Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 465 Ribbon Cutting

After the people from the recruitment office left, Sun Zhengzheng held Meihua's hand with some guilt: "I'm sorry, Comrade Meihua, it's because we didn't do our job well. If you have anything to do in the future, please call me directly. What can you do for the development of Tangcheng?" If you make a contribution, we will protect companies like yours!"

The recruitment office also acted vigorously and resolutely this time, mainly because of Sun Zhengzheng's support, otherwise he really couldn't afford to offend him for some relationships. Chinese society has always been a relational society, and this cannot be reversed in a short period of time.

Soon 300 workers were recruited, but those related to the household were not completely dismissed because some young people were not exactly the same as their parents.

Because Ye Yuze has not returned yet, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was postponed. Naturally, such a big event cannot be held until the rightful owner returns.

At this time, Ye Yuze was having a fierce battle in the White Swan Hotel. Martha, the crazy woman, brought him into the house and immediately pounced on him. How could such a patriotic man as Ye Yuze escape such a challenge? The two men fought from the afternoon until the next morning. Dinner is also served in the room.

Martha got up naked and opened the closed curtains. The soft sunlight instantly filled the room filled with the smell of hormones.

Martha walked to the bed, kissed the sleeping Ye Yuze on the face, and then walked into the bathroom to wash up. Ye Yuze didn't wake up until she finished washing. Martha looked at her watch, put her luggage into her suitcase, walked to the door, took a deep look at Ye Yuze, showed a smile, then opened the door and walked out. .

A young man stood outside the door: "Miss Martha, shall we go to the port now?"

Martha nodded. She came this time simply because she knew that Ye Yuze had an impromptu intention to attend the Canton Fair. Since there was no direct flight from Beijing to Boston, she came via Hong Kong, and she went back the same way.

It was almost noon when Ye Yuze woke up. Looking at the empty room, I felt empty in my heart. Unexpectedly, this big Yangma was so capable that he, who was always energetic, ended up staying in bed.

But they had left, and Ye Yuze was a little depressed. Does this mean that I have been defeated by others? It was a relief to think that I had not compromised once throughout the night. Men can’t say no!

After packing up, I went directly to the train station to buy a ticket. By the time he arrived in Tangcheng, Luke had also arrived in the capital. The factory was going to have a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and foreign representatives had to be in place.

Luke came to Tangcheng in a car from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, accompanied by a deputy minister. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was very grand. The director of the Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the director of the Light Industry Department, and the main leaders of Tangcheng City all participated.

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Yuze and this small factory to have this qualification. Sun Lanyu is running all this. Such a high-level ceremony naturally requires the media to attend. As a result, the name Warrior Garment Factory appeared in various media for the first time. It also lets more ordinary people know about it.

The sixty bags of chocolates were finally sold out in three days. College students are a group of people with relatively high intelligence. If they buy the first batch, they are to eat for themselves or to please their girlfriends, but then some people have other ideas, especially the locals of Shihezi. They found that many people wanted this thing for only one dollar. So I took the goods from Ye Yuze and sold them.

Zhao Ling'er and Yang Geyong hid in the room in a daze. If they were shocked the first time, they were numb this time. Sixty thousand pieces of chocolate cost a total of thirty thousand yuan! This number was simply a nuclear bomb in that era. If it were revealed, I wonder what the consequences would be.

"I want to repay him the money Yuze gave to buy a tractor for his family." Yang Geyong looked at Zhao Ling'er and said. Yang Geyong did not regard the money as his own, because without Zhao Ling'er he would not have earned so much.

Zhao Ling'er nodded, "You should pay back the thousand he gave you when you came out, and then send some money to your family. Uncle and the others are also having a hard time in the countryside."

Yang Geyong nodded, Zhao Ling'er tilted her head and thought for a while: "Do you think Ye Yuze has so much money?"

Yang Geyong thought for a moment, and before he could reply, he probably had more money than us. Didn’t you see that house in Beijing? How many people can buy a house with such a big yard in Beijing?

Zhao Ling'er was a little frustrated, it seemed like she was really not on the same level! He sighed and waved his hand: "Let's go to the post office."

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er has fully entered the role of the little daughter-in-law and arranged Yang Geyong's affairs in an orderly manner.

The two went to the post office. There were no bank cards at that time, so money could only be sent by mail. I sent two thousand to Ye Yuze and his family respectively. There was no phone at home, so I took a telegram at the post office. Ye Yuze could only make a phone call.

The phone rang and Mei Hua picked it up: "This is the Warrior Garment Factory. What can I do for you?"

If Zhao Ling'er hadn't been familiar with Mei Hua's voice, she would have almost been dissuaded by these words. Thought it was a typo. "Auntie, it's me, where is Ye Yuze?"

When she heard it was Zhao Ling'er, Mei Hua also laughed: "Damn girl, it took you so long to call aunt, what are you busy with?"

Zhao Ling'er smiled happily: "Auntie, will I be busy even after school doesn't start? The classes are tight, and the phone is not as convenient as at home, so there are fewer calls."

Mei Hua sighed: "That's great. You will be a sophomore soon, right? That little brat is studying. He didn't work at all all day long. He disappeared when he couldn't stand it. I followed him to the bathroom this time. I didn't pass the exam. Don’t go anywhere in the university. Just wait, I’ll call him!”

Zhao Linger laughed so hard that she told Yang Geyong what Aunt Meihua said. Yang Geyong prayed silently for his brother.

"Hey, crazy girl, why did you remember to call?" A familiar voice came from the phone.

"You damn Ye Yuze, are you looking for a fight? Call me sister!" Zhao Ling'er waved her fist as if Ye Yuze was right in front of her. Yang Geyong quickly took two steps away, fearing that he would be accidentally injured.

"You have to look like a sister before I can call you sister? With your personality, let alone being a sister, you are not as mature as the fourth child." Ye Yuze continued to attack.

Just as Zhao Ling'er was about to quarrel with him, she suddenly rolled her eyes and lowered her voice: "Yuze, something happened to Yang Geyong."

"What? What happened to him?" Ye Yuze immediately became anxious. After waiting for a while and not hearing an answer, he immediately shouted: "Zhao Ling'er, tell me!"

Zhao Ling'er hadn't finished her story at this time and didn't know what to say. Yang Geyong heard clearly from the side and knew that Ye Yuze was anxious, so he came over to grab the microphone.

"He was doing border trade at the port and lost 30,000 yuan. He was detained." Zhao Ling'er was quick to wit, and she made up the lie smoothly.

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