Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 560 There must be a pattern

In fact, Ye Yuze was a little confused. His second sister had always supported him in finding a girlfriend. I wish I could drag all the pretty girls to my side. What's going on today? Could it be that you don't want him to be ruined by foreigners?

The Chinese cheongsam really not only perfectly displays a woman’s figure, but also adds an indescribable sense of femininity to her. Even a woman like Eva, who had a somewhat tough facial profile, seemed to have changed.

The only discrepancy is that both of them are blond and blue-eyed. Standing on the streets of China, I seemed a little out of place.

Ye Yuze gritted his teeth and decided to have a major surgery. I took them to the barber shop and baked their hair black. I wonder what the effect will be?

The two foreign girls were obedient and did whatever they were told. More than an hour later, two mixed-race children who looked purely Chinese from behind and had blue eyes and high noses from the front were born. But Ye Yuze was quite satisfied, he liked it like this.

We have dinner at home again, and my mother won’t do it until I come back. Everyone calls her mom, how can any child go to eat somewhere else when they get home? Not a stepmother.

Maybe Martha and Eva have never accepted this kind of Chinese maternal love? I was actually a little touched, you know they like to be independent. When parents raise their children to the age of eighteen, they begin to take care of their own lives. Of course, they generally don't support their parents. That's a matter for the government.

But when Chinese parents and children reach the age of fifty, as long as the parents can move, they will take care of their children. This is a tradition that cannot be said to be good or bad.

It actually only took one day for the two foreigners to go from being unaccustomed to accepting it. Especially this Martha, she kicked off her high heels when she got home and learned to shout: "Mom, I'm hungry!"

Ye Yuze was speechless for a while, what about the independence and freedom that he promised? Don’t you foreigners no longer need parents when you turn eighteen? But he didn't dare to ask this now, as his mother's maternal nature was overflowing.

Four sons were born at one go, but it was a pity that there was no way to identify the gender at that time, otherwise the third and fourth sons might not be able to see the sun and die. Now that Leng Buding has a daughter, she is blond and blue-eyed. Her mother has made up for half of her life's regrets.

Especially now that the two of them are wearing cheongsam and have black hair, they are definitely oriental beauties!

Knowing that they like to eat stuffed things, my mother steamed the buns at night, which not only had meat fillings, but also bean paste and black sesame seeds. Martha forced Ye Yuze to make sweet and sour pork ribs and shredded sweet potatoes. Looking at the two guys eating, Ye Yuze could guarantee that if they were allowed to live here for three months, they would definitely grow pigs.

Luke finally called, and it was good news. That is, William can produce this kind of equipment, and in terms of actual technology alone, electric traction equipment is actually simpler than hydraulic equipment.

It's just that every industry has its own rules, that is, if you want to produce, you have to buy other people's patents. That fee is relatively high. If you simply produce a few units, you will lose more than you gain. So the safest way is to buy it.

I inquired about the price and it was lower than the price quoted by Martha. But Martha naturally has to make money, otherwise why would she come all the way to China?

After figuring out these details, Ye Yuze decided to have a good talk with Martha tonight. Although Ye Yuze is not a very noble person in his heart, he knows that he is Chinese.

After the storm, Ye Yuze lay on the bed and told Martha solemnly: "You now have a Chinese husband and a Chinese mother, so you are now half Chinese."

"Your company doesn't have much business yet, and China is a very vast market. In the future, the demand will be greater than your entire Europe combined. If you really want to enter this market, you must first show your sincerity."

Martha naturally understood the meaning of his words, but she was still a little entangled in her heart. Her education and environment made Westerners naturally wary of Easterners.

Seeing that she was a little moved, Ye Yuze continued to enlighten: "If you don't sell it this time, then other companies will sell it sooner or later. You can sell it more expensively, but the equipment is the most advanced, so that you have gained word of mouth.”

"You must know that China's mining industry is a state-owned enterprise. Once you are favored by the government, do you know how many orders there will be in the future? Besides, this kind of equipment is not that kind of precision equipment. You really don't need to protect anything."

Early the next morning, Wang Haiyang came again. He also made preparations today. If we really can't talk about electric traction, then import a few hydraulic ones first. If the equipment here is not updated, it will definitely not work.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze winked at him after coming out. Wang Haiyang's heart jumped "bang bang". Is there really something going on?

Sure enough, at the beginning of the negotiation, Wang Haiyang tentatively proposed the introduction of electric traction shearers first. Martha pondered slightly: "I can consult domestic manufacturers on this matter. Because it involves patent laws, the price will definitely be high." , and the contract will also indicate that you cannot copy it. If you agree to this, we can continue to discuss it."

Wang Haiyang naturally agreed: "There are so many coal mines in the country. Can you check them one by one to see if they are imitators? As long as you sell them to me, I will agree to any conditions."

After the main principles are determined, it will be easy to talk about it later. Naturally, Martha had already communicated well with the German manufacturers before arriving, and the price had also been negotiated long ago.

But negotiation is negotiation, and naturally there will be many tedious details. Such as price, installation, after-sales service and accessories. These need to be discussed one by one and written into the contract.

By the time all this was settled, more than half a month had passed. Just have to officially sign the contract. However, signing the contract has to wait for the leaders of the ministry to participate. After all, this is the first time that this kind of state-of-the-art comprehensive mining equipment has been introduced in the country, and the ministry attaches great importance to it.

Masha often comes to Erhong's clothing store these days, and she has become familiar with Erhong. When Erhong knew that Martha was here to sell coal mining equipment, he discussed with her whether he could also buy one.

Ye Yuze was really stunned when he heard this. He had forgotten his second sister. What if the second sister’s mine has a fully-mechanized mining opportunity? Not only will the output be greatly increased, but worker safety will also be maximized.

When Martha heard that there was a coal mine in Erhong, she was naturally very surprised and wanted to go take a look. Ye Yuze had no choice but to drive them to the mine.

Production in the mine has been going very smoothly recently, and Liu Dianchen is really more useful than Erhong here. She doesn't need to worry about all aspects of things. What Er Hong has to do now is count the money.

Martha visited the entire mine in detail and even went down the mine wearing a safety helmet. When I came out, I couldn't help but sigh: "It's too backward. Such good coal must use good equipment."

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