Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 459 Canton Fair Quota

The negotiation only started at 10:30 in the evening. There was no way. This William was really desperate when he worked. He had to do every step of the process personally. He was the kind of person who didn't trust anyone. This made it even more difficult for Ye Yuze to cooperate with him. Confidence. It would be a fool not to use such a free labor force.

Ye Yuze specially bought a bottle of red wine, and then made a plate of barbecue. This was the charcoal he borrowed from Xiaosi. Although the charcoal was not expensive, he really didn't know where to buy it?

William is obviously very interested in barbecue. He ate big mouthfuls and kept giving thumbs up while eating. There was a clicking sound in his mouth.

Ye Yuze quickly introduced it to him: "These seasonings all come from northern Xinjiang, especially cumin noodles and cumin. You can never get the same taste if you buy them from other places."

There were only three people on the table. When he had almost eaten, Luke expressed Ye Yuze's meaning at Ye Yuze's signal. William obviously hesitated.

For Germans, China is full of mystery and unpredictability, and their factories have been maintained for three generations. If it hadn't been for this accident, the benefits would have been very good. He didn't want to risk his life in such an unpredictable situation.

After he expressed his concerns, Ye Yuze smiled: "Mr. William, please rest assured that you are not working with this clothing factory, but a British wholly-owned company. I promise not to be involved in the factory The management is only responsible for sales and profit sharing.”

William obviously didn't understand what Ye Yuze meant and looked at him in confusion. Ye Yuze waved his hand, and Luke quickly called the briefcase and took out the business license and account information.

William didn't understand English, so Luke introduced him to the name of the license and some specific circumstances. In fact, in our perception, if you learn English, you can basically travel around Europe and the United States. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. In EU countries, not many people speak English.

After listening to Luke's introduction, William was finally tempted. Because he didn't have the funds, he obviously couldn't operate the factory even if he went back. He just expressed objections to the equity because he wanted Ye Yuze to get less money, which only accounted for 49%. The maximum you can get is P.

Naturally, Ye Yuze cannot make concessions. The bottom line for domestic joint ventures is to give 49% of the shares. This Ye Yuze is a firm supporter, and the initiative must always be in his own hands.

After some bargaining, William finally gave in. He only made one request, that is, he was not allowed to send managers to the factory. Ye Yuze agreed. Ye Yuze still believed in the German spirit of contract. This came from Martha's indoctrination.

Furthermore, Germany's tax system is very strict. Ye Yuze believed that he would not dare to do anything in the accounts, otherwise he, the major shareholder, could investigate this William with just a piece of paper. He didn't dare to take the risk.

Once the intention is reached, the contract cannot be signed now. We have to wait until all the equipment here is installed before returning to Germany. The main reason is that it is not convenient to make payments domestically.

After the installation was completed, it was April 12th, and Luke returned to China with William. Ye Yuze was about to recruit workers with Sun Lanyu, but Sun Zhengzheng called him to the city hall with a call.

It turns out that Sun Zhengzheng secured two places for Ye Yuze to go to the Canton Fair. At that time, almost all domestic export channels came from the Canton Fair. A few years ago, it didn't matter to each company, because the products were sold domestically or abroad. Anyway, it was the state's unified purchasing and marketing. .

But it is completely different now. Since the reform and opening up, prices have begun to be dual-track, and the quotas given by the state to companies whose products are not selling well are definitely getting smaller and smaller. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before companies are eliminated. Even if a company has good profits, it is an honor to be able to export and earn foreign exchange.

And only with foreign exchange, can we import some advanced equipment to update and improve the quality and quantity of our products.

For example, China’s first TV set was the BJ brand. Black and white televisions were developed in 1958. Color TV was also born in 1970. However, the output has always been too low to meet the needs of people's lives. It was not until the first assembly line was introduced from Japan in 1980 that domestic TV production entered the stage of popularization.

The huge production capacity of the assembly line caused a sensation in the country, and then major domestic companies began to follow suit. But the introduction of assembly lines requires foreign exchange. Although banks also have the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar, that is only a domestically determined price and is not recognized by the international market at all. If people don't admit it, they won't be able to exchange it for US dollars.

Therefore, major companies can only report to the government and request the import of equipment. But at that time, the government’s foreign exchange reserves were also very small. How could it cope with so many application reports? Tasks can only be assigned to places. Therefore, local governments have regarded earning foreign exchange through exports as their top priority.

The reason why Ye Yuze was given a quota is because the production capacity of Ye Yuze's factory has been expanded. When the production capacity is expanded, the output of natural products will be greatly increased. Moreover, the warrior clothing factory all imports equipment, so such products are definitely more competitive for export.

If it weren't for the joint venture, Ye Yuze's factory really wouldn't be able to get such a quota. Even so, Ye Yuze only shared a booth with the city's clothing factory. They were only willing to allocate him a section of counter space.

In fact, Ye Yuze didn't want to scream at this fair, because his clothes have never been worried about sales. It's just that the scale of the company is now large, and it is easy to be criticized according to the previous sales model. Especially the tax aspect is very troublesome. The reason why Ye Yuze asked Sun Lanyu to invest was because he wanted to change the sales model.

Ye Yuze naturally couldn't refuse Sun Zhengzheng's kindness, but he had never participated in the Canton Fair, so he didn't know what to bring? Sun Zhengzheng didn't understand either, so he called the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau and asked Ye Yuze for details.

It turns out that all you need to do is bring some products with you, and the contract is uniformly printed by the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. It will be sent to you at that time. When you sign the contract, it becomes effective with your seal and signature.

Ye Yuze figured out these things and returned to the factory. The factory's recruitment is in full swing. This is the first joint venture in Tangcheng. Although this worker does not belong to the iron rice bowl and is only a contract worker, it cannot stop people's enthusiasm for coming to work. Just use the word joint venture.

After coming back and saying hello to his mother and Sun Lanyu, and taking some samples from the factory, Ye Yuze set off. Sun Lanyu originally wanted to follow, but there are a lot of things going on in the factory now, and Mei Hua can't handle it alone, so Sun Lanyu has no choice but to stay.

The eight o'clock train in the evening showed that there were many companies exhibiting in Tangcheng. Because Tangcheng was originally the largest industrial city in Hebei Province.

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