Maybe it has been suppressed for too long, and both the body and emotions need to be vented. The two of them struggled for most of the night, so that when Yue Ji went to work, both of her eyes were red. There was nothing she could do, she couldn't sleep due to the earth-shattering noise over there.

The two of them slept until after one o'clock before getting up. After all, it was Sunday and Zhao Ling'er didn't have to go to class. Got up and went out to eat a bowl of noodles and make notes. Yang Geyong said that he wanted to close the store and take Rose to Horgos, and Zhao Ling'er agreed.

Zhao Ling'er is not actually a narrow-minded person, but when a woman is in love, she will be a little pretentious. At this time, it would be fine as long as the man is willing to spend some time coaxing.

But this time she also remembered not to speak ill of Ye Yuze in front of Yang Geyong. It's not even a joke. If you don't say it, don't say it. At worst, just call Ye Yuze and talk to him.

Yueji was also very happy when she heard that Yang Geyong was taking her away. Now she has a savings of 100,000, which at that time was no problem for decades. The main reason is that the money from her hometown has been repaid a long time ago, and her life is pretty good, so she has no burden. Besides, she knew that Yang Geyong was a man who did great things, so how could she suffer a loss by following him?

Because Yueji is a very famous store, someone took over it as soon as it was put up for sale. I also made a small profit. Then Yang Geyong drove to Horgos with Rose. Went with luggage.

Now Yang Geyong already has a goods yard in Jiangbul Village. You have to pay rent to the village every year. There is a row of houses built on the goods yard, and there is a large amount of goods coming in and out every day, so someone must check and register the goods here.

Almost all the young people in Zhambul village have become drivers. Now the only people in charge here are Ayina and two old men. Ayina has reached the age of marriage. Although she likes Yang Geyong, Yang Geyong cannot marry her, so she has to agree to a marriage arranged by her family.

The reason why Yang Geyong brought Yue Ji here was because he was afraid that Ayina would leave. There is absolutely no one here. One of the two grandfathers is almost eighty years old, what else can he do?

Kazakh women seldom go out to do things. They stay at home to support their husbands and raise children. Especially in a village like this, if it weren't for the relationship between Yang Geyong and Jiangbul, Ayina wouldn't be able to manage this for him.

Recently, Yang Geyong wants to buy a vehicle again. Ye Yuze called him that day and told him to buy more cars while they were still cheap. After all, the cost of buying a car in the country is too high.

Now Yang Geyong has a passport and can go to Kazakhstan at any time. He was going to discuss the matter with the delivery vehicle.

After settling the rose, Yang Geyong followed the car and left. Ayina was naturally happy to have a companion, and she took care of Rose as thoughtfully as her own sister without Yang Geyong's instructions.

Following the delivery truck, we arrived at Akkerei's goods yard. This guy was sitting there chewing on a leg of lamb and watching the workers at work. The Soviet Union was also a socialist country with the same system as China.

It's just that Kazakhstan is a member country, and the management of many things is much looser. In Russia, if Akkelei dared to hire so many people to work, he would have been invited to tea by the relevant departments.

Akkel was very excited when he saw Yang Geyong. The customs of the Kazakhs here are similar to those of the Kazakhs in China, which is hospitality. Until later generations, Kazakhstan was the only country without beggars, because of their customs.

Vodka, lamb, cheese. They are all foods that Yang Geyong is familiar with. However, Yang Geyong is not used to drinking vodka. The taste of wine made from potatoes is really different from that of grain wine.

Yang Geyong explained his purpose, and Akkelei frowned and thought for a long time, feeling a little embarrassed: "Brother, the cars I gave you are old cars that are no longer used. Nowadays, these cars are almost sold out. If you want to buy them, you can only buy them. New car.”

Yang Geyong also knows some of the situation here. Nowadays, more and more companies are participating in trade, and many of them still have the prefix "国". In order to facilitate the transportation of goods here, they also purchase a large number of used cars.

After all, although new cars are cheap, the tariffs are too high. A new Gas car can be bought here for only 8,000 yuan, but once it enters the customs, it’s uncertain. It may be possible to increase it to more than 100,000 RMB for you.

The highest car tariff on European, American and Japanese cars is only 300%. But things here are a bit arbitrary, which is also related to the fact that the country does not pay attention to automobile products here.

The two people discussed for a while but came up with nothing. Akkele's eyes suddenly lit up and he grabbed Yang Geyong's hand and left: "Let's go to Almaty. I know a friend. Maybe he can help us."

Akkelie took Yang Geyong to see that the man was Russian and his name was Anton. This guy's appearance is obviously different from the toughness of the fighting nation. Slender and frail, with a frighteningly white face. Yang Geyong looked a little worried, fearing that he would be blown away by a gust of wind.

Akkerei introduced the two people, but Anton was very cold. Akkelie told Yang Geyong not to mind, saying that this man's aim was like this. Yang Geyong naturally didn't mind, he was here to ask for help. What if they are a little colder? I won’t eat your rice.

Anton had already had dinner at this point, and Yang Geyong invited him out for a drink. Anton did not refuse this invitation. I found a pub on the street and ordered a few dishes. Anton asked for whiskey directly.

After opening the bottle of wine, Anton tilted his neck and poured a glass of wine down his throat without waiting for Yang Geyong's advice.

Russians drink wine differently from Chinese people. Chinese people pay attention to wine tasting, that is, sipping. Let your mouth and tongue fully contact the wine to feel each different taste.

But the Russians leave it all to the esophagus and stomach. Drink it down, and what will warm your stomach is good wine. This really fits the Russian character. Simple and crude.

One look at Anton's drinking style, and Yang Geyong knew that his drinking capacity was huge. Bian took out a bottle of Yilite from his bag. He also drank this wine himself.

"Come, try Chinese wine." Yang Geyong opened the bottle cap and poured it into Anton's cup. Anton didn't stop him, he just sniffed. I just felt a scent entering my nostrils.

Akkerei always drinks Chinese wine, especially Yilite, which is one of his favorite varieties. There was no need for Yang Geyong to give in. He drank up the wine on his own initiative and handed the cup over.

Anton put the glass of wine under his nose and smelled it. This time he did not pour the wine directly down his throat, but took half the glass of wine into his mouth and held it for a while before swallowing it. Then he said: "Good wine."

Yang Geyong raised the bottle to indicate that there was still more. Anton drank the wine in the cup and handed the cup over.

After three glasses of wine, Anton's pale face turned red. His expression also softened a lot. He looked at Akkerei and asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

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