Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 458 Equipment Installation

Today Yang Geyong has a clear goal and only exchanges chocolates. Chocolate is a specialty of Kazakhstan, and it is what these cross-border e-commerce companies carry most. So, the transaction went quickly. In just half a day, all the 2,700 yuan department stores were turned into chocolates. So much so that all the chocolate on the market today goes to him.

After the business was done, I was naturally ready to leave. Last time, I paid 500 yuan for ten bags of chocolates. This time I lowered the price to sixty bags of chocolates. Transportation suddenly became a problem, but at least Jiang Buer helped and used an ox cart to help him pull to the passenger car.

There was just an episode when loading the car. That old Wang was actually with Vasily, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and stared at him with gloomy eyes for a long time.

Yang Geyong ignored them. He had lived so long and still didn’t know what fear was. What's more, he was defeated by his own men.

Sitting in the car, Yang Geyong counted the money he was going to get and grinned. He wanted to pay back the money Ye Yuze gave to buy a tractor for his family first. No matter how good a brother he was, he shouldn't be allowed to spend this kind of money on his family.

Ye Yuze was very busy at this time. After receiving Luke's call, he was busy building the factory. Originally, the job had been given to the First Construction Company, but the Spring Festival had just passed and it was really not suitable for construction!

After several discussions with Sun Lanyu, Sun Lanyu went to find Sun Zhengzheng and asked him to go to Tangcheng Iron and Steel Works to allocate a batch of large I-beams. Just make the factory building into a steel structure, use asbestos tiles for the roof, and use large hollow bricks made of that kind of slag for the walls. As for the funds, they naturally take them themselves.

Sun Zhengzheng naturally supports this kind of thing. Even the investment is saved. He only needs to use part of the steel quota in the plan. As the mayor, he has this right. So the whole project started vigorously and resolutely.

The steel structure basically does not require cement pouring, but some is used for the walls. The volume of the slag square bricks is several times that of ordinary red bricks, so after simple grooves, the main steel structure project quickly began to be constructed.

Sun Zhengzheng transferred a large number of welders from the municipal machinery factory, and the main structures of the three workshops and two warehouses were completed in one week. Then all the various types of work in the first construction company went into battle, erecting walls, erecting roofs, and all doors and windows were cut to size and started to be made.

In twenty-five days, five brand-new and large houses stood in front of everyone. Then there is the yard building and leveling of the land. Merged with the original into one yard.

Originally, Sun Zhengzheng planned to hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Ye Yuze said that he would wait until the machine arrived and the German engineers assembled it, and Sun Zhengzheng nodded in agreement.

Sun Zhengzheng was very excited. Although he still didn't know what the production capacity of this factory was, he must have obtained foreign exchange reserves of hundreds of thousands a year. This is a great political achievement! The key is that the city hasn't paid for it yet. They were only granted a piece of land, but in those days, land was the least valuable thing.

Soon the equipment arrived at the Tianjin Port. Sun Lanyu and Ye Yuze drove to pick up the goods. After completing the procedures, they left their address and went to Wang Chunsheng for a meal. Then came back.

At this time, Luke and William also arrived in the capital, so Ye Yuze didn't need to worry about this matter. The Tangcheng Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau sent a car to pick up the four Germans. There was no translator this time, because it was equipment installation, and even Luke, who was half-assed, could basically handle it.

This time Luke learned his lesson and refused to live in a guest house. Instead, he and William lived in the factory, saying that it was requested by Chairman Tyson when he came here. He said he could not leave the site until the equipment was installed. This was for the sake of the company's reputation.

Sun Zhengzheng was very happy. This is a good comrade. Who said that the bourgeoisie only knows about having fun? How conscientious is Comrade Luke?

The First Construction Company left some workers here to help install the equipment. They don’t need to understand this. William is a very serious guy. You just have to be obedient and don’t need to show off. Moreover, Ye Yuze admired this guy's ability to work without sleep or food.

Luke introduced the purchase situation of this batch of equipment to Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze specially called Martha to express his gratitude, but Martha only replied, "You have the opportunity to thank me in person" and hung up the phone. Ye Yuze was confused.

This time, Ye Yuze specially called several repairmen from the district garment factory, mainly to let them learn the installation and repair of equipment. There are only three maintenance workers at the Warrior Garment Factory, while there are fifteen at the District Garment Factory. These people will be the main force in the future. While the foreigners are around, they must first master the skills.

Through William Ye Yuze, I learned what the spirit of craftsmanship is. The screws on a flat surface must be tightened with the same force. He used a torque wrench that displays numbers. He would order workers to remove and re-tighten any screws they casually tightened. If there were not so many torque wrenches, just turn them several times. No mistake would be allowed.

There are also almost strict requirements for the balance of the machine, which makes Ye Yuze want to curse sometimes. When will this kind of dry method equipment be installed?

But slowly, I was impressed by this guy. A person who can just take the money and leave after doing the work can work to this point, isn't it just for you? It’s not like people are counting pieces according to the weather, but they will leave as soon as the installation is completed.

Ye Yuze asked Luke about this guy and kept him if possible. Their salary was only two thousand dollars a month. Ye Yuze had the ability to support such a technical master. When he heard that this opportunity turned out to be a factory owner , Ye Yuze was also surprised.

In his impression, bosses in capitalist countries should be like him and try not to do anything that they can talk about. However, he did not expect that this concept was completely wrong.

"Does a boss like him have to go so far to install equipment for me?" Ye Yuze asked Luke with wide eyes.

Luke told Ye Yuze about William's almost bankruptcy. After hearing this, Ye Yuze's eyes lit up: "So, even if we pay him the entire payment, he won't have any working capital?"

Luke nodded: "Miss Martha chose to take action at the most appropriate opportunity. This was originally a one-million-dollar contract, but it was cut in half. Throw away the bank principal and interest, plus fines, and attorney fees. All he wanted was There’s not much left. But he still owes money for materials outside, and he has to replace them when he gets back, so he probably has to sell off his property to completely pay it off.”

Ye Yuze pondered for a while, you talk to him, we will inject him half a million US dollars to see if we can get 51% of the shares?

Although this is almost all of Ye Yuze's foreign exchange reserves, he is not worried. Because the factory is not shut down and profits are being generated every day.

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