Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 488 Yu’e’s Thoughts

After officially attending class, Ye Yuze realized that university and middle school were completely different concepts. Although college students in that era were also very hardworking, there were no teachers pushing you in class all day long.

And because of the series of changes brought about by the reform, this generation of young people began to awaken and pursue those things that should originally belong to them.

For example, there was love before the 1980s, but love in that era was secretive and implicit, and the most common thing in communication was probably the eyes. Some even didn't hold hands when it was time to get married.

With the influx of a large number of Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, today's young people can no longer be satisfied with holding hands. Ye Yuze still remembers that when the movie Love in Lushan was released in 1980, many young people watched it countless times. In fact, it was not because of how beautiful the love was? But there is a kissing scene in it.

This is the first time such a scene has appeared in a domestic film. Although it is just a quick peck, it is enough to drive young people crazy.

The university campus is a paradise for love. For the first time, a young couple completely breaks away from the shackles of family and teachers and begins to release themselves.

Ye Yuze still lived at home most of the time, because Sun Lanyu always had to discuss some contract matters with him. Mom is a person who doesn't care about business. According to her own words, she can't understand the twists and turns in the contract. It would be better to just concentrate on her production.

Nowadays, the monthly export volume of Warrior brand jeans has reached 150,000 sets per month, and the output has entered a stable period. They have no idea of ​​expansion for the time being. The domestic market has also temporarily given up.

At that time, there was a policy that in principle, the products of joint ventures were not allowed to be sold domestically. To put it bluntly, the country wanted foreign exchange. This regulation was gradually relaxed and was not completely lifted until 2000.

Therefore, Shangshijie Garment Factory’s annual foreign exchange quota of 300 million has become a golden rooster, which has played a considerable role in the introduction and update of equipment for Tangcheng enterprises, so it has always been a star enterprise.

Every morning when Yu'e went downstairs to the cafeteria, there would be boys waiting downstairs with breakfast, which was specially bought for her. Sometimes there are a dozen breakfasts in a morning.

Of course she wouldn't want it, but this matter made her nervous, even scared. After all, she is just a girl from the countryside. She grew up in an environment where she basically couldn't talk to boys since junior high school. Even if I sit at the same table with a boy, a line will be drawn with chalk in the middle.

She has six brothers and sisters, three brothers, one sister, and a younger sister. She ranks fifth. He is a person with no sense of presence at home. Even during the high school entrance exam year, no one called her when she got up late.

My father is very capable and has been working in a department store in the county town, but he is not a formal employee. It was this temporary job that allowed him to successfully raise his six children, and he never went hungry during the most difficult days.

This is mainly due to the fact that he is a part-time salesman and travels across the country every year, which gives him some extra money. Otherwise, it would be a problem for his family to have enough to eat if they farm the land, let alone send their children to school.

In the early days of reform, the department store eliminated temporary workers, and her father returned to the village. But he did not choose to farm, but opened a small shop. With his shrewd mind, he soon became prosperous and the family's life was without any problems.

It's just that he is a man with relatively traditional ideas after all, and he is a bit more patriarchal, but his three sons are not good at studying. This disappointed him greatly.

Unexpectedly, his eldest daughter, whom he ignored, was admitted to a technical secondary school. If future generations were to spend their own money to attend this school, he would definitely not let her go. You're going to get married sooner or later anyway, so why go to school? But at that time, technical secondary schools also had no tuition fees, so he had no choice but to give up.

He was even less supportive of his second daughter's studies. After finishing junior high school, he originally planned to let her run a canteen with him. The three sons all got married and the land was divided. He divided the land of his wife and three daughters equally among his sons, and just gave him rations every year.

As a result, his three sons are busy with farming and his wife is busy with housework, so there is no one to help him in his canteen. He goes to buy goods before dawn every day. The reason why the business is so good is all in buying goods. Not only the department stores in the county, but also a lot of non-staple food, braised food, etc. He has to ride his bicycle to several towns.

So every time he came back after purchasing goods, he was too tired to move. But no one has helped him look after the store yet. He could only bear it by himself. Even if my wife comes over, she can't sell anything because she doesn't know how to read.

So it was the best choice for the second daughter not to go to school to help him. It is enough for girls to have enough education until they graduate from junior high school. After helping him for a few years, his little daughter has grown up. When the time comes, I will give my second daughter a dowry and marry her off in style. He doesn't owe anything.

Who would have known that the second daughter studied harder and skipped a grade in junior high school and entered the county No. 1 middle school directly. He told his daughter his plan, but she cried for three days but did not dare to disobey him and dropped out of school.

But the teachers at that time were responsible! A teacher from County No. 1 Middle School came to his home several times to do work for him. The importance of learning has been repeatedly explained. He is a person who cares about face. He was chased like this again and again, and the brigade leader also helped with the work, so he had no choice but to agree.

Yu'e knew that her father was unwilling to let her go to school because of the heavy family burden. Although the three brothers are married, they all live in old houses. The father plans to let all three sons live in brick houses.

So she started to live frugally in high school. At that time, she still brought her own rations to the cafeteria. The cafeteria will then give you meal tickets based on your rations. As for the food, you have to spend money to buy it.

She basically didn't eat vegetables during high school. She would just pick up some pickles from home when she went home on weekends and make do with it for a week. In this way, she skipped another grade in high school, which meant she took the college entrance examination in her second year of high school. Otherwise, if she had attended school for three years, she would not be admitted to Tangcheng Coal Medical College based on her grades.

Of course, she had her own little thoughts about getting admitted to this school. I just want to meet Teacher Ye’s nephew, that domineering and somewhat humorous boy.

She still clearly remembers the boy discussing picking peaches with her dog. He will never forget that he was kissed by this boy. In her whole life, he was the only boy who had ever had physical contact with her.

She just knew that he was from Tangcheng and very capable. He helped buy Teacher Ye's tractor.

Before coming, she made a special trip to Ye Yuze's hometown and asked her classmates about the situation at his home. If he asks then, tell him.

It's just that she never thought that Tangcheng is a big city, and the probability of meeting him even if she comes to Tangcheng is very slim.

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