Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 561 Coal Mine Shareholders

Erhong answered without hesitation: "Okay, okay, how much does good equipment cost? I'll give it to you. You have to ship it to me as soon as possible."

Martha thought carefully. Your mine is relatively small, so there is no need to buy large equipment. A small hydraulic shearer will do. Two hundred thousand dollars like that would be enough.

The reason why Er Hong is relatively confident is that she has received 300,000 yuan in coal payment in the past month. Adding her own 100,000 yuan, her assets are close to 500,000 yuan. At that time, this had already crushed the vast majority of existences. But when it comes to US dollars, Erhong wilts. She really doesn't have this.

"Second sister, I have it here. Do you really want to buy imported equipment?" Ye Yuze asked. Ye Yuze has been thinking about this matter since Er Hong said it.

He was a little hesitant. There were too many uncertainties in opening a small coal mine. Although the government did not oppose it, it did not support it. As of now the mine does not have a license. It’s not that I don’t want to do it, it’s just that I don’t have anywhere to do it.

If two hundred thousand U.S. dollars were exchanged according to the black market price, the exchange rate would have reached eight to one. This is because there has been a boom in going abroad in recent years, and college students have gone abroad to wash dishes. It seems that washing dishes in a foreign country is more dignified than working in an office in their own country.

In this conversion, 200,000 US dollars is 1.6 million yuan. If there are any changes in the policy, this coal shearer will basically be useless, because it will not be used for anything else!

Erhong understood the meaning of Ye Yuze's words and glanced at Ye Yuze a few times: "Yuze, how about this mine belongs to both of us. I have 400,000 yuan here. If it's not enough, you can take advantage of it. Second sister is taking advantage of you. "

Ye Yuze didn't expect that the second sister would be so broad-minded. Well, she was actually quite big. Having said that he was offered the job, he had no choice but to agree. This is the first time the second sister begged him.

"Since the second sister wants to buy it, I will pay for it. I don't want the shares. When the second sister makes money, she will return the machine money to me. If she doesn't make money, forget it."

For the sake of his second sister, Ye Yuze was still willing to give up this little money. For him, two hundred thousand US dollars was really nothing now. After all, the U.S. dollars the government exchanges for him every year based on the national exchange rate is less than two dollars. If all were based on black market prices, he would have lost money long ago.

The second sister said with a serious face: "That won't work. You have to take my money. You also have to take the shares. From now on, this mine will belong to both of us. Otherwise, I won't buy this shearer."

Ye Yuze knew his second sister's temper, so he had no choice but to follow her wishes. The two people wrote the contract in the office, and the mine became their common property.

Since you want to buy a coal mining machine, the current coal mining methods will naturally need to be improved. A tunnel must be dug first to facilitate the shearer's operation. At present, their coal mining method is still tunneling, and they only drill a shaft above for ventilation. This method is naturally not suitable for shearer operations.

The leaders of the Ministry of Coal came to Tangcheng on August 15th. The signing ceremony was very grand, which also showed that the leaders of the department attached great importance to the introduction of this batch of equipment.

This time, a total of six fully mechanized mining equipment, one electric traction and five hydraulic fully mechanized mining equipment were introduced. Free after-sales maintenance and replacement parts are provided for one year. This contract makes the department leaders very satisfied. Wang Haiyang of the Kailuan Mining Bureau was awarded for this matter, and the director's age is about to reach his station. He is basically the default candidate for the next director.

After the business was done, the accompanying staff returned to the country to organize the shipment. Martha also received a profit of nearly $50 million from this transaction.

Because her visa would expire in two months, Martha stayed. For the rest of the day, Ye Yuze would accompany him on sightseeing tours.

Germany is also a place that likes to preserve historical monuments. The various ancient castles and old buildings in their country have always been their pride.

But compared with the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, these things. Their monuments are simply not worth mentioning. It turned out that Martha was still chatting with Ye Yuze about their history and scenic spots along the way, comparing them with Chinese monuments.

But within two days, Martha shut up. There's really no way to compare this. For Martha, buildings that are two to three hundred years old are already considered monuments. But in China, you can find this kind of building in any village.

History cannot be faked. If you compare a civilization that spans hundreds of years with a cultural inheritance that spans thousands of years, how do you compare?

After playing for half a month, Martha finally left. This is not because of the visa date, but because of the start of school. After all, Martha is still a student and cannot delay her homework.

Ye Yuze originally wanted to go with her because her sister said she would go back to school in September. However, because the domestic semester starts on September 1st, the Harvard semester starts on September 15th. So Ye Yuze decided to go to school for a few days first and then ask for leave. It wouldn't be good if he delayed too much homework.

Nowadays, Ye Yuze is a good student. Although his recitation of those thousand-dollar prescriptions and the Compendium of Materia Medica is not satisfactory, his acupuncture and massage techniques are second to none among the students. Even a top student like him can only look forward to it and sigh.

Director Liu Xiangdong always raised the corner of his mouth when he mentioned Ye Yuze: "A child can be taught, a child can be taught!" Liu Xiangdong is a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and this master is his acupuncture and massage.

Now Ye Yuze has learned almost all his techniques. And because Ye Yuze also learned inner breath while practicing Qigong, his strength and accuracy when applying acupuncture were even better than Liu Xiangdong's.

What is lacking now is experience and enthusiasm. But those require a lot of clinical accumulation, that is, using people to practice. Such conditions are not currently available, because Ye Yuze is a student after all, not a doctor.

Now my father and Liu Xiangdong have become good friends, although they have never met each other. But after all, Ye Wancheng is also a doctor with considerable practical experience. In addition to his research and experiments on Chinese herbal medicine in northern Xinjiang over the years, he also has a lot of experience in some diseases.

For this reason, Liu Xiangdong often laments that the real famous doctors are hidden among the people! The two communicated on the phone more often, and Liu Xiangdong had the idea of ​​​​visiting Northern Xinjiang.

After some consideration, Ye Yuze decided to organize a small-scale trip to Northern Xinjiang next summer vacation. Liu Xiangdong selected the personnel to go, and Ye Yuze was responsible for the expenses.

Liu Xiangdong naturally couldn't ask for this. At this time, he already understood Ye Yuze's economic situation. If this guy doesn't spend some money on him, it won't be enough for the people to get angry!

No, Ye Yuze came to him to ask for leave as soon as school started, saying that he was going to the United States to discuss business. And he showed off his great achievements during the summer vacation to the old director.

Although Liu Xiangdong was unwilling in every possible way, there was nothing he could do against him. Otherwise, he would have to let this guy move out as the leader of the Mining Bureau. After all, the school is directly under the Ministry of Coal, and the funds are in their hands. Not to mention he is a department chair, even the dean has to give him face!

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