Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 591 Population Shortage

So, they are contacting Anton. It seemed that he wanted to continue to renew the contract, because it was Anton who contacted him about this matter, so I wanted to say hello to him.

The Soviets are used to being the big brother. In their eyes, they always have a sense of superiority when facing other countries. So their reaction shocked Anton a little.

Including Anton himself, the most fundamental reason why he helped Yang Geyong arrange for people to work in China was to get the two hundred thousand US dollars. As long as the car can be produced, he has completed his mission. As for how long those people work? He has no guarantees.

Now things started to turn around. Not only did the group of people not want to come back, but the Chinese actually came to buy parts from me again. It seems that they want to continue producing cars.

After meeting with Yang Geyong, Anton called the parts suppliers respectively. Let them continue to send the parts to the factory, and there will definitely be no problem. These factories are eager for someone to ask for goods, after all, business is so sluggish right now. But the scrap price is unlikely. After all, they are all factory-fresh parts.

Yang Geyong didn't care about this, since it was all about exchanging things for things. Akkerei could arrange everything, so he didn't have to worry about it at all. As for the cost, it is negligible. The ruble has depreciated, and the costs really haven't increased much for him.

Next, Yang Geyong accompanied Anton to inspect various parts factories. Now the companies here are similar, and they are all in a state of semi-stop production. When Anton proposed purchasing a production line, several manufacturers were interested.

After all, the GAZ car has not been updated for a long time, and all factories are in a state of semi-stop production. Selling a production line will not affect it? After all, no manufacturer is the same.

However, intention is intention after all, and it takes a process to actually make a purchase. So Yang Geyong called the group and told them the general situation.

Liu Qinghua was shocked at first, and then ecstatic. He quickly asked loudly: "Is this what Ye Yuze meant?"

Yang Geyong told Liu Qinghua about his conversation with Ye Yuze that day. While Liu Qinghua was happy, he couldn't help but feel secretly ashamed. At his age, his IQ was actually not as good as that of two children. If you really get the spare parts production line here, why are you still mumbling?

"Okay, Yang Geyong, you must have a good talk. Try to introduce more production lines. I will do your logistics well and be your strongest backing!" Liu Qinghua directly promised excitedly.

In fact, many truck parts can be produced domestically and have little technical content. The most important ones are the engine, gearbox, load-bearing rear axle, and other key components. If you want to completely localize these, it will definitely take a process. Because the quality of steel and precision processing equipment are still lacking in China.

However, Yang Geyong still does not have the ambition to reach the goal in one step. That was unrealistic, so he started with the unimportant parts and talked about them one by one.

In fact, doing these things also requires skills. If you go to the office to talk in a formal manner, they will report the situation in a formal manner, so that everything will follow the procedures. According to the speed of neighboring countries, you can't expect to get a reply every year and a half. The key is to get a reply or it may not be approved.

Anton knows this well, after all, he was also a factory director. So the two of them took a curveball route to save the country, quietly contacted the factory director, and spent money to collect the waste products specified by the factory director. Of course, the most important thing is to take care of it, otherwise where would the waste come from?

However, during the operation, Yang Geyong also realized some weak links on the Corps' side, that is, materials. If there are no qualified materials and the production lines are brought back, the final raw materials will have to be imported.

If you put so much effort into getting things back, but they end up being stuck and become a processing base, all this will be meaningless.

So, he told Ye Yuze some raw material requirements and parameters. Ask him to search domestically to see if there are any substitute products. Also, at the steel factory, he was no longer satisfied with just producing steel ingots. We want to make special steel with high hardness and wear resistance suitable for the production of gears and engines.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and told him that it was difficult to refine this kind of steel. It is necessary to have the most advanced equipment and talents. Ye Yuze can think of ways to deal with equipment, but Yang Geyong can only rely on himself for talents. Don't be too hasty about this matter, look for it slowly.

So Yang Geyong began to pay attention to talents in this field. After all, the economic conditions of neighboring countries are getting worse and worse, and talents have become the least valuable commodity. It facilitated Yang Geyong’s operation.

Soon, various production lines and talents came to the group one after another. As expected, Liu Qinghua kept his promise and became the best logistician. He even set aside the auditorium of the regiment headquarters to serve as a workshop. Just wait until spring to cover again.

These parts production lines are naturally smaller than automobile assembly lines. But it also began to take up a lot of manpower.

At least, Liu Qinghua's jurisdiction is larger, and it is easier to deploy personnel. However, at this time, the Corps was engaged in large-scale road construction, and the First Regiment also transferred many people. Now the staff is very tight.

He didn't want to hire a large number of outsiders like the infrastructure company. After all, this is the Corps, and the most fundamental purpose of establishing the Corps is to increase the income of the soldiers.

Now the entire agricultural and animal husbandry company in the regiment is still relying on the weather for food. He doesn't want the migrant workers he hires to have a stable income while his own employees are still struggling to make ends meet.

After thinking about it for a long time, there is no clear clue in my mind. So he called Ye Yuze. This guy had a good brain. There are always some magical thoughts that can benefit people endlessly.

Ye Yuze was not a god either. After hearing Liu Qinghua's troubles, he scratched his head and found no practical solution.

But while chatting, Ye Yuze suddenly remembered the farms in the United States. The area of ​​one farm is not much larger than that of one company in the group, right? But people are farming as a family, isn’t it because of the high degree of mechanization?

So Ye Yuze told Liu Qinghua what he had seen in the United States. These words shocked Liu Qinghua greatly.

In fact, the XPCC is also the largest agricultural enterprise with the highest degree of mechanization in the country. There are not many real spring planting and autumn harvesting, and most of the manpower occupied is some cash crops and some scattered plots of land.

If all the scattered land is abandoned, it will be used for pasture. What will be the result if the company's land is collectively contracted to a few large households?

The two of them became more and more excited as they talked, and they even talked until dawn. Of course it was dawn in Tangcheng, and it was still early in Northern Xinjiang. Ye Yuze still had to go to school, so he hung up the phone and went to eat.

Liu Qinghua was so excited that he had no intention of sleeping. He simply took out the map and looked at it carefully.

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