Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 487 Class cadres who did not participate in the election

There are only about thirty people in Ye Yuze's class. The counselor is a senior student from the previous class, named Lu Yueying. She must have gotten married last year to a lecturer in the school. At this moment, her belly is already bulging, and she is standing on the podium. on, like a little hen that has always been arrogant.

Today's class meeting is mainly to elect class cadres. The biggest difference between universities and primary and secondary schools is that the latter are usually appointed by teachers, while the former require democratic elections.

However, since they had just arrived at school and were not familiar with each other at all, there was no understanding at all. Now that the counselor has some knowledge of the student's situation, he or she will give some suggestions.

Because the notification was given in advance, those who wanted to be cadres on duty would naturally have some preparations. For example, prepare speeches, build good relationships with classmates, etc. Only Ye Yuze was in a worse situation, because there were only two people in his dormitory, and the one was a senior. Therefore, except for Wang Yu'e, he didn't know any of the classmates in the class, and similarly, they didn't know him either.

However, he has no ambition to be a cadre on duty, so these matters have nothing to do with him. At most, he can just vote for whomever he likes during the voting.

The first person to stand up was a boy, tall and somewhat handsome. The hair on my forehead is a bit long and I like to shake it like a woman. I stood on the podium and took out a few chapters of manuscript paper. It seemed that I was going to have a long talk.

His name was Gao Zhanjiu, and sure enough, after this guy introduced him all the way, he wanted to use his experience as a monitor in kindergarten as capital. It seemed that this guy had always been a cadre during his student career for more than ten years.

After talking about his resume, he started to talk about his political agenda, which was nothing more than helping teachers maintain discipline, helping classmates and other big and empty topics. Ye Yuze felt drowsy after listening to it.

The second person to come on stage was a girl with short hair and a head shape similar to that of Gao Zhanjiu. She also made a habitual swing when she came on stage. It reminded everyone of Gao Zhanjiu who was on stage just now and couldn't help but chuckle.

"My name is Wang Shuqin. I am from Tangcheng. I have been the class president for three years in high school. As long as you choose me, I promise to do my best to help everyone make progress together. If you have any difficulties in life, you can also come to me. My father is Kailuan From the Bureau of Mines, as long as I can help, I will never shirk it.”

Wang Shuqin is not pretty, but she looks smart and capable. There is quite a boyish aura in his expression and behavior, which makes people feel very comfortable.

She only said a few words before bowing and leaving the stage. It caused a burst of warm applause. Then several more people came on stage, and basically there were competitions for several class committee positions.

The voting was by secret ballot. There was a ballot box placed on the podium, and everyone put the slip of paper in their hand into it. Just write down who you think is suitable for everything. Then the counting of votes began.

There are only 36 people in total, and not many of them participated in the election just now. So basically everyone was selected. The only variable is the choice of squad leader. Because two people participated in the election, and Wang Shuqin received more votes than Gao Zhanjiu, Wang Shuqin became the squad leader, while Gao Zhanjiu did not run for other positions. In the end, the counselor was appointed as the league secretary.

But after the election, Wang Shuqin suddenly discovered a problem. That is, no one is running for sports committee. This is normal. Those who can get into college are basically top academics. How can anyone like sports? Those who really like sports go to sports schools.

The counselor asked several times but no one paid any attention, so he looked at Ye Yuze and said, "Student Ye Yuze, please stand up."

Ye Yuze was a little confused. He didn't know why he provoked this pregnant counselor? Why did you call his name as soon as you arrived? You were obviously very low-key when you arrived in the class, right?

The counselor did not wait for Ye Yuze to speak, so he spoke again: "You may not be familiar with Ye Yuze. In fact, he was originally admitted to the clinical department, but he took the initiative to come to the traditional Chinese medicine department. Therefore, his admission score is the highest in our department. Highest."

There was an uproar in the class, and Yu'e raised her head and glanced at Ye Yuze, who was standing there, with luster in her eyes.

The counselor waved his hand: "Also, Ye Yuze not only has good grades, but also won the first place in the 100 meters at the Tangcheng Middle School Student Games during middle school, and was the record holder in the 110-meter hurdles."

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines. It seemed that files were really fatal. People will know what you have done before just by looking at it? No matter good or bad.

After the counselor said this, he looked at Ye Yuze again: "Classmate Ye Yuze, you are a very good person. I want to know why you don't participate in the class cadre election?"

Ye Yuze didn't know how to answer these words, but with the experience of the past few years, it was no problem to deal with such a counselor who had never been out of school.

"Teacher Lu, it's not easy to get into college. I want to use this opportunity to study hard and spend more time enriching myself. So I can't spare the energy to participate in class management."

The counselor shook his head: "Participating in class management is also learning. It will make it easier for you to adapt to the new environment after you go to work. So your attitude of only caring about yourself is wrong. So I announce that Ye Yuze will serve as our sports committee member OK?"

Everyone applauded. It seemed that only Ye Yuze, the sports committee member, passed this election unanimously. Ye Yuze didn't try to resist. He couldn't have a tense relationship with the counselor when he first entered the school.

The class meeting ended successfully, and the counselor held a small meeting for the class committee members. He gave some instructions and then explained his physical condition, asking everyone to share more of his work.

Ye Yuze asked her what the sports committee member was responsible for? The counselor told him a lot. But Ye Yuze also understood that he was responsible for organizing the class members to participate in the two sports meets every year. The ranking was not important, but participation was important. Not only he, but also the counselor will be criticized if no one attends.

Ye Yuze nodded to express his understanding. It's a robot that starts on time twice a year. This is easy to handle.

But then I started to worry again. I originally came to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to be lazy, but when I arrived, I discovered that there were so many courses. If I didn't pass any of them, I wouldn't be able to graduate.

The most bizarre thing is that your Chinese medicine is obviously the quintessence of the country. But why is English still the main subject? Are you still planning to promote traditional Chinese medicine in Europe and the United States?

But there is no use complaining. All you can do is to take these courses one by one and pass the exam to graduate. Of course, you can copy it down, as long as you have the ability.

You can't die if you're in a daze, but after all, you've been a top student since you were a child. It's just that he was delayed by making money, but if he failed all day in college, Ye Yuze couldn't afford to lose that person. It seems that in the future, we can no longer waste time in a lofty golden house for frivolous things. But what is a golden house?

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