Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 464 Shocking Contract

Wang Ruoyu and his gang had already turned their faces away, they couldn't bear to look directly at him! Is this the way to do business with foreign businesswomen? Although they wanted to ask Ye Yuze to agree, they really didn't dare to speak due to their status.

At this point, Fatty Tang didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and whispered to the side: "Hurry up and agree, you will regret it if you don't agree."

Seeing Martha's reluctance, Ye Yuze had no choice but to nod helplessly, but when he picked up the contract and looked at it, this clause was not appropriate either? His eyes looked at Wang Ruoyu.

Although Wang Ruoyu didn't look directly at it at the moment, he still had a sideways glance. He quickly called out to Section Chief Li and asked him to re-modify the printing contract according to Martha's wishes.

So the first contract of this Canton Fair with no limit on quantity and time was born. But Ye Yuze's conscience discovered that he gave everyone a discount of five dollars per set, which meant that Martha got a cheaper price than everyone else. Martha made a direct deposit of $5 million.

In fact, Ye Yuze had no choice. If he dared not give in, the eyes of his compatriots would kill him. It shows no regard for the etiquette, justice and integrity of our Greater China.

This time, the contract really can no longer be signed. I originally wanted to pack the samples and take them away, but Fatty Tang kept them alive. He also promised that he would send Ye Yuze back to the factory when he returned.

I originally brought more than twenty sets of clothes, and gave some bits and pieces to customers, leaving only about a dozen sets left. Ye Yuze just followed him.

Wang Ruoyu held Ye Yuze's hand and taught him earnestly for a long time. What this baby did throughout the day was so shocking. With a contract of more than 300 million yuan and a deposit of nearly 100 million yuan, this figure has set a new high for the foreign trade business of Hebei Province.

As the leader of the team, Wang Ruoyu has gained intangible benefits that are indescribable. He quickly called Sun Zhengzheng himself and recounted what happened today.

After putting down the phone, Sun Zhengzheng, who had always been steady, walked around the room. After walking around for a few times, he shouted out the door: "Xiao Liu, prepare your car and go to the Warrior Garment Factory."

Liu Jianguo agreed and picked up the phone to dial the small convoy. Ask the driver to drive to the gate. He picked up the briefcase and walked out with Sun Zhengzheng.

At this time, the Warrior Garment Factory was recruiting workers, and joint ventures at that time were very popular. Although the workers in this kind of factory are only contract workers and there is no such thing as formal workers, the word joint venture still seriously attracts the attention of young people.

This is also related to the trend at the time, with the introduction of foreign household appliances and the influx of Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television songs. It began to collide with traditional thinking and values. In particular, the country attaches great importance to foreign investment and foreign businessmen, and even gives foreign-funded enterprises many privileges.

Take the Warrior Clothing Factory as an example, although Ye Yuze did not ask for investment from the city. But the land and the three-year tax holiday are real benefits. Even if the factory's product exports are lower than the cost price, then the government will make up for the price you owe. It can be seen to what extent the country was short of foreign exchange at that time.

As soon as the garment factory announced its recruitment this time, it was supervised by the city and implemented by the Labor Bureau, which required a series of cultural examinations. You must pass the exam before you can enter the interview process.

But no matter how strict the system is, there are always loopholes that can be exploited. All kinds of connections began to come to the recruitment office of the Labor Bureau, some were treating guests and giving gifts, and some were holding notes from leaders. I hope to include my children or relatives.

Moreover, the unanimous request of these people is that they cannot leave the workshop. You have to stay in the department. The people in the recruitment office are familiar with these things and naturally know how to operate them. Therefore, when every new factory is being built, the positioning of the personnel in the factory is basically finalized. The factory director’s room for adjustment in personnel transfer is actually very small.

According to their past practice, the 300 people who enter the factory must have 50 department staff, plus some people who must be taken care of, and the number of people who are almost out of work will reach more than 70 people.

After the list was handed to the factory, Mei Hua and Sun Lanyu also looked confused. Because Meihua's corps is a company-level unit, it does not have any off-duty cadres. The company commander and instructor are always at the forefront when something happens.

Although Sun Lanyu is familiar with some things within the system, is this a joint venture? Why do we need so many departments? Production relies on orders. If there are no orders, there will be no work. The government will not give a penny of subsidies.

The two of them were studying those inexplicable departments with the list in hand, when Sun Zhengzheng walked in with Liu Jianguo.

Seeing the two people helpless, Sun Zhengzheng asked the reason. Sun Lanyu handed him the list and explained the reason. Sun Zhengzheng stared at the list for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh.

He really has no temper to lose, and a fixed mindset has been formed, which cannot be corrected in a short time. He just asked: "Don't you need any department staff?"

Sun Lanyu shook his head: "Uncle Sun, we are a self-financing enterprise and we rely entirely on ourselves to support ourselves. If you can allocate monthly funds to subsidize these people who receive wages without working, we can also recruit them. Now the district garment factory There are still people like this around. We are using money to support them. If these people retire, we should support them. After all, they have been busy working for the factory for half a life, and there is hard work without credit. But the Labor and Management Department, the Supply and Marketing Department, the Planning Department Department, production department, what do you want us to use these departments for?"

Sun Zhengzheng nodded, picked up the phone and called the Labor Bureau, asking the person responsible for recruiting workers to come over immediately.

The people from the Labor Bureau arrived quickly, and Sun Zhengzheng did not lose his temper with them. He just took them around several workshops where production was taking place and made them familiar with the entire process. Then he pointed to the only office: "This is a joint venture that is self-financing. Where do you want them to put those department personnel?"

The people from the Labor Bureau also looked surprised. They had actually come beforehand, but they didn't pay attention to this question. At this time, the people who were asked by Sun Zhengzheng also looked at each other.

"Mayor Sun, the ratio of recruitment procedures and personnel has always been like this?" the director of the recruitment office muttered cautiously.

Sun Zhengzheng pointed at Mei Hua who was busy in the workshop: "That is the factory director. She is busier than all the workers. Do you want a bunch of idle people to sit in the office and watch the factory director work? Then the factory director has to pay the wages." Did they send it?"

Only then did the director of the Recruitment Office realize that he had made the mistake of fixating his thinking. This factory was completely different from the traditional factory in the past. He didn't know what to do about this matter, so he looked at Sun Zhengzheng for help.

Sun Zhengzheng pondered for a moment: "If we make mistakes, we should correct them ourselves. You should make it clear to those who hand out notes and make phone calls. There are managers in this factory, but they are all on the front line, and they all work based on performance." There are no departments here, so let them think carefully. As long as they enter the factory, no matter who they are related to, as long as they don't work well, they are destined to be expelled. "

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