghua was leaving, Zhao Yongsheng stopped him: "Xiao Liu, you are very capable. Work hard in the future and don't let down the expectations of the division leaders."

Liu Qinghua gave a surprise and got into the car and left. He did not reveal his plan to the teacher. He was afraid that he would be hindered if he took too big a step.

On the way back, he went directly to the fifth company. A meeting of all employees of the fifth company was held. The decision was conveyed to the division and the regiment. Let everyone be mentally prepared.

As for who will go to the infrastructure company and who will go to the regiment headquarters, Liu Qinghua asked the soldiers to discuss it among themselves and try to follow the principle of voluntariness. After all, the infrastructure company is even more remote than the fifth company.

Unexpectedly, after the statistics of opinions were compiled, Liu Qinghua was dumbfounded. Only about ten people were willing to go to the Youth League Headquarters. It turns out that although the children of the Youth League are in school, there are many convenient conditions for medical treatment. But the income is not as good as the infrastructure company.

Nowadays, the average soldier's income from the regiment's side job is only seventy or eighty yuan. The price of a newly built car factory is the highest, which is only more than 100 yuan. It is far from comparable to the infrastructure company. Since we are choosing a new job, a fool would not choose a place with less money, right?

In desperation, Liu Qinghua had no choice but to put this issue aside and go to the infrastructure company to inform Ma Quanyi and Ye Wancheng of the matter. The matter had already been decided, and the two company chiefs did not know yet.

Ma Quanyi and Ye Wancheng were naturally very excited when they heard the news. They were also willing to use their own people from the Corps. Before, they had no choice but to hire some outside workers.

However, Ma Quanyi made it clear that the leadership of the Fifth Company was not needed to build the company. It’s not that he is afraid of being seized of power, but because now he doesn’t even care about the companies in the infrastructure company. It is entirely up to the young people to have the final say. Even in the clothing factory, Liu Sannv has given up the director of the factory to the kidnapper.

Wei Yuxiang, Ma Rong, and the little kid Liu Xinghua became the three giants of the three major companies in the infrastructure company. Ma Quanyi is only responsible for infrastructure construction, and the prefabricated panel factory has closed down. The profit was so low that Ma Quanyi even looked down on it. Prefabricated panels are still being produced, but they are only used by the company itself.

Liu Qinghua naturally understood Ma Quanyi's concerns, and he had already considered this. Even at the automobile factory, he did not arrange a full-time director, but held the post himself part-time. As for business matters, experts from neighboring countries have the final say.

The main reason is that the automobile factory has shares of Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. He is afraid that some leaders will not treat this form of enterprise correctly. Once conflicts arise, the factory will collapse. After all, it is still only assembly in China. Some parts and components were brought back from neighboring countries by Yang Geyong.

As for who to choose, Ma Quanyi didn't really have a choice. Everyone in the Corps can do it, but there are very few people who cheat and cheat. Ma Quanyi is not afraid of such people. If he is assigned, he will be given a casual position, receive a basic salary, and watch others make money.

Liu Qinghua visited several more factories and was filled with emotion. In just a few years, the company has changed a lot. There are also those five buildings that have been repainted. After moving in next year, the company will definitely need to be renovated on a large scale. It became the first industrial company of the Ninth Division.

Although he is no longer a member of the infrastructure company, he is a political commissar of the regiment! No one can take away this credit from him. There is also the clothing factory, although it is not big now. But that is also because of population restrictions, otherwise it would have become a big factory long ago. That was established by him. Everything in Infrastructure Company starts from the garment factory.

Ye Wancheng suddenly asked: "If the people from the fifth company evacuate, what will happen to the land?"

Liu Qinghua talked about the controversy in the group. Ye Wancheng thought for a while and said: "Give the one thousand acres of cultivated land to the infrastructure company. There are more and more people in the company, and there is no need to buy food with this land."

Liu Qinghua teased: "Old Ye, does anyone in your company know how to farm?"

Ma Quanyi was unconvinced: "Which person in our company can't farm? It's just a different division of labor. Now give us the land, and I guarantee that the output will be higher than that of any other company!"

Ma Quanyi naturally has the confidence to speak. After facts have proven the importance of mulch film for crops, he wants the pole to be stronger than anyone else. Mulch is produced by the Infrastructure Construction Company, and I have plenty of it. Not only can I lay it underground, I can also build a greenhouse if I have nothing to do.

Liu Qinghua laughed loudly, you two greedy guys. I mean, do you have the people to farm the land? That's a thousand acres, not a hundred acres.

Ye Wancheng was very calm: "We have money, let Yongzi bring back more farm machinery. Send a few people to plant the land."

Ma Quanyi didn't take it seriously at first, but now he heard Ye Wancheng's words. I understood it all at once and quickly helped to fight for it together. In the end, Liu Qinghua could only agree.

Ye Wancheng finally requested that Yang Yulin's family be transferred back. Liu Qinghua is really willing, but it depends on what he wants.

Where are the tickets? Come on, dear friends.

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