Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 572 Big waist

Yang Geyong, who goes to Zhao Ling'er's school, is naturally familiar with it. Although she had always been lukewarm and smiling in the past few months, Yang Geyong didn't take it seriously. In his mind, women are very troublesome creatures. He was not in the mood to try to figure out her psychology, he just wanted to treat her well.

Seeing Yang Geyong, Zhao Ling'er just nodded lightly. It's like dealing with a classmate whom you see every day. His expression was full of alienation.

Yang Geyong raised the riding boots in his hand: "Ling'er, look at this, isn't it beautiful?"

Zhao Ling'er took it, with a hint of joy in her eyes. After all, she is a girl, how can she not like these?

"Come home with me! We haven't seen each other for so long, let's make something delicious." Yang Geyong directly took her hand. Zhao Ling'er struggled for a while, but Yang Geyong didn't let go, so Zhao Ling'er followed him home half-heartedly.

They returned to the house Yue Ji rented. Yang Geyong had nothing to do today, so he bought some mutton for them to barbecue. Red wicker sticks are everywhere in northern Xinjiang, and Yang Geyong has them on his car. Sometimes he would stop and grill some meat for himself when he was tired from driving.

Mainlanders need to marinate the mutton in advance when grilling meat, so that the grilled meat will be tender and delicious. In fact, what everyone doesn’t know is that truly good lamb does not need to be marinated. The meat that needs to be marinated is either not fresh or of poor quality.

Roast mutton requires the lamb of that year, which is what people in Northern Xinjiang call mutton skewers. This kind of meat is so tender that it can be grilled directly and then sprinkled with seasonings to ensure that the meat is extremely tender.

Also, maybe everyone knows that barbecue is made with charcoal fire, but only the people in northern Xinjiang know that they use coal to barbecue. XJ's anthracite has a low ignition point, and real good coal can be ignited with a match. Although it has a low ignition point, it is resistant to burning.

Cut the meat and watch it get dark. I know Sister Yue Ji will be back soon. Yang Geyong also lit the fire. When the coal turned red, Yang Geyong put the big skewers on it.

When people from northern Xinjiang barbecue, no one cuts the meat into fingernail-sized pieces. People find it difficult. The pieces of meat must be half the size of a matchbox. This way the meat can be grilled to ensure it's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The outside of the meat must be slightly browned. Sprinkle salt at this time and wait until the salt melts and begins to penetrate into the meat, followed by chili powder and cumin. There is also the soul of Beijiang barbecue, which is cumin noodles. This kind of condiment seems to be only found in northern Xinjiang.

At this time, the meat begins to smell, and you can bite it in your mouth while it is hot. The hot grease explodes in your mouth and you're drunk. You can get drunk without drinking, it's so delicious.

Yang Geyong first handed Zhao Ling'er a bunch. Zhao Ling'er bit off a piece and started eating. She narrowed her eyes slightly. She hadn't tasted this taste for a long time.

It’s not that there are no barbecue shops in Shihezi, but there are no barbecued meats by Yang Geyong. At this time, Yue Ji walked in and shouted, "Why is it so fragrant? So you made barbecue?"

Zhao Ling'er was just about to say hello when she suddenly saw Yue Ji wearing the same boots as hers, and her expression suddenly darkened. Yueji arrived and didn't pay attention to this. He ran over and took a bunch of them himself and started to eat them.

Yang Geyong also roasted two large kidneys for himself. Just cut it in half and still have a thick layer of fat on the outside. At this time, the fat has been roasted, and the mutton fat fell into the fire drop by drop, making a tingling sound, and then the fragrance hit your nostrils.

This Yang Geyong was not shared with two women. Instead, he swallowed it into his stomach. He needs this, something that can be turned into combat power!

Northern Xinjiang people cannot eat barbecue without wine, and Yang Geyong never stopped drinking mare's milk in his car. He likes the sweet taste, which is something no matter how good the wine is.

The two women drank a lot. By the time the meal was finished, it was already twelve o'clock. Not bothering to clear the table, the three of them entered the room in a daze. Yueji went to sleep alone in her room. Naturally, Yang Geyong couldn't just fall asleep. He still had work to finish.

Maybe it's been a long time since we were together. Zhao Ling'er resisted a little, but she quickly became a ball of mud under Yang Geyong's hands. Between lovers, the most effective way to resolve conflicts is the most primitive method.

After all the hard work, both of them were sweating. That little bit of drinking energy has long since disappeared. Zhao Ling'er lay on Yang Geyong's chest and scolded: "You are so cruel. Why haven't you come to me for so long?"

Yang Geyong smiled and didn't say that I kept coming and you didn't want to pay attention to me. Don't reason with women, they can only reason with outsiders. Your own people never need to be reasoned with. Once she really starts to reason with you, it means that your relationship has become so alienated that it is almost like an outsider.

"Isn't it always busy? The price of raw materials keeps rising. I have to hoard it in the shortest possible time, so that I can make money." Yang Geyong explained.

Zhao Ling'er pouted, full of grievances. : "I just know how to make money, and I just know how to listen to that stinky Ye Yuze. He doesn't take me seriously at all."

This is her biggest heart knot. In fact, she was really not dissatisfied with Ye Yuze. She called Ye Yuze to complain about this matter, but Ye Yuze hung up the phone with "pretentious".

Yang Geyong reached out and stroked her back, pondering for a while before answering: "I listened to Ye Yuze because his style is really incomparable to us. And he has always regarded us as brothers. In fact, you are better than me." clear."

Zhao Ling'er pursed her lips and wanted to refute but was speechless. She also knew that no matter whether she or Yang Geyong had something going on, as long as Ye Yuze knew about it, he would drop everything and run over without hesitation. She was suddenly embarrassed to look into Yang Geyong's eyes and felt guilty for her petty temper.

But of course he would not admit defeat. The leather boots on Yue Ji’s feet suddenly came to mind: “Then you know how to make money all day long. Our people have already spent enough money. Why do you earn so much? Buy it for other women. Something?"

Yang Geyong didn't bother to argue with her, so he turned over and pressed her down again. The effect of the medicine on his big waist hadn't worn off yet. "The bankbooks are all in the bag. You can take them and keep them tomorrow. The money is yours anyway."

Zhao Ling'er couldn't think of anything else to say, the fire in her body was already burning. In fact, no matter what era, the most effective way to coax a woman is to give her all your money. This is more effective than any amount of good words.

But as times change, more and more men no longer have the habit of handing money to their wives. Their spare time life is too rich. If a family, whether male or female, starts to live by itself, then the family will be on the verge of collapse.

After all, marriage is a matter between two people. The man makes money and the woman takes care of the house. This is the standard marriage model.

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